Game have a built in easy mode

>game have a built in easy mode
What the fuck was fromsoftware thinking?

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Guys I need help figuring my bros build

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>game have a built in easy mode
Unironically great. It'd be even greater if it was available early on. My early game cheese is just Wretch > Fireball > 50 fth

>miyazaki says game will be more accessible
>the ash summons make it so
>people act shocked

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punching obviously, and not the stupid bitch kind with bleed

Fists and Pyromancy.

Give him a big sombrero and give him the hand cannon ballista thing and call him el guero balazos.

Did you miss player's summons in every game?

>start new twink file
>grab latenna
>go around the map for about 5 hours to get ghost Glovewort 6
>beat everything even radahan and proceed to get all my twink gear
>invade storm veil at rl10 and fuck with noobs on pc
Fucking from made it way too easy

Just don't use it?

All games have built in easy modes.

So dont use any summons and play the game on hard. What are you complaining about? The mimic is also only obtainable after Rodhan and requires you to venture deep underground, so if you want easy mode you at least have to be somewhat non retarded

90% of faith spells is unuseable without summons draw aggro

Every souls has gear that helps you steamroll. Nothing changed. I'm so tried explaining this fuckwits. Souls games aren't meant to be brutally hard. They're just standard videogames using a fairly old design philosophy. The game just because known as brutally hard due to double digit IQ meemes that sprung up from incompetent fuckwit blogger reviewers.
You're supposed to use all the tools at your disposal. The difficulty you feel at that time is the default difficulty. If you're refusing to use half the shit in the game so that you can claim it's hard, then it's not hard, you're just failing to play it properly as at this point the challenge no longer comes from the game but from your willful incompetence.

that people might be antisocial and want something that's more conscient than a random you summon. Also works a future proofing if the online dies and can't summon randoms any more. And yet someone still decided to make a mod that makes the game "easier".

Fist build that stacks a shit ton of buffs. Become one punch man.

Fists as others said

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Not using summons is the built in hard mode.
Summoning in general is the intended difficulty and some summons makes it even easier.
The game was never balanced around r1 only, roll spam since that ignores 90% of the spells and consumables that you can and should be using.

it's just too powerful, there is no reason to use another summon. The mimic has like 50x your HP

I havent tried a non melee build yet but from what I gather mimic is very strong if you wear heavy armor and have your weapons upgraded. On casters hes pretty shite so alot of people are using shield bros or Tich summon to hold aggro

Mimic is strong regardless of what you're wearing, just like how NPC invaders get several times more health than a player can possibly get. If you have a nuking mage build, mimic will be a nuking mage build as well and bosses will melt even faster.

I didn't use summon ashes after Radahn, but I did use Bloodhound Step

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fists and fire

>game has a built in easy mode
What the fuck was fromsoftware thinking?

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I've beaten rahdan on day 3
When he wasn't nerfed and patched as fuck
And it was easy
I'm worried how it is now after all the nerfs he got
Take me fucking back

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Latenna maxed out with Shabriri's Woe is some fucked up shit. Her DPS is too high.

Dark Souls has always been a buffet of "choose the difficulty level you want". They have never actually every technically been "hard". There have always been a dozens gimmicks and tricks to make life easier. If you failed to notice them or decided they weren't real, that's on you being retarded and thinking the games were hard.

These games are about playing how you want. They hold your hand with ways of overcoming problems. They're only hard when you decided built in parts of the game are not real or official or are cheese. That's always just you.

>>people act shocked

>people tell bad players they're choosing easy mode
>bad players seethe and have mental breakdowns


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>optional boss opens optional zone with an optional zone inside it and an optional route to get a quest item for a specific lengthy character quest you don't have to do
>within the later part of all of that is a passage with a stonesword optional locked room with the mimic inside
>to even get this far you need to have beaten Radahn and a fuck ton of other shit
>you need to be a certain level to even be capable of getting there
>finally you get the mimic and then have to upgrade it instead of other ashes you already have been upgrading probably
>by this point you're at the level you could easily beat the capital if you haven't already
Yeah, oh boy, easy mode given amirite?

the "bad players" aren't making regular threads about this. The ones seething are the ones who think the mimic kills the game or makes it easy mode.

these guys havent even played the game. that tear took so long to get it

they were thinking "if we just make the game itself easier it will destroy the franchise" so they added some more tools instead

Enough blabbing
Post your favorite summons
For me its Birb bro

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>anons and redditors alike make from of video game journalist being bad at video games and say they play on easy (journalist difficulty)

>anons and redditors alike proceed to use mimic tear, hoarfrost, bloodstep, azure comet, moonveil (pre-nerft) and rivers of blood
>pretend they're good at the game when in fact they played on journalist difficulty

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>Mimic Tear questline was cut for some dumbass reason despite having voiced files and progression

At least that would've made getting the thing feel more personal and poignant.

>Finish killing a boss
>The soldiers all cheer and beat on their shields
I love these guys. Great for when I just want to split aggro on some double boss in a catacomb.

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lol no. the ones who use summons are the ones constantly seething and getting defensive. everyone knows summoning invalidates your win. it's unanimously known among everyone who actually plays souls games. if you summoned you didn't beat the boss. yet this fact makes summoners seethe and screech and cry and false flag and strawman all to defend their illegitimate win.

Hell yea shieldbros a based


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Yea. It's funny how people praise and defend the lack of difficulty options, yet so many conversations, at least on here, focus how one thing inside the game makes it easier or harder, as if that even matters.
Pyro is the new easy mode.

You sound like such a faggot. It's part of the game who cares about your made up rules about how to play?

Yeah lol, it's ironic how people say summons etc are an easy mode for incompetent journalists and mainstream normalfags, when those very same people were the ones who started the souls le hardest gaym, prepare to le die meme. People spouting that shit actually sound like newcomers to the series.

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>>you need to be a certain level to even be capable of getting there
false, I'm not sure what you're even trying to imply
>>have to upgrade it instead of other ashes you already have been upgrading probably
glovewort respawn, it's a non-issue

by the time i found out it even existed i was level 130 and could practically cheese any boss in the game, it has so many requirements to getting it that most people on their first playthrough wont get it without a guide

>go to NG+
>give the Stray Mimic Tear boss decent armor and no weapons, just a good seal and a selection of good FTH spells
>it becomes a proper spellspammer boss even without weapons due to infinite FP and stamina on top of around 20000hp

Every souls game has summons in it and they are all easy mode, not to mention broken builds and equipment, what's the issue here?

When you summon in Dark Souls the bosses become harder.

When you ash summon the boss stays the same but it easily cheeseable now

I didnt know the kaiden sellswords liked cunny that much

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no contenders.

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The elitist crowd shouldnt really be harassing new players for using the offline summons but on the other hand so many newcomers are such whiny babies who blame everyone but themselves for playing like shit and it is ridiculous.

This isnt just a newcomer thing though, plenty of souls veterans who arent very good at the game and only get through the bosses by trading with them and chugging healing to brute force the boss. Im guilty of it myself sometimes but at least when i encounter a boss designed in such a way to punish that shitter playstyle i dont bitch out and blame the game for being "poorly designed".

tldr people suck and need to git gud

these guys actually good?

>getting defensive.
They wouldn't need to be defensive if you faggots shut the fuck up about them.

Elden Ring was the best game I ever played at the time I played it, and I did put a lot of time into it, but I think it'll be the hardest From game to go back to. The repeated enemy meme carries a bit of weight, everything outside the story bosses is repeated a bunch of times which made my second playthrough feel like my 5th and my third playthrough feel like my 15th.

these gals are very good

Really? They looks kinda cute but i have never given them a chance

Fighting godskin apostles or crucible knights over and over in different spots was actually cool to me i liked fighting them double godskin was annoying ngl
i didnt mind the repeated bosses or enemies too much but knowing where everything is and the layout of all the main areas kills the magic for me. Once the game is mapped out in your head you end up just going through the motions instead of enjoying the moment.

I should have tried to rush the endgame with a basic build and explored as little as possible my first play through rather than comb over every area trying to uncover every secret. I might play a randomizer, idk.

The sisters are pretty decent, good crowd control but if they get separated they do get bullied easily.

Is there a way to save equipment presets? I'm tired of switching my armor pieces around.

The thing is Elden Ring never really gets to a point where that kind of playstyle is punished at all. It's the tradeoff for allowing such freestyle progression and exploration. By the time I hit Rennala I had so many healing flasks, items, and overpowered weapons it didn't matter at all how poorly I played.
This continued for the rest of the game.