"Elden Ring has reached a new all-time lowest player count ever, with a playerbase lower than half of Lost Ark's"
"Elden Ring has reached a new all-time lowest player count ever, with a playerbase lower than half of Lost Ark's"
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ok thanks
why people keep track of player statistics
this little feud of yours is getting really gay
It's a single player game retard
>lost shart lost over half their playerbase since release
>and this is counting bots
Why are these two games comparable?
Nice cope
what the fuck is lost ark
Surely the lost fart fags didn't take offense to a fully paid 60$ singleplayer game having double their players on release for almost 2 months? Meanwhile it can't even come close to Dota 2 or CSGO's peak players :(
That doesn't explain why Lost Ark and Elden Ring are comparable.
Oh no Islanders bros, looks like we're finished. Elden Ring has more players than it ever did!
Islanders is a very good game I recommend it
>subtly shitting on the korean tranny mmo with a kino soulful WoW dance reference
b a s e d
Nice cope asmongold
>a mostly single player game is losing players 2 months after release
what no way how could this happen
imagine playing a game that loses players
Shazam got so fucked you faggots don’t even post him anymore
>still more players than any current single player game combined
shazamsisters....... its over
Elden Ring is From's most polarizing and most heavily criticized game since Dark Souls 2. What did you expect?
who are you quoting.
Lost Ark is an MMO while Elden Ring is mainly single player with a passive Multiplayer aspect.
children following trends
me, faggot
CS GO has 900k 24 hr peak
Lost Shart has 560k 24 hr peak
I think we all know which game is better.
CS GO is the greatest game of all time, it beat Lost Shart and Elden Shart
>still more players than any current single player game combined
Your quote fucking sucks and so does your mother
name a game that caused more asshurt than Elden Ring.
frombros... the game has only sold like 18 mil copies in 2 months. It's a massive fucking flop
and that´s a good thing
>doomposting about single player games player count
mankind will enter a new golden age when every twitch user and streamer will be hanged
you didnt play either of these games
How could 500,000 people still possibly be playing that garbage game? It makes no sense
It's free.
Well it's not really fair to compare it to Lost Ark because Lost Ark is the MMO sensation sweeping the nation so of course it's going to be lower. The game is just too good.
Lost Ark is just another brainless grind with microtransactions.
it's called beating the game/giving up. thanks, next thread?
Elden Ring:
>single-player game with a set ending, people finish it and move on
Lost Ark:
>multiplayer game with no ending, people are expected to always be playing it
I wonder what that means?
Because people finished the game? I moved on after two weeks to Kirby.
Despite people revolving their lives around videogames here most of Yea Forums is incredibly low iq and has no idea how the videogames industry works.
This is how you get retarded threads like this.
Maybe if Fromsoft wants to make a game people will enjoy longer they should make an MMO next time
Name a single (one) game that hasn’t lost half its player base over two months after release
>0 gyno
Fat fucks were built different back then.
With daily quests, log in bonuses, a rotating microtransaction store and a 5000 hour brainless grind to increase your gearscore from 1300 to 1320.
>MMO has more players than what's effectively a singleplayer game for most people
Are you really that stupid to think lost ark fags are making these threads?
It's all ironic bro. We're actually playing mindgames here, sorry if you couldn't see through my trap
this bait is getting really desperate. it's a little sad actually
Why would I keep playing it once I beat the final boss? I was so burnt out by the time I was in the end stages. Clocked in 98 hours. I even went the Rivers of blood build to make the game go faster... it was fun at first. then around the capital it starting feeling like a grind.
Most Blizzard games circa 2000-2010.
Who said they want to? only shazammies are
>2 months after release single player game still holding almost 1/4 million 24hr peak
>This is bad
Damn you're desperate.
what the fuck do you think Elden Ring is? Seriously? Do you think its gonna have seasons and battlepasses? Its an actual game not a second job that you give money to
It's Unironically Over.
Welp, back to discord for some ERP right sistahs?
yeah its a single player games and most people that want to play it already have
>200k people consistently engaged in fucking souls pvp
jesus christ how horrible
>Enjoyed ER so much I beat it four times
>Have no motivation to play it again right now, more motivation to play other games
>I'm suddenly a "lost" player
What the fuck is this mindset?
>Steam player counts are the defacto GAMES DEAD post material for every major game Yea Forums contrarians need to hate
>Suddenly doesn't count when it's the latest fromshit copypaste bonanza
Too hard
Waiting for them to not show subscription numbers next semester. FFXIV wins again.
Most of Lost Arks playerbase is comprised of bots. Do you genuinely think that MIR4 game is filled with 50k people?
Elden ring is a singleplayer focused game that has a ending
And yet it's still up there with big hitters that are ALL multiplayer
Months later it's still the most concurrent played singleplayer game, how is that not praise-worthy?
Elden Ring uses EAC and works on Linux.
Lost Ark uses EAC and doesn't work on Linux. What's Amazon's excuse when fucking fromsoft can manage it?
fromdrones malding lol