Do the story of this game is actually "redpilled" or is my brain poisoned by too much Yea Forums that I can't help but to make dumb comparision to ril stuff?
Do the story of this game is actually "redpilled" or is my brain poisoned by too much Yea Forums that I can't help but...
>nationalist rebels fighting against globalists who force everyone into gene therapy
More or less, although I doubt it's intentional by the developers.
>although I doubt it's intentional by the developers.
yeah that's what i feel. Like the game alien facdtion screams goblalism to me but i doubt a vidya developer will have alt-right opinions. i guess this is another angry birds movie case in which accidentally does a "based" movie
I don't think the game is political at all, it's just telling a story which happened to be based (fighting pozzed alien globohomos). On the flip side however it's your typical "quirky group of REBULS fighting back against THE MAN" so it can easily be interpreted as a pro-lefty story too (especially with all the generic STRONK WAMYN like Dragunova) depending on how you look at it. It's better to just detox your brain off the /pol/ memes and not look at it politically at all, it's just a game about killing alien invaders.
Anyway post your current squad Yea Forums
i'm sure it's just a coincidence
the ladies of this games are more sexy and badass compared to the first one
>we made an oopsie-doopsie
Here's a random C team. Do you guys have "standard issue" cosmetics for your dudes? I get really autistic with uniforms and shit.
>the fucking gremlin in the background
Considering they made a sequel where a squad made out of mongrels fights against human supremacists I would say that any resemblance to redpilled ideas are purely coincidental.
Alternatively, sometimes people are so deep into woke shit that they'll make something critical, but end up appearing based instead.
shut the fuck up and post snek
>Advent TV is blatant lies and propaganda broadcast keeping the Earth ignorant and pacified
>"the Speaker" is a literal reptilian, a Thin Man
>government-mandated visits to gene therapy clinics which are designed to both steal Human genomic information, and to begin mutating them into a nonhuman hybrid slave race
i'm feeling sleepy
I just started playing this game today, stop following me, i can see you right there by my window dude.
You should take your meds, NOW!!!
make me you dumb xeno i will expose every single one of you.
>angry birds
Maybe get off the internet if all you do is wonder whether or not your "based" way of thinking can be given positive reinforcement by the media you consume based on the stupid opinions of other retards such as yours truly.
Why does Shen look ugly though?
The angry birds movie is filled with all this coincidental imagery that some people saw as an anti-immigration/anti-refugee allegory.
The main character's hometown is invaded by a bunch of pigs who arrive via a boat. He asks them question about why they're here and what they plan to do, but he gets bullied for being unwelcoming and cold-hearted, while everyone else fawns over and dotes on the pigs. Meanwhile, the main character is the only person (alongside two of his friends) who can see the pigs for the nefarious schemers that they are (the pigs want to steal all the birds' eggs in order to cook them/eat them.)
It ends up being this comically weird allegory for the immigration crisis where European nations took in all these muslims who didn't have any desire to integrate, broke all kinds of laws, and anyone who dared speak up about it was deemed a bigot and ostracised for their views. It's entirely accidental but it's just so amusing.
>Do the story of this game
are all you redpilled cucks this stupid
I mean...the core of the story is a group of indigenous people fighting an underground war against an imperialist, colonialist, racially supremacist regime that invaded their home, it's actually the exact opposite of what your average /pol/brained 4channer would consider "redpilled". I wouldn't go as far to say XCOM 2 puts themes like anticolonialism at its forefront, but you'd have to be blind to say the message isn't present at all.
the muslim pigs have muslim beards too, i think its planned
yeah, that or the chinese are possessed by evil aliens
I thought the Advent Soldiers were all just clones.
i am neither for the right nor the left, i am just asking
Is Commander being possessed by Asaru?
I usually have 2-3 guys in full black and night vision that I use for rescue missions or advent blacksites
Also, what mod are you using for that armor?
there's a story?
>all the timed shit
way to kill all drive i have to play your game
>canon ending to game 1 is 'you win'
>sequel comes out and retcons this to 'you lose' because more 'people' with botnet enabled lost their first run than won it
Your brain is poisoned.
I for one welcome our snek waifu friends
You are weak.
Titanfall and MGSV armors
I miss Mech troopers
Don't pretend to be stupid.
Obviously it's not nationalism, but that translates pretty well to a conflict that's humans vs aliens that are all about "integrating" Earth into its empire.
You WILL love the SPARKs
You WILL forget MECHs
You WILL be happy
i give up, this game is so fucking bullshit with the miss chance
>dur hurf miss 80% hit chance
>enemy 1 shots you
Every SPARK I've built is retarded. They miss an 80% shot almost every single fucking time.
I fucking HATE grenadiers. I haven't used Sharpshooters enough, but these fucks feel useless too.
the game is about hostile outsiders who have to be destroyed without negotiation. this perspective will be perceived as conservative because every study into the matter demonstrates that liberal people lack almost any ability to gauge or sense threats. Jonathan Haidt has written really convincingly on the subject of political divide and perception. his ted talk is a great intro to his work.
rest assured that they will do their best to defuse the implications in future sequels. firaxis is the furthest thing from redpilled.
I want to cut off my waifus arms and legs and replace them with STEEL.
Its a game about fighting aliens in control. Its our future.
xcom 2 has a mod for almost everything at this point.
Hinestly Spark is superior in every single way but one.... I don't get to ampurate some poor recruit and experiment on him.
I remember in vanilla Xcom2 it was practically optimal to run a team full of grenadiers
Spark is the shit. Having 3 actions per round on a cooldown is OP as fuck. The only thing more OP tham 6 sparks is 1 reaper and 5 snipers.
Oh man MECHs were the best, rocket punching ayys was so much fun, especially if you could set it up so they collide with something or get knocked off a ledge
These fucks can't hit anything with that minigun
I don’t mind ayys being squadmates. The games make it very clear that aside from the Thin Men, the Ethereals enslaved every alien race, and forced them to fight.
Chimera Squad was pretty funny because I almost found myself agreeing with the hardliners who were mad abou xcom going soft kn the ayys
In vanilla you just obliterated whole missions with grenades and the minigun was just there to look cool
Don't you lose gear if you kill ayys with grenades?
Thin men too. Reminder thinmen we're modified vipers.
Meaning they were all female
See how that abortion of a mobile tier game turned out for confirmation that cucks are switching to OG XCOM sentiment as being the bad guys. XCOM 3 will be a disaster on the scale of Diablo 3
reminder that the ayys were supposed to represent white people as a minority but it somehow flew over everyone's head.
Except mine, cause i'm too fast
so is lwotc worth a trie?
XCOM 2's announcement and Yea Forums LARPing as radical terrorists against alien infidels was one of the last times this board was truly fun.
Speaking of redpills, redpill me on Xcom
All i know about it is that it has aliens and it's a strategy game, though don't know what does the gameplay look like
If you really want to you can finish them off with the gun after blowing their cover and armor up but generally who cares.
The aug'd up soldiers were great from a horrors of war and sacrifices made. That guy is just a head grafted on to a metal body now, there's no coming back from that.
SPARKS are just big robots. They're a grown-up SHIV. Much less terrible to contemplate (aside for the building cost--they cost an arm and a leg, in supplies and materials.)