What game would you take back in time and show?
What game would you take back in time and show?
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Is this loss?
children are not typically filled with rage and hatred. this is some embarrassing projection
none the moment i try to show them anything they will think im a witch or devil and try to kill me
ill just take a nuke, toss it into a volcano to destroy the earth
how did she time travel?
i don't get it
But I'd show them Elden Ring
I kinda want to have sex with this girl
Have you never met middle schoolers?
I would totally show Dylan and Eric this game.
Children are cruel as shit.
They'll make fun of other kids just for being poor, or disabled, or anything really
Kid should be raping her while insulting her in a thick norf accent.
You have the girl I'll do the shota.
Reply this post please.
she would be burned at the stake tho
>Children are cruel as shit.
>They'll make fun of other kids just for being poor, or disabled, or anything really
>children are also the most sincere and honest people
How is everyone managing to take this so seriously? I laughed
its the contrarian thing to do
to intentionally misunderstand, misinterpret or focus on the wrong aspect
user do you not know history? What the fuck do you think would happen if someone of this time period traveled to salem witch trials and showed his laptop with proof that witches did not exist in front of all those villagers
Fucker would be lucky if he wasnt lynched
>Among Us In Real Life? I Timetravel and Join A Salem Witch trial! You won't BELIEVE what happens!!!
I would unironically watch that in hopes said retard gets lynched
np bud
>t. was never a kid
A pirate walks into a bar, a ship's wheel stuck to the front of his crotch. The barkeep asks "Is that uncomfortable?" The pirate replies "AYE! IT'S DRIVIN' ME NUTS!"
Sure thing buddy
Kids are cruel user
In the victorian era? That lasted from 1837 to 1901? That Victorian era?
damn you
>children are also the most sincere and honest people
I mean, cancel culture is a real thing, it just actually happens to minorities and LGBT people who make art, not edgy white boy comedians.
She kinda looks like Among Us Girl
this post
I hate these your mother will- wait.
Identifiably male hands typed this post
kids are evil. what sheltered life did you live in?
>salem witch trials
Wrong time period, retard. Victorian era is romans and shit.
I don't get it? what's your point? women were meaner as kids? as kids boys are nicer to eachother and others than girls are? your just trying to call him a troon for no reason?
>no user you don't understand!
>people in the past never crowded around a new-fangled piece of technology that did impossible and wonderful things!
>everyone in the past was a savage zealot who treated anything they didn't understand with fear and hatred!
I hate you faggots more than I hate the "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" crowd
>kids aren't cruel
All people are by nature, they just lose TOUCH of it when they get older.
Watch out he has a gun!
Yeah, especially in the GOOD OL' DAYS you'd definitely get the shit beaten out of you
he said children can't be violent when salem witch trials were literally started by them and they sent people to their graves with accusations alone
Retard these kids knew exactly what this technology is why do you think everyone of them is desperately trying to get in the shot.
Meanwhile in the past you had people burn down entire libraries
Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about
>people knew all about video cameras in 1901
Eat a dick, you blind cynic
>people were good boys in the victiorian era who are smart and understood technology they were afraid of nothing
You absolute imbecile, no matter the time period we will have people who fear technology.
Heres an example of victorian era people hating trains cause they thought you'd go insane and how the speed cause you to vomit out your stomach again shut the fuck up about things nothing about.
mega64 did it better
Depression Quest so everyone would be convinced videogames are a waste of time and women don’t deserve rights
Middle schoolers aren't children, they are subhumans.
go back to japan in the 30s and show some sht jrpg to them and say thats the consequence for going to war against US.
Weird i remember getting into multiple fights as a kid for stupid shit like i didnt say that or goku sucks vegeta is my favorite.
>bullying exists so all children are ready and willing to assault random adults on the street
It literally never happens. Never, ever. Cringe that you accuse me of being sheltered or historically ignorant. The situation in this comic would never, EVER happen.
Oh look flavour the month character who inexplicably became lesbian with the character who was her foil because platonic relationships don’t exist
>among us girl
Literally the same artist
this post please.
That tall guy at :10 is pure autism.
I can imagine a kid slapping the laptop out of the girl's hands and the girl lying there and letting the kid kick her. Is it really such a stretch?
>It literally never happens. Never, ever.
What do i win for proving you wrong you stupid retarded shit.
Theres a video of someone making contact with an african tribe that had never made contact with the civilized world, thry were shown a drone and no one was speared for it. The children were all just chasing it and having fun.
But she cant have kids
>dudes just walking down the street
>gets made fun of and accused of being autistic centuries later
Where did this misconception of pre-modern era people not understanding technology come from? They had batteries in Baghdad and water powered computers in Greece that could perform binary computations.
pull up juvenile crime statistics
My seed is magic.
>picks the 1 in 10 million rabid child
the exception that proves the rule, I accept your concession
I would stop WW2 by giving Hitler a copy of Undertale.
>The situation in this comic would never, EVER happen
We know, because time travel as presented by popular media isn't possible, you fucking moron.
we are here for you user
I don't know too much about history, but it seems wrong to think of past time periods as a complete monolith when it comes to acceptance of the strange. Like if I were to take a laptop back to the 1600s, it seems to me like my reception would be mostly influenced by where in the world I end up physically. Sure, some paranoid village would probably try to burn me at the stake, but other places might be more receptive.
hello fren
Have you ever met a child?
>given examples
>perceives it as a concession
Let me guess, the world is flat and space isn't real, right?
He came in from the side, centered himself into the middle of the frame and walked like a cartoon character while going back to the same side he came from. How is that not autism.
>this nigga seeding magic beans
You're wrong AND right at the same time, but not for the reasons you imagine.
i want to see her get gangraped by victorian shotas
>he thinks time travel isn't possible
We're not talking about people, user. We're talking about the Anglos.
>That woman pushing her friend into the middle of the camera shot and her friend nervously darting back out of the way as they all laugh about it.
People are funny.
Hope you have a good week!
>three teenager thugs between 15 and 18 are the same as some little victorian kid
>tfw not crescent fresh
>The situation in this comic would never, EVER happen.
because time travel isnt real el retardo
Would you become his Top Guy?
user, stop, your balls can only shrivel so much before vanishing entirely. We're concerned about you.
hi user