Try to make a funny adventurer's plate

>Try to make a funny adventurer's plate

Why are FFXIV adventurer plates so restrictive?

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If Nigger was a job in FFXIV PvP, it would be WHM/RDM. If you reached Crystal as either of those, you actually didn't legitimately win your matches nor did you earn your rank. Kill yourself.

because its a character portrait.

>bro blm is so much harder then red it deserves to do more damage, I have to spend my triplecasts on fire 4 because every 8 instant cast's gets me 1 extra fire 4 for 1% more damage

I play both in current tier. rdm being able to move during every second cast is irrelevent because when you don't need to move constantly, you need to move for extended periods of time during specific windows.
At 90 blm has up to 13 instant casts in a row it can drop along with teleporting to party members/leyline to dance around mechanics, all rdm has is 3 instant casts (it's a bigger loss for rdm to not spend swift/accelerate on their rotation then it is blm btw), can dash towards the boss or into the deathwall if it makes its low damage even worse by holding onto those for movement, and otherwise it has to stagger cast with its gcd thats barely faster then blm because blm can meld speed unlike rdm, get into melee range for its burst, or actively fuck themselves over by using reprise. Doing something like p2s overflow and its way easier as blm to just hit triple cast once and maybe dump a proc or a xenoglossy to get exactly where I need to go, while as rdm I have to try harder.

Rdm movement is better for shit like alliance raids where you do lots of little movement, but in the content the game is actually balanced around the classes benefits are all a fat meme.
If you need to rez more then your healers can provide you are going to die to enrage unless everyone in your group is really good at their rotation, and if they're that level of player they probably aren't dying enough anyway. Even with the damage buff blm is still noticeably higher rdps just because it does that much more damage while rdm can barely beat phys ranged when it comes to personal dps. Magick barrier is pretty good but its another retard managing mechanic for alliance raids

This is where you all cope by talking about nonstandard blm lines that you definitely all do for that 1% damage increase

t. warrior brainlet

unga bunga holmgang into LB, wow such skill!

I've mained WHM for 6 years in both pvp and pve while you were buying your clears I studied the lily. This is my time.

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You don't understand rdm is good because it lets you "prog" mechanics that I definitely do and don't just copy a joonboob guide verbatim. I can show that dumbfuck bard in my PF group one extra mechanic ahead even though he doesn't even understand what caused him to die in the firstplace, rez is op.

You can get away with almost anything if you have the "face camera" option enabled.

>Stand tall, my friend
>May all of the dark deep inside of you find light again
There's no way the EW music video can top this. Right?

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This. Stupid thread..

Nah, Shadowbringers is much better than Endwalker.

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post em

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So RDM is easy mode? Sweet I'm actually reinstalling now as coincidence would have it, and now I know what I'm rolling PVP as

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I'm tempted to take the lalapill...

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This is just beta. The final product will be even more restrictive because people report others with lewd poses

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do it - playing lala is fun

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Theres surprisingly little lala porn.

>xi/v/ threads have devolved into "LE LOOK AT MY CHARACTER PLATE"
sigh... we used to be great....

oh no

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ya seethe bitch


Can you rank down from a rank entirely or only lose stars in an existing rank?

IE if I fuck up enough can I fall out of Platinum back to Gold?

you can drop from plat 2 to 3 but not plat to gold
you will bottom out at the lowest metal tier

based, I don't want to see some retard's catgirl giving a blowjob every time I load into PvP or a Dungeon

BLM honestly gets an answer to everything so it's not even that hard anymore
It's clear BLM, WAR, and SAM are Yoshida's babies

>want to fanta my character to male highlander
>worried this will cause the same issue I have with samurai warriors 5 right now where the only time I feel worthy of playing the game is immediately post working out because otherwise I keep bashing myself about how fucking perfect the dude's bodies are and mine is not even near that point (yet)

Stop making plates. Do raids.

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already did my weekly
piss off barashit

i can't pose for shit so my friend made this one for me and since i put it on i've been climbing to almost plat then getting crushed back down to G2/G3 because i keep being the retard DRG that goes in and dies

portrait power is real bros

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Byregot wants another city to rebuild. Rhalgr is the raidfaggot

>try to recover account information to play again
>we need your driver's license or a passport uploaded
Yeah domo norigato squeenix san. The absolute fuck?

how the fuck are they supposed to know it's actually you and not just some retard asking for your login info?

Make me.

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But I see ass only?

Elephant Beast Tribe quests when?

In two weeks.

The rezzes and extra mitigation is great early on in the tier and in a static setting but I agree that RDM is definitely not a PF hero in savage. In ex trials the rezzes become okay again but there's still a limit how many times you can die and still meet the DPS check, believe it or not.

I was the last person surviving in Endsinger EX after the quadruple planet collisions, raised the entire party as RDM, and we still easily cleared the dps check. Those weren't even the only deaths either.

youtube does this for age verification for video tagged as mature too

>The rezzes and extra mitigation is great early on in the tier and in a static setting but I agree that RDM is definitely not a PF hero in savage.
It absolutely is one of the best jobs to have in party finder. The issue with PF groups is rarely suboptimal comps, it's consistency. The more fuckups you're able to account for, the better. I don't think I've ever run into a situation where I've been farming in PF and the group struggles to meet DPS checks for any reason other than deaths outside of third or fourth fights during the first few weeks but that's when RDM is still being run by statics.

Idk I had like a 25% enrage PF is wild.

You probably had a literal dead weight non-contributor.

25% enrage means something is very, very wrong. That's either a whole lot of deaths or low general performance with at least one person doing almost nothing.

I tried playing RDM in savage for the first few weeks/month and I had problems with enrages. Maybe things are different with the current gear level.

"Flow", "Close in the Distance" and "Hopeful Dynamis" are all extremely good, when you reach them in-game you'll understand

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Getting to know that character on a more personal level and all the events that came after and realizing the implications during that cutscene of what they were dealing with the whole time...

XIV status: [MOGGED]

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>New Alliance Raid
>Scale is perfectly balanced as it should be
>Countdown hits 1
>Two fuckers jump over to the other side and upset the balance
>Raid wipe
I doubt they were retards, I'm sure it was malicious. At least the song is good.


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ok sure, we're totally mogged, no go back to WoW and leave us alone

>ears clip through helmet
0/10 try harder

Square Enix's 50 websites are all fucking awful. I was trying to recover an account I made in 2013 which I hadn't used since about 2016 and just gave up. Made a new one. I don't understand why you need so many fucking accounts. They need to clean that shit up.

endsinger ex is easier then zodiark and is barely content

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is this The Sims?

How do I make friends? I feel so alone playing the game.

Just be social.

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How? Honest question.