The latest addition to horror's degradation as a vidya subgenre.
All you need is retro graphics and [Ominous Whooshing] and you too can appeal to the zoomer zeitgeist.
Unironically, how do we fix horror games?
Iron Lung
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It's more creative than anything you could ever think up
It's more boring than anything I could think up.
You’re way late to this game coming out. He other game squirrel stapler is better than the one
Be the change you want to see
>Atmosphere and tension bad because... BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK?!
Tricking the audience into scaring themselves has been a tried and tested method for longer than you've been alive. Novels, film, to music and even park attractions. But I do agree the 'le boomer retro pixel grafics' shit needs to stop.
Dave your games shit kys
naw this thread takes the cake
its not creative though. the entire thing is already a SCP story. a old one at that. theres this old SCP story about this red pool that would send different creatures out every other month to fuck with the people in charge of containing it. eventually the people decide fuck this shit and send people down in there to find what or who the fuck is making all of that nonsense happen. They end up in another world and I mean from there its best if you just read it or watch this if you are too lazy.
anyways point is IRON LUNG actually isnt original at all. its Simpsons did it but with a cheap jumpscare at the end.
Can you actually articulate a problem or you just another add zoomer nigger?
>iron lung is like red pool
Weak bait, kys OP
Don't worry. At this rate of progress, we'll be seeing 6th gen graphics in indies by the end of the decade.
Except I wasn't tricked.
It's obvious that you aren't going to put any failstates into a game that forces you to engage with it through obtuse tank controls and X,Y coordinates or else it would just frustrate the player.
Perhaps if you're a brainlet you might think it's scary.
>damn this box gameplay buggin frfr no cap
Scavenger SV-4 already did this better
Oh god, how will those hacks ruin it?
>play it
>finish it in 56 ish minutes
>refund it
lmao, I love indie devs, but you can basically watch a playthrough and get the full experience.
You retards don't deserve good games, go play FIFA or something.
Cool concept
Too short and not worth spending money on
Brown and bloom.
I laughed my fucking ass off seeing the control scheme for this hour-long streamer bait.
Imagine being mogged by Silent Service. If you're going to make a submarine game, do it right.
>Unironically, how do we fix horror games?
Stop following horror tropes. It's the same bullshit that plagues horror movies. It's like capeshit, a guaranteed formula that will sell. Doesn't matter in the long run really. If you want to "fix" it then do your part as a consoomer and don't buy it.
>good game comes out
>Yea Forums has to hate to be contrarian
Is it a day ending in y?
>>good game
Shut the fuck up, David.
Here's your game dev, bros
Good god, why are they all like this?
This dude made Dusk? Lmao
I'd rather Iron Lung than zoomer shit like nu-FNAF or Shartys Playtime
Yea Forums posters refuse to treat games as a serious artform due to their bad taste or self loathing ideology.
poppy's playtime is an actual fucking scam of a tech demo being paraded as a game. 20 minute 'episodes' for 5.99 each, that on top of the nft shit its amazing people are still interested in this shit
>caring about a male devs personal appearance
Agreed! Wheres the short back and side!? And the clean shaven face he can set his military larp watch too!?
Ignoring all the autism, the game is not that good. You're basically paying $6 for a 45 min buildup of 1 really mediocre jumpscare. The gameplay and atmosphere loses any tension when you realize everything thing is scripted to happen. Oxgyen dropping? Scripted so you can pretty much just sit there and let the little "cutscene" play out. A fire starting in the submarine? It only happens a single time and then you're pretty much done. So you never really worry about anything besides the boring gameplay. It's just plotting and reading a map for the entire fucking game.
Name 1 good horror game nigger.
>one dude makes a underwater horror game
>everyone on itch starts making underwater horror games
>one dude makes a fishing horror game
>everyone on itch starts making fishing horror games
this is so tiring
Looks based to me. Seeth more chud
>all Yea Forums faggots repeat this sentiment
this is so tiring
Basically this, it feels like and unfinished proof of concept demo made over a weekend. Even the basic mechanics are unfun and boring.
I really doubt it, anybody on Yea Forums could probably come up with a better idea given half the chance
>All you need is retro graphics
so which "triple a" studio do you work for?
because i've only seen those people being afraid of this
>amazing people are still interested in this shit
I would hardly call shit eating toddlers "people" user....
And I'd rather take artsy le ps1 grafix horror than any of that other shit any day of the week
How's godette for 3D games? I want to make a scary game.
>maybe just maybe
If the game was longer you'd be bitching about how long and boring it is. You retards are literally unpleasable.
Why do you defend someone that you'll never interact with?
Because seeing autist complain about a game that was literally made in 2 days as per the contest request makes me seeth
Why do you shit on someone you'll never interact with?
i miss when indie devs just fell off the face of the earth after accidentally making something cool, because almost everything they do after just illustrates why they don't have real studios to begin with.
Hes not wrong tho. Game was made over a weekend. Baffles me how Yea Forums always gets mad over games being popular.
Of course we'd be bitching about how long and boring it is because of how unfun the fucking thing is to control, the dev let user experience and gameplay fall by the wayside in order to present a very shitty concept.
My primary complaint is couched in the fact that even within the short runtime there is an utter lack of substance.
The game is being sold for $6, so it will be judged as such.
If you don't want me to shit on you, David and Co., then reconsider the worth of the garbage you peddle.
The problem itself lies in the word "horror". The average fucking retarded normal person assumes "horror" means "if I'm not shitting and pissing and screaming in my pants the whole time then it's not scary". This is not the case at all. Horror does not mean you'll always be pissing and shitting your pants, the problem is that hipsters and zoomers twist and turn things to be as unenjoyable as possible. But because nobody even cares about language and words anymore then why bother explaining this shit to begin with. Fuck it, this is the future now.
I do think the price is too high. make it 3 dollars
duskdevs been hyping it on his social media for at least the last few months ive seen
>6 dollars
>a lot
Ahhhh I get it. You're either under age or a third worlder. Only reason why youd act like 6 bucks is a massive investment.
It got ruined by loreniggers who tried to explain everything as “Muh fae and Scarlet King”
>Shit Crap Poop reader thinks his opinion matters
>atmospheric horror game
Unironically end your life you literal manchild niggers.
This game is horrific in terms of both setup and what it makes me ask about the events in the game. What was all that?
Still waiting for you faggots to name a good horror game so I can laugh at you
>The game is being sold for $6
So....its being sold for literal change?
Also third worlder confirmed, let me guess, Argentina?
Lorefags are ruining video games
Here faggot, this is a much better medium for the kind of "games" you peddle.
Dead Space
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Dread
hes been closed beta-testing his humble weekend gamejam game since at least janurary. bitch
No; they just ruin horror
>Yea Forums shitter can't read
Of course you're some third world illiterate shitskin
Ok so yeah shit taste
>Heh, yes I like eating shit AND paying for it.
I'll take your deflection as an admission of defeat, David.
3 dollars full price would be far more reasonable, but I wouldn't recommend it for more than a dollar and that's being generous.
>The game made a noise holy cow I'm pissing and shitting myself the ATMOSPHEEEEEEEERE.
Stop projecting your infantile attitude on me, retard.
Questions such as:
>Damn, why'd I pay for this?
>Is ennui scary?
>How fucking long have I been holding this button down?
Metroid Dread made me poopoopeepee my mario nappies! That's real horror unlike this shit game that doesn't have jumpscares!
>paying 6 dollars for 1 hour game bad
>paying 60 dollars for 5 hour game good :))
>Dude look how spoooky this story I made is lots of weird and creepy things around!
>Oh wait shit right I have to end this, uhhhhhh look something really bad might have happened but oops looks like it's all [REDACTED] 2spoopy4u
Every fucking time with these faggots. Shit buildup for no payoff.
>>The game made a noise holy cow I'm pissing and shitting myself the ATMOSPHEEEEEEEERE.
Holy shit you are literally retarded lmfao
Clinically, and I'm also 100% correct.