What would you ideally LIKE the next mainline Nintendo home console to be like, and what do you realistically predict it’s most likely going to be? Will we ever get a system from them again that’s on the same level as their competitors in terms of hardware, or is that gone forever?
What would you ideally LIKE the next mainline Nintendo home console to be like...
>What would you ideally LIKE the next mainline Nintendo home console to be like
Hybrid just like the Switch
>and what do you realistically predict it’s most likely going to be?
Cheaply-made, overpriced, just like the Switch.
Nintendo needed two WiiUs in a row so they had no option but to start releasing their games for other platforms.
So I hope they make some pretty bad console that will be ridiculed by critics and the public.
I want a switch 2 and they will probably make that
I think the Switch is going to be Nintendo's "Playstation", meaning they'll now focus on updating the Switch with each new generation without trying any different gimmick. They found the right gimmick by accident, a tablet that can be docked.
As long as it can output 1080 60 fps im fine with anything.
Only want more power and backwards compatibility. That's all
Similar to switch and fully BC
Knowing the company’s eclectic history I just don’t see that as a reasonable assumption. They’ve always tried, since the N64 days even, to have some kind of unique gimmick for their systems that’s been a departure not just from what the rest of the industry is doing, but also they’re constantly reinventing themselves. I think a new gimmick is inevitable
Lmao this is Nintendo we’re talking about. You can’t possibly realistically think there’s a chance of them doing any of that
Don't see what gimmick they can really add they've nearly tried them all.
Why not switch is the first console in awhile that's not fully backwards compatible. Wii could play GC games, DS could play Gameboy games etc ect
1080p and constant 60 fps without drops. Backwards compatability.
Not asking for a lot here.
I want nintendo to ge the way of sega and focus on making games, not consoles or exclusives for said consoles. Kind of like what sony has started to do.
>Don't see what gimmick they can really add they've nearly tried them all.
Just because you lack imagination doesn’t mean the people that dream up video games for a living do as well
>Why not switch is the first console in awhile that's not fully backwards compatible.
That was fine for older more basic systems, but the reason they’ve cut it out is because having to make new consoles backwards compatible becomes an increasingly larger hindrance as they get more and more complex. I don’t see them going back to it
If Nintendo does that I won't have a console to play on. I don't even play first party Nintendo games and I'm happy with my Switch.
Switch 2 will probably yes the same Tegra chipset so BC should not be a problem at all. Also yeah the only gimmicks left are the absurd ones
The difference is Nintendo makes money of every console sold, Sony doesn't so they have less of an incentive to go 3rd party
I want it to just be a backwards compatible switch 2, I expect it to be some weird shit because ninty just never rests on their laurels
I just want it to have a proper Virtual Console again.
200$ launch price with free online and full backward compatibility also 2tb of internal upgradable ssd storage at minimum and a controller that has the WiiU pro controller layout
A box to connect to the tv
Regular controller
No gimmicks
Better specs than the competition as not to miss any third party multiplat.
You can just say you don’t want Nintendo to be the ones to make it. It’d be way faster and we’d all get what you meant
A regular home console that can run all the multiplats and an optional kiddy tablet that can't so the portabilityfags don't start crying.
Mostly what they are already doing based on the leaks, but even then the leaks are pretty muddy, we know the hardware is more powerful but we don't know what the goals are so we can't tell how much it will be throttle, and even then the hardware itself hasn't had a full release so we can't even make a good comparison based on stock chip, but what they are planning to use has been customized.
I would like to see a pack in VR headset, although that would be way too expensive, but having all consoles have VR out of the box would solve VRs biggest problem, in that they are developing for a niche.
Streaming to the dock would be nice, this would allow for WiiU like functionality, but then it's limited to TV mode, and you would need to cut down the visuals a fair bit because it's running undocked, there's a lot of issues with this.
The patent for scrollable bumpers is really nice, they should fix the d-pad on the pro controller, make the battery replaceable, the way that Xbox does it is vastly superior and add in analog triggers
Features like the camera
Switch was the first Nintendo platform in multiple generations to not be backwards compatible, and the main reason for this is because backwards compatibility was not at all doable, no double screen and disc drive would have been completely impossible. Switch 2 will be the first Nintendo console where backwards compatibility can be entirely software based, same CPU architecture, games built on top of the graphics library, backwards compatibility has been done historically where doable and that was with Nintendo cramming in extra hardware, the NDS has a GBA cpu for backwards compatibility, the WiiU has a Wii GPU for backwards compatibility.
1080p/60fps really depends on developers, the hardware will be much more powerful, the memory is going to be faster and with a larger cache, octicore setup, much faster more modern GPU, I expect every single Nintendo published game to be 1080p/60fps.
In the case of (non-handheld) consoles, Nintendo only started exploring gimmicks on Wii, and by the end of its life there were several signs that the novelty was wearing off, so they needed to change focus. The Switch's "gimmick", which is basically merging handheld with desktop console, seems to me to be something that people are still quite interested in and I think it's quite likely that at least in the next generation Nintendo will just choose to improve the current hardware, sort of like the SNES is for the NES.
It's unlikely to happen if they decide to continue with tablets. Even in the case of a Switch 2 with performance comparable to a Steam Deck, it's still quite likely that the guys will decide to go to 30 fps and sub-1080p for several games. People playing Elden Ring on Deck for example aim for 30fps and 720p....
I want a system with actual surround sound capabilities, and 1080 @ a constant 60fps
I expect the next one to be 1.1 times as powerful, and 3 times as gimmicky
Switch 2 looks to be less powerful than a PS4, and that's at 15W, if they want to drop below 10W and give it a decent battery life it will be less powerful than an Xbox One.
Even 8th gen ports will be 720p or below.
Next gen 3ds.
Fight me.
Switch doesn’t count.
First of we know nothing of the hardware used by the switch so how many terraflops or where it falls on the power spectrum is guess work. Also the deck is as expensive as it becouse valve doesnt want to order parts in bulk like Nintendo probably will
The custom chip it's using was already leaked, it's not very powerful, even though the chip it's based off of ships in a configuration about as powerful as a PS5.
Basically the same but with some tensor cores but not for muh 4k, as long as it can run most games 1080p / 1440p with scaling techniques it is more than enough.
Even if Nintendo gets better prices, it's very unlikely that a Switch 2 will be much better than the Deck. See how the original Switch despite being weak was underclocked so that developers don't create things that run out of battery in 2 hours, and see how Deck suffers from this problem when people decide to go crazy on the game settings.
Nintendo has no way to solve the battery problem, there's no technology available for that, so I believe that a supposed Switch 2 would be a little more modest than a Deck.
Didnt think about the battery. That seems like a real bottleneck for most modern tech
>Don't see what gimmick they can really add they've nearly tried them all
They could try VR again
Is it possible to add any kind of extra power to the deck if they so wanted for Switch 2 or is it not feasible because of bandwidth / latency / etc.?
NX T239
>people assuming that the Deck will outperform the Switch 2
It's at least 3 more years until the Switch 2 release.
Do you mean for emulation or something? But to answer your question no probably not
It's a good bet, nintendo isnt known to go all in when it comes to the power of their consoles instead preferring to use the games as the selling points
Ideally, I'd prefer to have something as powerful as the PS5, and backwards compatible at least with the Switch. Nintendo exclusives and current gen multiplats on the same machine would be awesome, kind of like the gamecube days.
I know that won't be the case, and I expect a Switch 2, which is fine and a more financially sound choice.
Oh crap, I meant Switch's dock, sorry lol, seeing Steam deck left and right gave my brain a mini stroke.
No the CPU would probably get bottlenecked before any extra power from a dock could be utilized
Consoles are so fucking pointless now. Even not counting PC streaming is the obvious way to go.
I think one problem with this approach is that some games could become unplayable without the extra power of the dock, and Nintendo probably wouldn't accept this.
The fact that the Switch is underclocked even when docked (no battery concerns) is most likely for this very reason.
I don't give a shit about current gen multiplats. I just want 1080p and 60 FPS. Graphics can be more or less the same except native 1080p resolution.
n64 analog stick
>Don't see what gimmick they can really add they've nearly tried them all.
No one predicted the Wii gimick at the time. Same to a lesser extend to GameBoy (first major portable), WiiU and Switch.
>Source: dude trust me
i have no fucking clue where the fuck they could ever possibly go beyond the switch gimick. theres no way. weve reached the limit to what is humanly possible for good gimmicks.
I expect it to be what all the rumours suggest it'll be
Another hybrid console with Orin-based Tegra with DLSS
Probably still 720p handheld to preserve battery life but 60fps
Hopefully locked 1080p 60fps native and capable of 4K 60fps (not locked this time) using DLSS Performance mode
analog sticks existed long before the N64 and were an inevitable change as games moved to the 3D generation.
Yes and motion controls existed before. I was specifically talking about the gimmicks that make it stand out. ps1 didn't get them until after the n64.
Switch has a serious memory bandwidth issue, which is part of the low resolution of the games, Switch 2 chip will boost it to about 4x, if Nintendo are the publisher games should be 1080p/60fps, with Monolith Soft being a potential outlier since it appears that they are moving to Unreal Engine in the future based on development staff having a lot of experience in Unreal and recent blogposts mentioning Unreal as being part of their current setup.
It also depends on how much more powerful the next Switch is, like Tegra Orin is more powerful than X1, but it's also designed for self driving cars so they built them not really giving a fuck about power consumption, there's a config that's 8tflops, but that's 2 of them, so 1 is about 4tflops, but it has a max power consumption of about 50W, to get it all the way down to sub 10W to meet the launch Switch's power consumption you really don't have much wiggle room, you're looking at something less powerful than an Xbox One, will people settle for launch Switch's 3 hour battery life? if they want 8 hours, well fuck you're looking at something slightly more powerful than a Switch.
I want another dual screen handheld but I know we're passed that now so I'll just take a souped up Switch.
They'd have to add expensive extra hardware for this. Not practical, plus this kind of multiprocessing died long ago with games (you don't see games made for SLI/crossfire anymore).
The switch's 'gimmick' in my opinion is mostly a failure. Most people don't even bother to use it as a portable system due to control issues, drifting and poor performance.
Even if they made a switch pro, it's going to be the worst of both worlds.
I can't wait to see it flop miserably
Orin NX has 8GB or 16GB configurations with 10W, 15W, 20W (8GB), and 25W (16GB) modes.
A would-be Switch 2 Tegra would be cut down versions of these Orin NX chips stripping out the autonomous driving stuff
I wouldn't be surprised if the full power mode could be cut down to 15W - 18W for the 16GB configuration
>I'll just take a souped up Switch
I honestly wouldn’t be too mad if it was just a very well prepared bowl of soup. Like, does it play video games? No, and that’s disappointing, but in terms of soup it’s actually very good
The only numbers we've been given show that 30% of Switch owners use it only portable more than the 20% that use it only docked, the remaining 50% use it in both modes, so you're entire post is just kind of wrong.
>Most people don't even bother to use it as a portable system due to control issues, drifting and poor performance.
Source? Or is another infamous Yea Forums basement dweller statistic based on their own usage alone instead of all tens of millions of Switch owners?
Just like the Switch isn't considered a portable by some anons because it doesn't fit in their XXXL jean pockets
You can buy these no?
Someone should try to scale one down and run benchmarks.
I want to see Nintendo kill the blue ocean strategy. Instead of trying to establish their own market of casuals and children who don't buy video games anymore, double down on the core audience and start to compete with Sony and Microsoft. Put in the money and get a console that is at least comparable in power to a PS5 to get third parties and put a higher budget into some of the bigger games like 3D Mario and Smash bros.
I want Nintendo to push Sony and Microsoft out of the console market. They're fully capable of doing it if they actually try.
All this AI stuff make me kinda want to see applied AI in games.
That data was not only supplied by Nintendo, but it was also taken over five years ago. It was about seven months after release, shortly before the average fail rate of joycons.
How often have you talked to switch owners? Actual switch owners? Because the people I've talked to use it mainly docked due to the joycons breaking, not wanting to pay for an overpriced pair of shitty controllers or wait months for repair. I'm one of those people as well because I'm not going to reward Nintendo for shitty quality control on their devices.
This is not to mention that portable performance has gotten worse over time. Many games outside of indie shit is just about unplayable in portable mode.
Yes, and your no data can be dismissed with my no evidence.
Ask this thread
Alot of the people playbusing both methods
Sony is already pushing itself out of the console market and Microsoft is putting out additional pressure with GamePass and actually being able to supply XSX and XSS
Nintendo doesn't have to do a damn thing for Sony to kill itself
As a PCfag first though, I wouldn't want Microsoft to bow out. Getting day one Xbox games on PC is great
Sure, go ahead. I just don't trust Nintendo or any corporate data because I'm not a dipshit bootlicker. This is the same company that was trying to pretend that joycon fail rate isn't an issue while doing every scummy tactic in the book to try and get any lawsuits dismissed.
Give me one reason why I should ever trust them beyond them making fun bing bing wahoo games.
>and what do you realistically predict it’s most likely going to be?
Basically a more powerful switch.
In part because it's proved to be meteorically successful, and because that would be easily backwards compatible with switch games.
They're not going to release splatoon 3 at the ass end of the switch's lifespan and then a year later release NEW splatoon 3 for their new console, the backlash would be immense.
>but mario kart 8! but botw!
Both happened because the wiiu sold worse than hookers during a vagina storm, and botw was held back from release until the switch launched.
>Knowing the company’s eclectic history I just don’t see that as a reasonable assumption. They’ve always tried, since the N64 days even, to have some kind of unique gimmick for their systems that’s been a departure not just from what the rest of the industry is doing, but also they’re constantly reinventing themselves. I think a new gimmick is inevitable
You have to remember that since the switch came out Nintendo has a new president, and unlike the retard Iwata he is a businessman whose goal is to make money. There's no reason to assume Furukawa would pursue the same strategy Iwata did.