The lothesome dung eater
The lothesome dung eater
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How long until Ralpha Male x Cat Boy sex tape?
Can't believe Ralph killed Nick.
Fat confirmed worse than cancer.
Can't punt the gunt!
That's a big ragepig
Why is there a giant scrotum spilling out from under his shirt?
the gargantuan gunt gesticulator
I like seeing people's reaction to the gunt
Baked was the real one to kill nick the cat boy wasn't as bad s baked. Imagine walking around and being colossal faggot to everyone around you that even makes niggers look respectful. Nick honestly could have been something but chose to surround himself with losers and that was his downfall, he put America last instead of America first
That’s fucking embarrassing and shameful. Look at the fucking state of that belly.
Sometimes i feel sorry for him for how dumb he is, but only some times.
>gunt spilling out from under his shirt
Nick is one wet pussy away from flipping on his own beliefs.
IP2 was the downfall of Baked and by proxy Nick. Nobody leaves IP2 unscathed
i sold baked coke that was like 90 percent cut with lax and he called back for more.
I love how he only came onto the "debate" just to say that he doesn't eat shit.
that man will never get pussy. he's a closeted gay with aspergers, if he gets any action its gon be another mans hairy asshole
I didnt know Miyazaki was a fan of the Guntstream.
He eats poop.
Could it be...
>Nick thinks he is some brilliant mind and is gonna change the world
>ties himself to a cokehead informant trust fund kid and a drunken drug addict that's on the fast track to dying
>waste 2 1/2 hours "debating" a literal dying troll. Quite possible the most well known troll at this time, who has done this exact same song n dance before.
>Just like every other time someone spergs out about Jim laughing at them, they end up just ruining themselves.
Watching IP2 is a great way to make you feel better about your life. Whenever I see those people I'm glad I'm not them
How much longer does the GUNT have you think? That liver should be straining with how much he drinks. Not to mention all the fat on it.
I see two options.
Very soon, like Jim might actually outlive him soon.
He oddly reminds me of my "uncle" Jimmy. Huge perpetually drunk and obese fatass that pops pain pills almost non stop. So he might make it to his 60s then have a heart attack shit and vomit all over himself. Only to not actually die from the heart attack, he died from drowning in his own vomit.
I think he's gonna die next year. His health is terrible and he's running out of money
I am more surprised how the gunt is that much of a sharpshooter.
Some people that live like that have incredible longevity, it's fucking insane. Sure, some of them die at like 41, but a lot live into their fucking 80s as obese alcoholics.
t. interventional radiology
Fuck...I can't believe I still like watching this faggot.
Suwee! Suwee!
>They haven't seen the double tits
>they haven't seen the xxx tape
damn, hes so fat even his tits have a double chin. impressive.
I don't know how it started but IP2 started referring to a lot of people as Andys, I assume chicken was eating chicken or something the first time he was on a stream
I still don't understand how that happens
>Nick Fuentes threw away his last shred of credibility to defend this guy
What was he thinking?
americans are magical creatures
>I can't betray muh internet friends
Is that his fat?
He wasn't defending that guy, his real issue is he was just pissed off that jim doesn't respect him enough to "stand down" as gay as that sounds. That's why he hyper analyzed the most insignificant things like tweets to passing remarks, he wanted to deconstruct jim bc jim unironically tore jim apart, just by not giving a fuck about him.
>imagine thinking Nick lost anything during this thing
>imagine thinking Metocuck is funny
Nick fucking humiliated him at his own game, anyone with half a brain can tell that.
Metokur has not been relevant for a decade and flagging all these screeching faggots is funny and based.
Fuentes has no friends he just has sycophants. Saying that having sycophants is based is just his way of coping with the fact that he's incapable of being a friend bc he's too addicted to the idea of being some cult master.
>Nick fucking humiliated him at his own game
>the post above your's
I genuinely can't tell if this is a shitpost or a zoomer
seething, kiwiboomer?
>"criminals are le based"
>"I'm like the Joker"
>"what is Spartacus?"
>"it's only okay when I send someone to sabotage events"
>Metokur lost
You have to be 18 or older to post her, groyper
What is this thread?
Could be a shitpost but all the AFags are like that
lol this guy stole digibro's girlfriend after he became a tranny
the internet is fucking strange
>hur durr i watch le enlightened right wingur
>hur not anymore because another le enlightened right winger said he was bad
The glowies must be happy about another division well done
worse it was his wife I think
This drama is kinda lame. What happened to Nick sending out people to fuck with Kirk and others?
Video games?
I've seen many fat people but none had such a horrible gunt, what's wrong with it?
>I dont have the iq to understand nuanced takes
Seems about right.
Lmao kiwicucks are so weak, as soon as they get some shit back they start whining. Metokur is an unfunny boomer trying to cling to his past relevance and that Spartacus shit was a great example. Nobody understood him, he got embarassed and moved on. None of his "jokes" worked.
I mean, if spamming old kiwi memes and poop jokes is funny to you then that kind of says it all.
It's about the Loathsome Dung Eater. He is a character from Elden Ring, and you can even summon him as a Spirit Ash. Now if this thread was about a Commendable Food Shitter that would be a different story.
Metokurs streams eclipse Nicks.
Why do you children listen to the Feuntes retard? You're all so fucking dense.
The Gayper can't cope.
>2006 Yea Forums - console wars
>2022 Yea Forums - my right winger is better than yours
>What happened to Nick sending out people to fuck with Kirk
It happened mostly organically and it's done now. What should happen to it? Things that go on too long become cringe.
Can some Amerianon explain why they are like this?
Nick didn't have a single nuanced take the whole debate. He was literally reading Metokur's Know Your Meme page for dirt. No amount of seething from you will make Nick look better.
Feels good not knowing what is this creature till now. Ignorance is a bliss sometimes.
Well at least it's an improvement
you mean those where he spends all the stream smuckling (smugly chuckling, like Sargon) and raking in superchat money?
Isn't there an eceleb board?
I mean the guy seems to be spiralling into nothingness. There was a time before this sort of cringe wasn't the whole reason I heard of his name.
why am i turned on?
Projecting much? It was literally Jim reading kiwifarms summary of Nick and Nick just laughing at him
This is maybe the only debate I've seen nick enter while seething like he's never done before. All the other bloodsports I ever saw him do started out with him having fun and being clearly likable no matter how stupid or belligerent his opponent acted, regardless of it was coach redpill or halsey or that fat cigar guy that tried to represent Kyle Rittenhouse. Nick always had this sense of chill. But he did like 7 or 8 appearances on streams for 5 days straight leading up to this debate seething like a faggot about it. He was sperging the whole time during the debate and throwing out the cheapest most jewish "please clap" bait. I've never seen him so desperate. Maybe it's all the shit the governments done maybe it's the size of his movement growing, maybe its the money he desperately kept trying to brag about, but he came across more pathetic, lacking any control of the situation, and like an absolute loser than I ever thought he could. Like a drunk divorcee boomer showing off his car on the internet to cope with how miserable he is.
I'll take this garbage any day over yet another Twitter screencap thread
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO uhh ya video games huh?
who is this?
Fuck off Nick, go shave your pedo stache already.
I mean, he's banned from all the major media and the establishment are desperately trying to ignore him. How would you hear about any of these people if you dont actively seach them out?
how is the gunt related to vidya games other than very tertiarily through gamergate?
Super Gunt 64 would be as close as you can get, I guess
I feel completely lost reading this thread. I don't have a fucking clue who these people are and I suspect I should do as a 28 year old white man.
The Nefarious Shart Denier
You are very biased. He just did the same shit Metocuck did, but he actually had an argument too.
That metokur nick shit was embarrassing on both ends. These people are fucking nerds.
>nobody understood him
Lol. Just because both you and Nick are retards who who couldn't understand a historically based reference, doesn't mean everyone else is the same as you, lol.
It's cause he knows his position is indefensible if he actually cares about free speech
look at all this kiwifarms cope. mad because cozy is going to be the next twitch?
nick admitted during the debate that he reads his thread daily kiwis live rent free in his faggot mind
Now that the dust has settled, who won?
Just google Internet Bloodsports for some general context
you are old and unfunny
not nick lmaoooo
The audience.
for me, it's kino casino.
Nick obviously. That other fag is literally dying lmao
Or at least thats what people say because he's too much of a pussy to show his face
Well, no. I feel like I lost two hours of my life.
>Cozy is going to be a kike run propaganda outlet
Checks out.
Imagine listening to fucking metokur in the current year
Whatever side you're on, the whole thing felt kinda "soulful" for a lack of a better term, kinda like the bloodsports back in the day. For sure its better than anything the faggot lefty twich politics sphere has to offer - pedo zoophile jew cia vaush or turkroach subhuman negative iq hasan. I hate these faggot immeasurably more.
Sure, he is more relevant fucking around than Nick will ever be.
the guy who isn't going to die in a year
Only one who lost is the ones who watched all 3 hours of the stream
Josh included
We all lost
We can them "gay" and "retarded" all we want but WE WATCHED THEM gave them our time
Guy got a double kill with that content spray
>Ohh no, daddy jim is dying of cancer, he lost bross1!!1!
>Meanwhile, Nick Fuentes has lost any and all respect he had left
Who is metokur
Is he mauler?
isn't that cuck vaxxed and super scared of covid?
"bloodsports" is cringe and shit and always has been. anyone involved with it or watches it actively is an autistic faggot.
Something political and preferably IRL. It was his sort of energy that dominoed into things like the anti-grooming legislature in Florida.
Well yeah, he has cancer and is immune compromised.
>leftoids and people who already hated him hate him
shocker, I guess thats why you're all coping now
He also has cancer, so dying from covid is actually a genuine threat.
who was this?
Why did nick ally himself with the gunt. I don't think nick is the most intelligent guy but you don't exactly have to be a scientist to realize that associating with Ralph can only fuck your career up.
>why won't you attack metokur too??
bc metokurs appearance was par for the course. he's the same as he's always been. nick is the one that was different from how he's always been and he's the one that's snapped.
The first Google result for gunt fuentes is from /r9k/ hahaha faggots
But /pol/ approved it!
he's doing irl stuff, shit takes time
Dying is a mercy for a loser. The real curse is living a full life as Nick Fuentes.
>e-celeb thread
>its not even a vidya e-celeb
yes, you adapt to the discussion at hand
you really think you can actually have a serious discussion with fags like metokur?
Everyone in this thread is still living off the high of gamergate.
His own discord groomies were even confused as to why he was making such a fool of himself, and telling him to stop. Cope more.
>it'll eventually be deleted
>All the retards in here will take it as personal persecution of their views and make more threads
he's young and a millionaire, I think he's gonna be okay
>there are unironic Nick fags here
I didn't know my opinion of Yea Forums could be any lower
>Hitler? I just want ethics in video game journalism.
Jim won and he didn't even do anything. Nick just beat himself.
>Isn't there an eceleb board?
You mean /vt/ ?
/pol/ must be bored.
fuentes melted down and needed like 3 assists to help him avoid further embarrassment so its pretty clear jim got exactly what he always tries to get in these things. ppl can try to memory hole the 3 minutes fuentes spent seething and talking about how he was gonna eat poop and enjoy it bc he was melting down over jim just not caring about him, but the vod is there. and either way it's not like nick is gonna get better as a person, this whole thing is just a marker for the moment when it became clear just how much he's lost his mind.
Keemstar and the spaz zoomie host
the fuck do I care, I'm laughing at the seething kiwitroons
finally people are starting to see how unfunny, irrelevant and autistic you all are
Genuine question was Ralph ever taken seriously? I didn't give a shit about IBS or the Killstream but even back then I'm pretty sure he was just a shoutcaster for debates. Apparently he doxxed Brianna Wu and has alt-right beliefs (whatever that means) but like what has he actually done that's of value? With most rightwing e-celebs I can see why people watch them but Ralph's actual streams are less interesting than the shit he posts on social media. Like more people watch Josh cover Ralph's antics than tuned into the Killstream at its arguable peak. That's fucking sad dude.
I wish Null would stop trying to make him a lolcow honestly. It's like the moment Chris wasn't relevant anymore, and Yaniv became boring, and DSP got his debt discharged, everyone on KiwiFarms just threw their hands up and declared Ralph the new de facto site lolcow. Call me an a-log but if Peetz doesn't gain more traction with his autistic shitfits I'm gonna be mad, Ralph is just not that interesting as everyone makes him out to be.
I still can't get over the fact he admitted he'd rather eat shit than finger a woman. Holy hell, had me dying.
The debate was the first time I've ever watched Nick. He was fucking embarrassing. He was constantly quoting Joker, playing with a knife, trying to laugh at the concept of a man dying of cancer, claimed to be the next Hitler, and projected his fear of women. He's every single alt-right stereotype except real. His edgelord persona is fucking sad to watch. That shit ain't funny outside of imageboards. I am glad he's not going to reproduce.
Video games?
Bitch Alaska called him a cuck though, the guy who pepper sprays people he's afraid will beat him up.