/qa/ lost chud
>smash bros redditbob edition
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Then what happened with all the older Nicktoons games that prominently featured FOP characters?
only thing i know about this show is the mpreg due to some fetish art i saw
>fetish art
That was from an actual special.
well yes but i doubt the art i saw was from a children's show
They were called "Nicktoons Unite" in America but renamed "SpongeBob and Friends" since FOP isn't considered a Nicktoon outside America.
Wouldn't that only affect airing those specific episodes, and not the characters themselves? Not to mention the fact that Jimmy+Timmy have been in crossover games before?
Are you sure?
Given children's shows these days and arguably back then, I'm not sure what's actually from those shows or not anymore.
Butch Hartman tried to scam people to make a christian cartoon netflix
oh hey that's my birthday :^D
I am the only one Who never cared for Fairly Oddparents? Even as a kid I find the show unfunny. They repeat the same gags several times in every episode.
/qa/ lost
Trump lost
Cope and seethe
Maybe you just saw the bad seasons. I liked it as a kid and I saw one of those youtube essay videos a couple days ago cause it was the shows 20 or 25 year anniversary or something, and it reminded me that it was good show. Until it wasn't.
I was more a fan of the concept than the show itself. But it was definitely enjoyable near the beginning.
why is it inconsistent? some other games are still named nicktoons even in other regions
It's one of those shows that people liked/didn't dislike but wouldn't put it as one of their favorites like they would with Spongebob or Avatar.
It was a decent show for awhile but some people could tell Butch was a little bit of a one trick pony even back then.
It was closest thing to American Doraemon equivalent.
meant to add this one
PoC lives matter
Fuck racists
Name a show with a worse seasonal rot
Simpsons had higher heights and has arguably fallen further because of this, but its objective lows still aren't near FOP's level. Also it fell way slower.
eh, theres gotta be something worse off
Korra. Including her comics.
As a sudaca, I say fuck niggers, kikes and golems like (You).
A lot of cartoons age like dirt. Spongebob after the first few seasons falls off a fucking cliff. Of the big kids cartoons the only one I can think of that didn't turn to complete dogshit as it went on was Rugrats. Kids have zero standards so when a brand gets big enough they drop the budget to zero to maximize profit.
Korra is the rot for Avatar more broadly
I fucking hate you for reminding me of that.
What about All Grown-Ups if we include sequels?
Still nowhere near as bad as what happened to Fairly OddParents over the years. Like it's legitimately on a whole other level beyond just your ordinary seasonal rot and executive meddling.
What a fine piece of cunny that is.
True if we include sequel series.
>Jimmy Neutron Crossovers
The Jimmy/Timmy Power Hours were kino as far as I remember. The one where they're just best friends and go around beating all their villains together while high-fiving and ignoring their supporting casts was funny as shit. Also, using the two different artstyles the way they did was neat.
Fairly Odd Parents was never good.
Timmy won
>loser comes from another dimension and cucks you for your girl
wtf was this plot
>Hilary Duff
It was absolutely called nicktoons unite in Australia
>Jimmy Neutron season 4 was cancelled because the production studio went bankrupt after the Ant Bully flopped
>years later, instead of bring back Jimmy, they make a shitty spin-off about Sheen that flops big time and not only killed the Jimmy Neutron franchise, but also bankrupted the second production studio (the same one that made Barnyard).
What the fuck were they thinking?
as a deaf person I've got to say that FOP is the one show that it's impossible to understand the episode without subtitles
Spongebob at least has a reason to be given the zombie Simpsons treatment, and it still didn't pull any of the shit FOP did in order to pull episodes out of its ass.
the last seasons of FOP had bad writing and flanderization but....
Spongebob Squarepants post-Season 3 had...
>Lots of episodes with terrible morals
>Physical and psychological abuse against characters that don't deserve it, now laugh
>Haha character wants to kill himself after days of psychological abuse, now laugh
>Haha another episode about a character wanting to kill himself because of depression, now laugh
>Extreme character flanderization
>Plagiarism of Ren & Stimpy-like body horror humor, but without the humor
Korea was never good to begin with, it getting worse isn't that big a fall.
Go find a different thread to be retarded in.
Better yet, find a different board.
>>loser comes from another dimension and cucks you for your girl
Nah dog, Jimmy had that shit locked down. All he had to do was strand her on a deserted island and she'd be all over him again. Pretty easy thing to do for the gigabrain himself.
the show just ran out of ideas and started throwing literally everything at the wall to stay relevant. the bigger issue is how poorly ran nick as a whole is. they have to keep doing stupid shit to the shows they have now because they slaughtered all their other programs and burnt the bridges to the ground in favor of more spunch bob
oh they were behind the ant bully? whoa never knew that.
Jimmy Neutron at least ended pretty gracefully. Especially if you contrast it with fairly odd parents.
Plant Sheen was supposed to be something else at first
I remember they said it was a mistake
If we include sequels, yes.
All-Grown up wasn't that bad. It was nowhere near as good as the original, but just passable mediocre at worst.
The CGI Rugrats reboot is absolute dogshit though.
No? They devs literally said it's not a rights issue. He will be DLC if that happens.
t. Enterfag
>if that happens
So nah
The show is nothing like that anymore, now it has fluid animation and more emphasis on slapstick and wacky faces.
its weird to see a show pander specifically to people who screencap stills for reaction images
jesus christ
i hope this isnt a normal thing
well they kind of embrace it because future maymays and shieeet.