>Why yes, my favorite games are Dark Souls, Deus Ex, and New Vegas, how could you tell?
Why yes, my favorite games are Dark Souls, Deus Ex, and New Vegas, how could you tell?
Why do they always have no chin?
literally me
Why yes, my favorite games are Ori, Metal Gear Rising and Deep Rock Galactic, how could you tell?
Most incels arent white
this si why incels are all happy meanwhile trannies are so depressed
Yea Forums hates dark souls and new vegas now, though
Is there even such a thing as a happy tranny?
Cargo pants/shorts for me
>no jaw
I wear tennis shoes that I run in
>t shirts
I refuse to wear anything else
bruh touch grass
>wear T shirts
wtf is the alternative?
what's wrong with designs?
What's wrong with jeans?
True, I love New Vegas
>your fashion is slightly outdated but still fairly normal late 2000s fare?
Does this even qualify as a shitpost? It seems to come from an underage individual that has no idea what incel even means.
Uh, normal shirts, incel?
>incel glasses
what the fuck? Why would you shit on choice of eyewear and not hairstyle which is much more indicative of what kind of person you're dealing with? I know it's bait, but fuck.
user, you card
>that shirt combined with their usual bird's nest hairdo
Wtf are zoomers smoking?
no thanks schlomo, I like how breezy my shirt is
T-shirts that aren't giant billboards for [BRAND]
Polo shirts
Button up shirts
That's what people call a shirt hillbilly.
I’m not buying overpriced nigger shoes.
If a shirt isnt comfortable and Im not going out to get laid/get a job im not gonna wear it, simple as.
If you don't want to look like an incel you will, oh wait, you're racist, nvm by all means continue being an asshole while functional society dabs on you dumb fashy.
>casual wear that includes a tucked collar and arm cuffs
How to spot someone who doesn't actually have a respectable office job because who would put up with that all fucking day
Retarded for being racist
Retarded for taking societal expectations into account
What are some good looking glasses?
>source = my ass
nice cope
>astigmatism and jaw bone structure aren't a good fashion statement
Wtf bros you lied to me, brb im gonna go buy a new jaw and pair of eyes, shouldn't have listened to Yea Forumstard fashion advice
That's not a polo shirt.
Just imagine being enough of a subhuman to spend more money on this because of the horse
gay shit
You can't have an office job now if you're male. All the (white, non-Jewish) men work in construction.
I look like and say this
it doesn't even cost much and shirts last for ages
it's more retarded to spend money on vidya when you can pirate it all for free
Why OP keep posting pictures of himself?
He is that afraid of being alone?
I like New Balance...
jokes on your i wear sweatpants
Just buy chink clones like everyone else
>Virgin jeans
>Only the not jaw or chin
>Wear vans
>Only wear polos or hawaii shirts
I buy my shirts for as cheap as possible at walmart and pirate most of my games
I like you, user, but they're meme shoes. Sorry.
>Project Mirai
Contact lenses
Congratulations, you're a faggot. If you were really a non-incel you'd be buying both at their full price. Imagine not being able to flex on poor people with a nice watch made of solid gold and premium brand polo shirt. Couldn't be me.
isnteads of trannies 200k cut dick operations
I haven't seen a classic neckbeard in a long time. Where did they go?
>new vegas
how very transphobic of you
>Why OP keep posting pictures of himself?
He is that afraid of being alone?
I'm saying you should be spending your money in important things like your outside appearance, not secondary garbage like video games that don't endear you to anybody and make you look like an autist especially when paired up with late 2000s Walmart fashion. I swear you incels have no self awareness and you wonder why nobody likes you.
its really quite boring how conservative the tastes of those people are
ITT: Virgins who think they need money to have sex
if that was the case niggers would have gone extinct already
>>Why OP keep posting pictures of himself?
>He is that afraid of being alone?
>Why yes, my favorite games are Top gear, international super star soccer, and tibia, how could you tell?
my faorite game is Deep Rock Galatic and i look like a ugly bastart dwarf
Conservatards hijacked "liberal" fashion so now polo shirts are the new counterculture.
It's like a tax for not being able to see, though. I can buy a pair if glasses that'll last me years, but contacts are a monthly cost (yes I think like this, I grew up poor)
And there'll be times where you still have to wear glasses even if you wear contacts 95% of the time.
>this thread again
Having fun ?
i agree with most of this but the t-shirt part is just /fa/g level contrarianism, you can hardly go anywhere and not see normal people wearing t-shirts
unironically if you lived in nyc you'd see those jeans, the glasses, the shoes, and shirt being worn and actually looking good.
i recall just the other day some girl wearing low waisted jeans like that but much shorter so the flair showed skin, something fairly generic on her feet like nb, and then a tight fitting america shirt that was just cropped. she was hot af lol anyway yea this isn't bad fashion desu
replaced by nu males
Don't forget the smartwatch. I'm a virgin and i wear one
Hopefully were made fun of enough that they learned the errors of their ways.
Whats wrong with wearing tshirts...?
>wear sweats or shorts
>have chin
>wear lands end slip on shoes
>wear t-shirts with games or anime on them
Nice that I'm only 25% incel.
I just can't keep up with these trends anymore.
Both sides look like this.
It's how heavily politicized incels look like.
There's the nazi road and the "i will turn myself into a lesbian tranny to score" road, and neither get what they want.
You need to wear one with buttons
All trannies are incels but not all incels are trannies.
There is nothing wrong with wearing running shoes and jeans