>white phosphorus bad
White phosphorus bad
Most realistic depiction of the US army though.
white phosphorus GOOD
Black phosphorus is way worse
Whom are you quoting?
lol i just used trainers and slogged my way through chest high wall shooter #2934.
you do know this isnt >>>/reddit/ right?
it is
I just took the developer's advice and stopped playing. Would've refunded if that was available back then.
>white phosphorus bad
if you are being attacked with it, yes.
otherwise no.
Not sure why people go nuts over white phosphorus when napalm is still a thing. Somehow certain types of burning alive are past a redline that the others are not.
do they show us marines and us airfroce jets murdering Iraqi and afghani women and children in the thousands and then come home and demand to be treated as heros?
That would be a pretty realistic depiction.
>Depriving Dubai of water is... LE BAD?!!!
they think it's different because they unconsciously think that dying from fragmentation, explosives or bullets is like movies and games where you just run out of health and flop over and don't realize it's all unsavory and messy.
The American government was angry about it because they didn't want their crimes to be exposed to the public, but i guess no one cared because sand niggers lives are worthless in the grand scheme of things.
>greentext = quotes
fuck off newfag
>we don't have a choice
hes right the game won't let you not do the bad thing a cool twist on what starts as generic 3rd person cover shoot bang but doesn't hold up when you find out you have to do it.
he is quoting me. I say this
>US uses white phosphorus: Bad
>Russia uses white phosphorus: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
wtf I love the US army now
Willy Pete is only for Battlefield illumination, if it accidentally some poor shmuck then its an accident.
I felt like a hero when I dumped willy pete on those disgusting refugees and I would do it again.
People already went nuts over napalm in the 70's
>video games back then
"white phosphorus bad
>video games now
white people bad
yet it was still used, even to this day.
People thinking they have to justify it are buying into the liberal idea of war crimes and have already lost.
All is fair in war, we should welcome atrocities on both sides.
Liberalism/Humanism is imperialism with fancier look
The game's story is at fault because the writer is a pseud who unironically thinks people played games like CoD or Battlefield because they wanted to be killers in real life and wanted to be war criminals, and he took it upon themselves to berate them and "show them the error of their ways" by making Spec Ops. Of course he's a retard, people played those games because they were popular and reasonably fun to play, not because they wanted personally to go kill browns in Yemen or something. Even in all the games Spec Ops is 'subverting', shooting civilians or friendlies often resulted in a message saying you fucked up and sends you back to the last checkpoint. Games like that never tried to glorify war as cool and murder as hella epic to the degree Spec Ops thinks. The premise here is already flawed from the start and the whole narrative is built on deconstructing a strawman.
It's designed to make stupid people feel smart and pretends choices exist in a completely linear game. And don't give me the "just don't play it" shit.
>heh, don't you know you weren't supposed to play my game? you fools...
>wtf why are you calling it stupid, buy my game!!!!! (and then don't play it)
It's killing people supported by the US, so yes, it is unironically good.
>skunk good
>tear gas good
>napalm good
>white phosphorous good
>cluster munitions good
We should have murdered more of them, desu.
>there is no difference between what is right and what is necessary
>the only way to advance is to use WP
>we didn't have a choice
Dumb iphoneposter.
you enlisted?
>Yea Forums still thinks the game is calling them a bad person for playing a video game
not that I'm defending the game or hamfisted lessons in morality, but isn't it actually a little interesting that there is such a market for a particular kind of FPS where you play soldier? do you think something about killing people in an FPS holds a kind of attraction or fascination that killing demons, aliens, etc. simply doesn't have?
this goes for single player games, multiplayer war shooters are a different animal imo because there's not much difference there than kids playing cowboys and indians. but when you are just mowing down ostensibly normal human foes-- does it really mean nothing?
The man who wrote the story agrees with that idea.
despite being 87% of phosphorous, white phosphorous only accounts for 50% of phosphorous incidents.
I didn’t feel anything playing that game
>Most realistic depiction of the US army though.
Written by a twelve year old third worlder who has never been to America and only knows about it through his retarded obsession.
go back
You forgot the part where they get really fucking fat after the slaughter since they're not running every day.
>urgent reminder
>D-Death of the author!
You don't have to do it, but the only other choice is to turn back and go home without achieving any of the things you set out to accomplish. That's what makes it good. If you could solve everything without using it then the whole event really would just be an on-the-nose condemnation of the use of white phosphorus. This way is shows both sides of the argument while also being a play on the modern war FPS "cool tech setpiece."
most based user in this thread
but unironically. To dredge up another game, New Vegas's worst line is right at the end of the Independent finale where your AI servant tells you that he's going offline for several months to download some software he found that will make him more assertive. This line was written as the game was being kicked out the door to be a throwaway reassurance that he wouldn't be a doormat programmed to betray to the next person to ask him to, but with no other context it feels like the game just turned into system shock at the last second. Likewise, SOtL's intended message of "you're a bad person for choosing to do this" is muddled by the fact that early versions of the game did give you good options like leaving to radio control or surviving without WP and they had to be stripped out because despite breaking the narrative the playtesters considered them more sensible and picked them every time. We're left with the protagonist descending into madness alone against the will of his company, player included, regardless of what the author wanted to say.
psuedo trash
>Missing the point
The whole reason that Yea Forums complains that the game is trying to make them feel bad is that's clearly what the author intends, but fucks up the execution.
It literally does in the loading screens and the lead writer agrees.
The game is trying to shame you for playing it which is why its shit. If it was just a deconstruction of CoD type campaigns by doing everything the exact same but not outwardly blaming the fucking player it would have some poignancy but instead its some smarmy shithead sniffing his own farts.
mohammed was a gay pedophile
Y'all too sensitive. The big bad writer man isn't going to take your spunk-gargle-wee-wee shooters away if that's what you enjoy playing.
what is this image implying?
metal gear does not reflect the military in any way, shape or form retard
>everyone in the thread shitting themselves over "game has shit politics" and not realising it's meant to be a modern adaptation of Heart Of Darkness with military themes instead of slave-mining, the big bad is named Konrad for fucks sake
Yea Forums has never read a book
Don't forget the part with Iraq terrorist would give children gifts with bombs inside or hide explosives under their clothes, then send them to go greet soldiers to be remote detonated. Let's not forget how many civilians died by having bombs forcefully strapped to their bodies by Iraq terrorists as well.
Fuck off. War gets dirty on all sides.
shut up hippie
what on earth
you heard him mong.
yeah there's not a single literal thing that you could draw a parallel with, you're so smart user