We're supposed to be the Master Race yet we're treated like second class citizens

We're supposed to be the Master Race yet we're treated like second class citizens..
When will it end, PCBros?

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The millions of people must be in extreme agreement with an opinion article and express their concerns in the form of negative re-

oh wait

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Shit eaters. Even the console version is a fucking joke lol. Can't even lock 60fps on a fucking Xbox Series X.

hmm maybe try using an OS that respects your freedoms?

You are lucky there is a port in the first place. beggers cant be choosers

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Miyazaki believes in me and my PC-kun so much that he added extra difficulty for us? Yes, of course I will play your game.

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Thanks still runs like shit.

Works on my machine.

>juden ring, juden ring, juden ring. juden ring
>(in they key of liberty mutual jingle)
Can you guys just stop talking about this fucking game please? Make one containment thread for your echo chamber and confine it to that. I hear enough of it from the two gaymers I work with, who have autism, and will not shut the fuck up about the game. You can be talking about anything, any non-gaming subject, and their only contribution to social discussion is about this one fucking video game. Look I’m glad you love it and it seems to define you as a person and has taken over your life. But the rest of us do not give a fuck. So just stop

>pluralizing freedom

Linux bros we won...

What slowdowns?
It's the dubious no-loading-zone's they did. It abruptly dumps all the old assets to load the new assets simultaneously and I don't think they have ever done this for any other game.

Works on my PC, had some stutters at launch but after patches it is buttery smooth 60fps all the time

At launch 40% were unhappy with the game. These people stopped playing quickly and over time were overtaken by those who don't mind disastrous performances.

runs shit on consoles too btw

Yes welcome to 15 years ago when PC got seemingly permanently behind consoles.

It runs like shit on a PS5?

i expect nothing from a japanese developer unfortunately. its actually pathetic how unstable this game is. and if you complain you basically just get a shrug. ok enjoy that shit i guess.

works perfectly on Linux, idk why From never fixed it for Windows. Valve fixed it for Linux only

>Biggest release of the year
>Runs best on Linux

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Based Fromsoft

Why should any developer cater to pirates?

You haven't been the Master Race since Crysis 2.

Now you're just second hand citizens who get scraps after a game is done selling on consoles.

feels like I've had WAY less stuttering since the latest patch

Yes people buying the game after 2 months keep playing but day 1 fanboys quit, be original at least.

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>You haven't been the Master Race since Crysis 2.

>Now you're just second hand citizens who get scraps after a game is done selling on consoles.

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It’s been patched to the point where it still exists but is a lot more manageable.

>game is so good that people are racking up hundreds of hours despite the issues

Runs fine on Linux.

>50% of sales are on pc
>the port is basically just a leftover xbox version

how do they get away with it?

one thing i don't fucking get, is why can't they fix the following bug:

1. You turn off anti aliasing in the graphics options
2. You restart the game
3. Anti aliasing is back to fucking HIGH

like WTF fromsoft, how difficult is to fix this?

Get used to it. Now you know how we felt with botw.

I didn't realize that console users all pirated their games

Performance is fine for me. Bigger problem is 90% of co-op/pvp results in connection error or a crash while loading.

1.04 no stuttering on both my 6700k/1080ti and 3700x/3080

pirated version though so no eac and steam overlay crap

They have to turn off Easy Anti Cheat to fix the stutters, which they won't because Bamco probably paid a retarded amount of money for it. From does not have the tech knowledge to create their own anti cheat.

It runs like shit on anything other than what you like, unless you don't like the game, in which case it runs like shit on everything and is also gay.

it works the same linuxtards, it was fixed on deck to run like windows, before it was even worse

EAC doesn't do anything to prevent cheaters though

PS5 version is 30 fps, retard
Only way to get decent performance on a console is to play the PS4 version on a PS5.

tell that to the suits at bamco

just werks on my ps4 pro lmao

it scares off normies.
That makes it about as effective as security in malls.

Give me their home addresses.

The XBox is just a shitty PC with a worse UI.
It's literally "The Direct-X Box". That's the point.

everyone knows the modern pcfriend is perfectly content with hoarding broken console games sweetie

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i haven't had any issues after the first week

Don't worry, mustards. You'll always be second class citizens. Afterthoughts, at best.

That's it, there are no upsides.


He mean with Linux there is a shader Cache built for the game which is what induces it stutters, i am sure you niggers dont even know what a shader cache is.

I had no idea this was even a bug

He's right actually.

50% of its copies sold are on PC alone
30 and 20 for retard freedom boxes

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The performance is pretty bad, but if you're having significant issues you should have bought the game on console like the poorfag you are.

I hate all of the small shadows have lines in them and shit like shit on rocks and shit little shadows theyre all jagged and FUCKED
Will never be fixed either on any platform.

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And yet the framerate comparison you posted to show how bad the PS5 was had it at 55

FROM doesn't own any PCs to test on

They actually just added a shader cache as part of the download o the game since its all the same hardware you can do such things.

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Maybe don't buy shit ports? Its asking too much for the Fromdrones

>Shader pipeline-driven stutter isn't the majority of the big hitches we've seen in that game," Graiffais continues. "The recent example we've highlighted has more to do with the game creating many thousand resources such as command buffers at certain spots, which was making our memory manager go into overdrive trying to handle it. We cache such allocations more aggressively now, which seems to have helped a ton.

I'm not the one who posted that. The comparison was just trotting in an open field with nothing going on. Go fight a dragon or any boss that invovles a lot of effects (basically all of them) and it plummets.

They do these days, with half of their sales on PC you better watch out we might have a PC Exclusive someday lole

Works on my machine.
No stutters and consistent 60fps.

No, they don’t.

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Works on my machine

Hahahah. Have fun staying in 2004 with your console FAGGOT
Even my console nigger friends switched to PC thanks to me.

ER is the worst port since DS1 though, DS2 for all its problems was a perfect port. DS3 had that lighting bug that caused crashes if you played above low. Sekiro was mostly fine but a little more demanding than it ought to have been.

I launched the game without anti cheat and load times are like 4x faster. Game also boots in under a second if you ignore logos.

>DS2 for all its problems was a perfect port
>Weapon durability

and it still stuttered on deck you niggers
before fixes it wasnt even acceptable

I don’t mind playing on inferior hardware - it’s a sacrifice I make not to suck cocks 24/7. PC gamers are faggots and I don’t want anything to do with them.

It really doesn't make sense it's where the vast majority of their customers buy the game you'd think they would have put more effort into it

I never had a problem with DS3 lmao
Dont understand you point but alrighty.
Doesnt now.

Never had any significant slowdowns or stutters. so i can say it literally works on my machine

get fucked

Yeah great thought buddy you probably would be the dude to say cars are bad and that youre gonna keep walking. LMAO.

When they released Scholar they kept the durability as it was even on consoles, so evidently they liked it more than the rate they went down in the original console versions.

what performance issue? it runs on my machine.

I can't recall a game that upset sjws this much since kingdom come

You're too stupid to notice them, no different from the consolecucks saying 25fps is smooth as butter.

nice frametime linuxtards

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PCs are meant for spreadsheets, not video games.

The worst part is the online connectivity, I frequently see some phantom disconnecting then everyone gets booted out after about 20 seconds.
I often get stuck in obnoxiously long loading screens when using a phantom bloody finger. Sometimes the game just crashes when attempting an invasion, happened 4 times today.
Sucks that every invasion feels like you're on a timer before you get booted out, it ruins the whole thing.

>is retarded

What happen Phil Fish, anyway?

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Why? are they afraid of WoW, Gaia online, and Microsoft Office getting ports

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>higher settings than PS4 while having the same performance
looks good to me snoy tard