>permanently ruins your game's community
Permanently ruins your game's community
never used it, people are ghey and thus i will play single player alone or with bots
name 3 examples
>caring about the community for a specific game
Do people really?
mmo [any]
i dont know why but somehow this platform took morphed worst parts of reddit and Yea Forums.
it generally fucks communities as they grow
more people = less control over common interest
take your meds grandpa
>hey what happened to the ____ guide? it was on the site a few days ago
>"Oh haha we moved it to the discord! Join with this link and you can ask the mods for it"
>grooms you're children
>get an error in game
>google error
>get forum post about said error
>oops, the forums are closed, we moved to discord!
>join discord
>search error
>no results
>post in support channel
>no response
how many genders did you switch today?
Discord tranny (pedophile) here, ask me anythng.
Desktop for proof.
what's your discord id?
stop grooming children furfag
You've never ONCE needed a guide that was "hidden" on discord. I guarantee it.
It is bad because what communication used to take place in the fucking game is now splintered between a million different private chatrooms.
it is
the CEO is a huge retard and decided to automate bans instead of hiring janitors
I'm too mentally ill to add people
post ur wallpaper plz
Yea Forums
>had to make discord just to download the latest version of the fanmade yugioh game 5 years ago
why is that thing so fucking popular? isn't it just a chat?
what's your matrix id?
Every fighting game.
that is part of what made online gaming fun, yes.
trannies are so much worse than furfags, if only furfags were our biggest problem
it's a psyop site made by mentally ill degenerates to convert others, of course it's popular
Here you go user
I only use matrix cause my linux bf doesn't trust discord.
thx, most aprpeciated
even gamefaqs stopped posting walkthrough, I miss blogger and blogspot, hell I even miss Hipsters.
what's your bf's matrix id
Every fucking single one unless it's a already small and niche community which in case there's fucking nothing that could go wrong because as soon as someone acts crazy there's another one made and don't even fucking bother with gmod discords they're all the same cancerous shit as the actual game server
i hate that many random things are gated behind joining a discord, not one thing in particular among many worth mentioning
it's stupid, it's that shit about having to register/post in a forum/thread to be able to see content, I want the fucking download/info, not to join some chat room with people I don't know
>Just join a Discord and ask if you have a problem rather than Google and find a solution on a forum like in the past
Great. Tell me how I am supposed to find these Discord servers to begin with given that they aren't indexed by Google and that the vast majority are invite only.
world of warcraft killed it first
Exactly. Now you gotta find invites on JewTube videos and hope that the fucking idiot made the invite permanent instead of letting it expire in 24 hours.
Not arch or tiling wm. You stole this from /g/ didn't you?
it's like if reddit was it's own private club which you can only get through if you weren't banned or actually want to give them your email
it's so retarded and imagine how many people who pay a monthly fee for some minecraft mod just to be told to go to a discord
Nope, I'm using it to compile right now even
>le centralized interweb is good
compile this *unzips dick*
I know it’s Yea Forums so you had to say that, but far more than just gaming communities or in-game chat systems. I had a nice community of friends on Chatzy before the great schism.
The fact it’s a massive botnet only compounds on that sentiment.
Fuck Discord and it’s cub-loving owners.
Linux won
Window BTFO
whats your opinion of kadokawa
ephebophilia will never be a thing
name one(1) good discord community
>wasn't involved in gaming communities in the 90s
>wasn't involved in gaming communities in the 00s
>wasn't involved in gaming communities in the 10s
>won't be involved in gaming communities through the 20s
serves you guys right for getting involved with nerds.
They killed Kemono Friends and we will never get a season 2.
I made lifelong friends in online gaming communities in the 90s/00s. I'm sad younger people don't have the same opportunity I did. It's lonely out there.
discord users aren't nerds they're just internet autists with many mental illnesses this is like saying sonic fans are nerds
closest thing to a nerd to sonic is urkel
shut up, nerd.
you guys should check out brickadia discord server
ok geek
Everyone in this thread uses Discord and is just trying to larp as some epic 4channer lone wolf.
Yea Forums
I don't use groomercord and I never will.
>discord bad even though irc xfire and other shitty chatroom services that are virtually the same have been around forever
Okay pal whatever you say.
Yeah xfire, mumble, teamspeak, skype, etc.
It's all the same. The only thing different about discord is that it has a low barrier for entry.
>nobody can answer with a definitive answer, just general "all of x"
In a more specific example, playing titanfall2 basically requires the community program Northstar. Great since now we can mod everything and have balance and fix bugs since respawn never came back from getting smokes.
But now we can't get bugfixes in the main release because a good number of posters, who don't actually play the game, want patches to be mods, not actual patches. For example, projectiles despairing when you die. Softball is a coin flip if your sticky will explode after death or not. Fixed by mods, when the general thread existed. But it wasn't added to the main release, even when me and others posted in the discord for it. Because people don't play projectiles, the tryhards play car or spitfire. In fact, some servers actually ban projectiles, since the only ones who use them are the ones who have the get good mentality and are better than most. Environmentally, locations like eden there are still invisible walls and you can't wall run if you go too high, which is easy with grapple, but you just learn not to because the game won't work up there. Again, mods fixed it, but can't be pushed to main.
People who don't play the fucking game gatekeeping people who just want the game to fucking work resulted in me just uninstalling. Giving power to the community instead of the players was and is a bad idea.