Message to Yea Forums
Message to Yea Forums
women are unable to develop anything more than surface level interests in any kind of hobby lol. they are just sexy
Is this why you transitioned?
thats a man
>to Yea Forums
That's a man.
Real gamer girls love men.
I mean I know this is bait, but the image kinda has a point.
It is retarded men & white knights the ones ruining it for everybody.
What about women authors?
Why are incels so unable to talk to women?
>Know pajeet at my uni
>Never talks to women and constantly talks about how they're whores
>One day me him and 2 girls are grouped up for a project
>Everytime he talks to them he constantly tries to flirt and steers the conversation towards sex awkwardly
>at one point one of them gets uncomfortable and asks him to stop talking
>he shuts up and puts his nose in a book
>the second they leave he tells me how all women are whores and if he wants me to remain friends with him I should stop talking to them
>women are unable to develop anything more than surface level interests in any kind of hobby
One thing i've noticed is that everytime Yea Forums says something about women it applies to zoomers as a whole.
yes men are becoming more effeminate.
a pathetic man made this image btw
They aren't mad that they are whores, they are mad that even whores won't fuck them.
>>the second they leave he tells me how all women are whores and if he wants me to remain friends with him I should stop talking to them
This is correct.
Moids need to kill themselves.
You will never be a moderator.
That's a man pretending to be a woman (and failing)
Women only care about feefees
wow I wish women would stop harassing me
unironically based bitch
based pajeet. you dont deserve a cool bro like that
>actually interacting with a pajeet
Are zoomers this desperate for friends?
At least brown men are still men and not whores. Cope roastie.
Id rather befriend whores than brownies.
No they aren't, to be a man you need to be a human, and a non-white isn't a human.
>manga section
>no manga in sight
imagine walking into a bookstore and you see this shit
wow its almost like zoomers are walking vaginas or something.
God I wish I lived in the city :(
It's there you just have to squint a little.
what about women gamedevs like me? trannies don’t count obviously
You inmediatly rail her, 8/10 of those types have a free use fetish.
cringe because most of them do it for the status that comes from filling a niche women don't typically fit in and not because they genuinely enjoy video games as an idea
Silly user women can't use computers
Thank you for the info, I will avoid those places now.
To be fair, no one with brain cells capable of communicating with one another has enjoyed videogames since 2006.
I accidentally matched with a tranny on Bumble the other day, gonna see if I can make it kill itself.
dont get it
God, I love these types, always so clingy, thirsty for affection, so willing to do anything to get you interested, from cosplay to just letting you use them wherever.
Why the fuck is she trying to pose in front of the books. She's just taking up space, what an inconsiderate bitch.
But i'm a female (male) :O
Get the fuck out, newfag.
> what an inconsiderate bitch
Why, it's not like anyone's gonna pick them, books aren't real.
>actually considering unfaithful roasties to be human
Degenerate. Sodom and Gomorrah. You are part of the problem.
This is actually quite astute. Light entertainment like video games are feminine in nature, which is why stuff like musicianship was also considered a lady's pastime in the old days.
>if you don't consider retarded pajeets to be human it means you are a simp
Why are you fucking zoomers always so goddamn obtuse about absolutely everything? There's no point in talking to you, your IQ doesn't get to the point where you can actually argue, you just want to seethe to vent over your pitiful, poorfag existence.
just spoonfeed me this once, cant possibly know every dumb meme
The magic and wonder are gone. Everything has already been done or thought of. This is the new digital age and you will like it.
I actually do see a lot of girls like this in manga sections of barnes and nobles
Pls tell us about the indie rpg inspired in earthbound and which the plot is an metaphor for depression which you're developing.
beautiful women aren't like this btw, only landwhales or hideous bitches
Because virtue signaling on the internet over how badass and manly they are is all they have since in real life they are all 5'2, 80lb and have spent the past 8 years sucking off politicians, showing that they are all cucks.
Some /fit/ user would post "please be in london" everytime a girl posted on there, so now people say LONDON when a girl posts
It's spoonfeeders like this why Yea Forums is dead.
Absolute cancer, although I guess I shouldn't expect much from Yea Forumsedditors.
I've done a couple that were actually pretty cute.
Give it a try, you'd be surprised about the kind of little zoomette who is all dead inside and will take anyone's attention.
Wish I had been in high school today, though, feels like it would be even easier to get laid with them.
A woman wouldn't have a single chance in either War Thunder or Counter Strike or DCS.
>War Thunder having the same skill ceiling as CS or DCS
So who is raiding Yea Forums now? Is this thread brought to us by crystal cafe? It feels like something they would be into.
thanks, i saw this meme a while ago and knew its meaning back then but havent seen it in ages. now the last two or three days ive seen it a couple times again and i couldnt remember what it was. i did remember that it was somehow related to /fit/.
Women will be the most valued sex in even a post-apocalyptic society. Men will be disposable cannon fodder.
Kali on Yea Forums
Why would crystal cafe care about a thread about women, it's all trannies there.
Unironically, if women were to be as interested in vidya as men were, and men were maybe less interested in them, world would be a better place no cap frfr
Lol What happened to "ewww that nerd is playing pokemon"
They found it's way more fun to bully the nerd out of his safespace.
The women who made fun of you for playing videogames are in their early 30s at the youngest.
The ones who play vidya weren't even born back then.