explain this
Explain this
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None of it is real, Steven. You must have realized by now. Please wake up.
Furry videogames are not videogames.
Don't you have an /stp/ thread to ban?
Voice actors are desperate for jobs?
You've made this thread 13 times now. Did you not get the response you desired?
It's funny because it's true
Furries aren't suspiciously wealthy. they're just autists who live off welfare and live with their parents. they spend their whole welfare check on furfag porn
This. They have nothing else going on in life and they often end up overspending to the point of having to ebeg on social media to try and get out of the hole they dug for themselves.
>videogames are not videogames
A furry autist with a hard on for crystal and half life
what a fucking world
You guys are going to be devastated when you get jobs and realize every other person in the tech industry is a furry
that's a meme furfags repeat to inflate their self worth, it's not actually true. most furfags are retard neets (just like weebs)
Whatever you say bro.
It is true tho
>live off welfare
Even if you live off of your parents that's not enough money to do fucking anything but buy your own food. How much money do ya seriously think welfare and unemployment is
it's literally just the codemonkeys. they're also trannies, faggots, sois... who cares. most of us got rich off crypto so will never wagecuck
>most of us got rich off crypto so will never wagecuck
go post pink wojaks on /biz/ instead of roleplaying here
That’s pretty suspicious
People who think you get rich living off welfare in your parent's basement are idiots. One big bill and you are bankrupt, it barely pays for basic needs and insurance if that.
People forget that dude who commissions all that macro fox and falco porn works in the healthcare industry.
Cute larp user, now go back to /biz/
Brain surgeon, wasn't he?
I have a friend who started a furry transformation art patreon before the pandemic and last time I checked he makes around 80k a year off it.
they're working on a VR mod for HL2. soon.
If he was any good he could probably double his money
Gamers love blue fox tiddy.
>It's real
He seems pretty good for weird niche transformation art.
Also I was wrong he's making over 90k a year
A paycheck is a paycheck.
All this tells me is that with enough money any sort of prosecuted subculture can become tolerated by people.
Good on him. I wish I didn’t have self respect
>prosecuted subculture
>wanting to fuck animal people
You post on Yea Forums so you probably dont, my bet is you're lazy or unmotivated desu.
No, that was a myth he disconfirmed himself. He said he is not a surgeon or anything close to that, but that he does work in healthcare.
Furries are all WASPs from rich (broken) families, hence why they're all mental and rich enough for vanity shit like this
Ah, right field but wrong rung of the ladder.
Some of my client are married engineers in the US.
So extremely wealthy for the rest of the world.
that has been deboonked by the man himself
Reading the YouTube comments, I see that the video creator wrote that he has been in contact with the voice actress personally for years already and just got her a decent microphone to record the lines.
Don’t take offense bro, someone’s gotta draw all that weird shit furries like. It just ain’t gonna be me
>She does it for free
You missed the part where that same man also mentioned he works in the healthcare industry. He's not just sitting doing nothing and getting welfare to spend on furry porn.
user dont take offense at my accurate assesment.
>they're just autists who live off welfare and live with their parents
It's also possible they went to college, got a safe degree, and actually bothered applying to jobs before they graduated. You can make like $40 an hour starting off as an accountant.
dude you know that most high tech and a lot of science jobs are furry?
do you know that fucking moderna was made by a furry?
>explain this
she was literally a random ass employee at rare that got picked up to do the VA, she probably has near no costs, is not part of that faggy VA union that has ensured only 5 people get gigs in any western title, and was offered insane amounts of furfag money just to record some hl2 lines.
As far as we know, the mod is just literally her re-doing alyx's lines in HL2, so it's not like there's some uwu taily waily horseshit in there that would make money for sitting at your desk and recording some lines NOT worth it.
that explains why it's giving everyone aids
Furfag cope
nigga youre delusional
What's to explain exactly?
Good thing i will never get the vax
Straight human males desire anthro wives.
I'm not the one who faps to animals
It's mindboggling that people pay that much for a picture when they could spend nothing and just learn how to draw.
im this fuckign close to giving up into becoming a legit artist and 3d modeler, i'm decent enough but for whatever reason i can't seem to click and find steady clients
How garanteed is to sell my soul to the furries lads? How does one go about this? My only reservation would be trying it and not even getting that, it would be unbearably humilliating. But i think it might be my only option now.
Furries are too autistic to apply themselves to anything but masturbating to beastiality
What's ych
lol trash
lol fuck no.
the ones charging that much aren't about the actual picture, especially the YCH garbage, it's about buying your way into the "community"
>it's about buying your way into the "community"
there's no entry fee for that shit, just get a pencil and draw dog dicks