Was this scene supposed to be sad?
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It really did feel pathetic when the game tried to act like I had some sort of attachment to Melina throughout the game. Not only is most of her dialogue missable and optional, when she does appear she just paraphrases Marika with a whole 3 lines of dialogue and leaves. From is just awful at designing meaningful character interactions.
>gets blown out in the other thread
>doubles down like a monkey and makes a new one
>5 lines of dialogue
missed out on all of her interactions throughout the game explaining lore and her thoughts
tell me how I know you only went to where the grace pointed at without exploring anything like a knuckle dragging ape
hot girls dying is always sad. but yeah I didn't care because she was pretty much already a fucking spirit anyway.
I got the flame by accident and healed it and she didn't even show up again anyway
At the very least, having her sit down next to you each time you rested at a site of grace would have made her more of a companion. Optional dialogue boxes with special dialogue at certain sites would've made anything about her more memorable. And she's tied with Ranni as my ER waifu, since they're the same person.
>tell me how I know you only went to where the grace pointed
a lot of fags rushed through the game but those things don't fucking work. they'd show you which way to go even though you didn't have the requirements to go in that direction, such as when you need the dactus medallions.
>From is just awful at designing
could have left it there
to be fair it’s probably better this way. I don’t want to care about some npc bitch I just want to play the game. dialogue? I skip that. cutscene? skip. boss delivers some lines? I’m not listening, my headphones are for youtube music. making the story optional is one of the things fromsoft is good at
Elden Ring doesn't seem like a very character-driven game to begin with. You just sit there as she says a single paragraph and then leaves so you can go beat the next boss and repeat.
>says she never believed in you and the horse was the one who vouched for you
She deserved far worse.
>Marika said this
>Marika said that
Literally no personality. No reason to care about her as a character. She was just an exposition dumper.
The only time she ever came close to being a human was the one line she had about boc.
I wish they had the balls to make it so when she leaves the first time you couldn't level up.
>blah blah you didn't keep horseback bullshit to a minimum in favor of actually playing the game
Indeed, you may now chew on my cum.
Code Vein did it better
Melina has more character development than:
Anastacia of Astora
Fire Keeper (even no name lmao)
The Doll
>her thoughts
Most of her Grace dialogue is "In Marika's words..." She barely says anything for herself.
My code vein experience has now been forever ruined because of this spoiler.
i only wish the game was non shit.
user, how did you not know...
I forgot she existed. You never even see this bitch after you first meet her.
The only time she bothers to properly speak to you is when you go for the Frenzied Flame. What a joke, otherwise she's just Marika's mouthpiece. She's a glorified parrot
whys lost ark more than doubling elden janks players? i though elden dogshit was a good game? and its getting thrashed by some f2p shovelware?
daily reminder that you can’t beat the game without accepting her accord
daily reminder that even after you quench the frenzied flame, she literally disappears from the game with no dialogue
are people actually playing that chinkshit game? Theres a reason it's recommended to avoid asian mmos.
Boc dialogue
Near frenzy door dialogue
Leyndell dialogues
Mountains dialogue
I have completely forgotten about that bitch because I've spent like 100 hours exploring and doing shitty side stuff lmao
This. I still don't understand how From is so praised on Yea Forums. They haven't even tried to improve their games since Demon's Souls. They're just as bad as EA and Ubisoft.
I've explored vast majority of content on my first blind run and still only met her in limgrave and in the capital. If she appears outside of those areas I must have missed her simply because I didn't sit at the sites of graces that often.
Because of that, I unironically got to godrick before meeting her for the first time.
I was keeping it in my backlog for a rainy day and was gonna start after being inundated with work.
Counterpoint: everyone loves the Maiden in Black. Same for the Doll. And even Shanalotte has her share of fans. Melina failed to capture the feeling of any of her predecessors. The most character she expresses is when you're in the tomb of the frenzied flame, and the vast majority of players don't even see that.
I never saw this scene because I'm a madness guy
she tells you to be nice to Boc
>doesn't speak much
10/10 woman
t. Fromsoft
You can't measure the mutual affection of two human beings by the number of words they exchange.
Because lost ark is just a more solid game overall
She's honestly not that cute, disappointed that she has the second most porn by sole virtue of being a poster girl who is also easy as fuck to draw
>why does an online game with constant content have more players than a single player game with finite content two months after it came out?
>find sacred tear at a church
>sit at the grace beside it to use it
>”oh hey what’s that new menu option?”
>never miss a Melina dialogue
but whys no one talking about it? its clearly way more popular than elden ring, and youre right it looks like unfun garbage too, but its got the top spot on steam. granted eldenshit is a low bar to beat, but it isnt just beating elden ring, its destroying it. they were released about the same 24hrs but where 1 was quickly dropped by everyone the other retains its players.... lost ark must be better than i thought to dick down eldenbrown ring so handily. i mean if elden ring ever hears the word elsticity again its gonna burst into tears after this ring reaming.
she should have been at every bonfire, even if they didnt all have unique dialogue
Play it anyway to at least learn the context.
i explored almost everything in the game and didnt find out she had dialog at grace points until after i burned her. She should have sat with you at the grace points when you rested at a spot. I hardly changed weapon arts or spells and when i did it just so happened to be at a spot she couldnt talk to you. I had no reason to read the options at sites of grace otherwise.
Bro I know you gotta shill your trash game but make it less obvious...
>Could have just had her appear to do her chant every time you level up and problem would be solved
Was this really that hard?
I will not consider any ending where Melina isn't safe canon
ranni survives all the endings
more like
>find sacred tear at a church
>oh hey i bet this upgrades my charatcer, ill use it later im going to go kill this giant then explore a bit i already healed at the grace
I don’t know what From was thinking here. The dropped the ball with this character. I decided to do a new FAI/STR run after I beat the game and since I knew what I wanted and basically beelined to Lyndell because I wanted the Erd Tree bow. I kid you not when I finally get there Melina is like “oi this is my last time talking to you time to do the thing” and I’m looking at my game time and it’s like 30 hours lol! In those 30 hours I “spoke” to her like 5 times and then rushed to Lyndell and it was over. I don’t care that the Lyndell goodbye is a fake out because even after that she still has no presence. This is why Ranni is the popular waifu.
Prease understandaru, itsu From firsto openu world gamu.
it was about 1 month ago elden trash lost relevance. and do you expect games like gta6 , botw2 , or even far cry 7 to struggle to maintain a playerbase against some f2p shovelware even 4 months after release? gimmie a break , people dropped eldenring because its a bad game, lost ark maintains players because its sorta good. thats the real difference.
dis nigga waited 2 months just to make this post lmao
Melina was only hot in the very end
>Tarnished lights the forge
>doesn't die
>Melina lights the forge
I wasn't sure she was even alive to start with
I didn't even realize she and Ranni were different people for most of the game.
i refer you to this postnot even the first time lost ark held the top spot.
I mean the code is all there already.
She will do the level chant but only:
1) Youre at a proper grace
2) You talk to her BEFORE leveling
3) Then you go to level
They could write like, a 10 line script to make it happen without the other bullshit.
thats funny. lost ark is just a chinese skinner box. people stopped playing elden ring because the pvp is not worth sticking around for after you beat the game unless you are a fanatic, like every other rpg with pvp.
I care about her. A great deal, in fact. So much so that I actually cannot stop thinking about her. I am completely smitten, I love Melina. All I want in life is to have someone like her to love and care for.
Cope, nobody gives a shit about your waifu.
Nigga get the fuck outa here. She has like 10 lines total and of those 10, 5 of those are about what some dead bitch said. Oh thanks for giving me torrent even though the horse had more faith in me than you did. I can completely understand why homies did 3 fingers ending because this none human non personality brick was a pointless character that added absolutely nothing to the adventure. Melina simps are almost on par with Sakura simps.
Well, From can at least make her whisper at you whenever you near the grace. That code also in game already judging by certain NPCs will talk when you nearby them to alert their presence.
Spoilers don’t ruin shit they just prevent discussion of modern art between people who enjoy it
sounds like you’re mad cuz you’re bad
Same. Fia or Sellen deserve it far more.
I had more sympathy for Rya and Roderika and Hyetta...does anyone else have Hyetta's vomiting saved as a sound file?