Why did this demo cause so much asshurt again...

Why did this demo cause so much asshurt again? I remember even seeing people on twitter getting asshurt for seemingly no reason

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because every character didn't have a visible label on them that said "bad"

>Why did this demo cause so much asshurt again
because the whole game was designed to create it for free publicity to distract from the fact that the game was dogshit compared to the first one

I don't get exactly get what kind of controversy Klansmen and Nazis being depicted as bad guys is meant to produce.

The KKK hated Nazis. It's just a 'muh racism BAD' meme got out of hand. In the official KKK charter it even says negroes are inferior but should be protected and given help. Instead in this game they treat them worse than they treat their dogs or cats. Unlike some other cultures.

>enemies instantly hitscan you from hundreds of feet away
>BJ has literally 50 hp cap for a huge portion of the game

why the FUCK did they think this was a good idea?

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>bash head on monitor because of autism
>get thousands of dollars in donations
is it really this easy

nah, you have to come up with your own unique gimmick otherwise they'll know you're just copying the other guy

to write this you have to believe all white people are on the same team against all brown people, which is marxist swedecuck nonsense

how come its ok to make games to kill nazis, gooks, japs etc but no games to kill jews?

germans didn't approve of the kkk or mistreatment of blacks in america

>In the official KKK charter it even says negroes are inferior but should be protected and given help.
So the lynchings, hangings, etc. are explained as...?

Why would Twitter be upset about this

The developers sent out a tweet with this scene and something about trump voters, basically saying 50% of the country are klan nazis or whatever
Hopefully somebody remembers this and cant post it

It should be noted that 1920s political organization KKK and classic lynch mob KKK are entirely different beasts

usually only bad people got lynched, look at blacks today and tell me they don't deserve it

>look at blacks today and tell me they don't deserve it
They don't.

Not the other user, but I think the idea was "They don't deserve to be wiped out, but we can't suffer any who don't know their place." Kind of makes sense considering their common refrain was "You don't belong here, go back to Africa."

Yeah, and I wouldn't describe that as 'protecting' black people. And it's a bit late to tell them to 'go back to Africa' once they've been living in the same country as you for multiple generations.

Cryptofascists have been assmad about Wolfenstein 2 for 5 years ongoing and don't like when they get called out on it.

It came out when the Alt-Right vs SJW shitposting where getting high as fuck, and deranged folks where using the publicity of the game flaunting the fact that yes, you can kill nazis in many horrible ways, to say fuck over the other side.

Most right-wingers said that TNC was insulting them because left-wingers tend to call them nazis (just as right-wingers tend to call their enemies commies). It didn't that Machinegames (the devs) were starting to act too woke for the game's own good (comparing it with TNO that also had a message of that Nazis are scumbags, but were more nuanced about it)

That, and the friendly commie priest that appeared, even if the trailer that revealed him where him and BJ insulting each other about who fucked up more back in WW2 (Inspired by real events in USA before Pearl Habor)

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It wasn't directly about trump voters, but they clearly knew what they were doing. They used the slogan "Make America Nazi-free Again" in advertising, and leaned hard into the "punch a Nazi" meme the left was using to justify violent counter protest. Bethesda even justified the advertising publicly mcvuk.com/business-news/media-pr/wolfenstein-2s-punch-a-nazi-marketing-campaign-is-a-healthy-avenue-to-vent-frustration-says-bethesda/

I thought they hated nazis because they were allied to the japanese, who the KKK hated?

>Kind of makes sense considering their common refrain was "You don't belong here, go back to Africa."
>catch slaves and bring them to America to let them work for you as slaves
lmao and racists say niggers are dumb

KKK people really went outside looking like that? Pretty cringe fr fr

It's particularly funny when you consider that the Americans weren't native to the Americas, either. They have as much right to the land as the slaves they imported.

You know those were two different groups right


I'm just running down what I think the logic probably was. Doesn't mean I see it the same way.

>Nathan Bedford Forrest (July 13, 1821 – October 29, 1877) was a prominent Confederate Army general during the American Civil War and the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan from 1867 to 1869. Before the war, Forrest amassed substantial wealth as a cotton plantation owner, horse and cattle trader, real estate broker, and slave trader.
No, I don't.

Sounds like he didnt personally catch slaves, just took advantage of them being there are then telling them to fuck off. Basically no different from foreign workers in any other country, minus the pay of course.

Holy shit

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Criminals guilty of capital crimes get killed user. You think they just killed random negros? They killed rapists mostly.

They brought them here as slaves, and didn't like when they got to start living free and having a say in how things are run. It's not like they brought them in expecting one day they would become citizens the federal government would consider their equals. I'm not even racist and the logic seems pretty easy to follow

alt rightoids projected themselves as the nazis and got upset at finding out they're cartoon villains
and through meme magic the leftoids started calling every conservative a nazi unironically instead of lazy fringe ones

>holy shit

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>omg why is this game so political?
jesus christ imagine getting butthurt over a game about punching nazis

>be dindu
>rape a little girl
>get linched
>100 years later
>"he dindu nothin', it was all the racist wypipo fault"

Germans loved blacks, don't know why you faggots think otherwise

They also called people nazis if they didn't like the game

>be black slave
>get accused of raping little girl
>get lynched, because everyone says you did it

You don't get to revise history like that. They purposely riffed on Trump's campaign slogan, and used the whole "punch a Nazi" thing in advertising, which Twitter was openly applying to all Trump supporters in the wake if Charlottesville. This isn't a case of the right self inserting as Nazis, it was a case of Bethesda thinking controversy would sell, and using modern day political slogans in reference to killing Nazis, knowing everyone who is politically engaged would understand what's being implied.

Case in point.

back in the day there was a push to call everything right wing nazi and the dimwit webs thought it would be cool to bank on this and naturally people became irritated

>everyone who opposes, say, immigration are nazis, you are a nazi
>see what we do to nazis in our game? you do remember you are a nazi right?

nowadays people use fascist or racist but in 2016-2017 it was literal nazis this or literal nazis that

>be dindu
>wake up, fart, eat last nights leftovers of what's left of your neighbour, stab your third wife in the eye for not fetching water from the village water well 20miles away,
>white roastie backpacking comes to your village and says you need to move to the west to be a rocket scientist
>be dindu, hear this, rape roastie, behead her, eat her for that evenings dinner, but seed is planted go to the west, become bbc porn star in the U.S.

it's not exactly unlikely given blacks rape 3x as much

>which Twitter was openly applying to all Trump supporters in the wake if Charlottesville
No, just the nazis, really. Just a whole bunch of Trump supporters decided the shoe fit and got uncomfortable.

It's pretty perfect, you can't take umbrage with the slogan "punch a Nazi," because Nazis are indefensible, but at the same time they get to claim ignorance when you rightly notice that they don't mean Nazis, they mean anyone with a different political opinion.

No, we really always just meant nazis.

Just go on /gif/ and if you can get past all the porn threads and see a good cannibal thread, or beheading it's not White people being the cannibals, or doing the beheadings.

Show me an example of a group of KKK members lynching an innocent black person in the 1950s. I'm waiting.....

>Build a game about an alternative history where the USSR conquers America
>Have the games slogan be "Take back better!"
>Make several promos featuring Communists getting killed in specific ways used in modern day anti-leftist memes, like "Free helicopter rides :)" and "Commies get the rope"
>Insert a friendly full blown Nazi NPC who tells the protagonist "You know we could be prevented all this if you didn't fuck us in WWII." No opportunity to kill or harm this character in any way, and he aids the protagonist in the story.
>"What are you paranoid leftists talking about. This is just a fun game about killing Soviets. Don't tell me you identify as these reprehensible pieces of shit? Stop telling on yourselves."

Tell that to Bethesda marketing director Pete Hines mcvuk.com/business-news/media-pr/wolfenstein-2s-punch-a-nazi-marketing-campaign-is-a-healthy-avenue-to-vent-frustration-says-bethesda/

>modern day anti-leftist memes, like "Free helicopter rides :)" and "Commies get the rope"
So literal fascist shit
Tell him what, exactly? What triggered you?

You've been posting throughout this whole thread and no one is taking the bait. Do better.

>Tell him what exactly?
That the marketing and Nazi associations weren't in direct reference to Charlottesville. He literally spells it out for you in the article I linked

>You've been posting throughout this whole thread
I haven't
>and no one is taking the bait.
You have

Still just talking about nazis

that milkshake looked fucking good though

He doesn't mention Charlottesville directly. But so what? Charlottesville was a nazi event. This is the part where you distance yourself from them. If you go "why yes these people with literal nazi flags shouting about Jews and assaulting bystanders are my people" you don't get to bitch that people include you in the nazi category, because you just told them that's where you belong. You want to have your cake and eat it too.


you can punch nazis without being onions or dealing with annoying black women

I want a milkshake now :(


>make BJ's white father comically evil because white man bad, your family bad, your history bad, globalism good

Yes, I do speak for everyone who wants to punch nazis.

All the Nazis died years ago. What sort of fucking parallel dimension are you schizophrenics living in? Or is it just anyone with a political alignment you don’t like? Faggots. There are no Nazis around you daft cunts.

wait so you guys get free reign to make jokes about killing people you dont like politically but if people do it to you because you support the most failed political ideology in the entire world, theyre instantly nazis?

Except we do and you're being a fucking retard.

Correct, cope and seethe all you want but rightoids aren't culturally relevant and have no ability to dictate how this works :^)

I really could have cared less about the hamfisted wokism in this game if they simply never showed B.J.'s childhood as more than just a cornfed Texas farmboy who had a tough upbringing like 99% of young men from that day, whose father suffered no bullshit but taught valuable lessons. Instead we got "BRO YOUR MOM'S A KIKE, I SOLD HER TO THE NAZIS FOR MUNNEH MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN" and his mom was a stereotypical kikess dressed in rags and a headwrap and is like "OY VEY BJ REMEMBAH YOUR JEWISH ROOTS BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE YOU GET YOUR MORALS FROM"

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idk im a neoliberal capitalist who hates commie cringelords and it seems like my side is globally dominating

>never created sonichu
>still has medallion

Bro cmon Wolfenstein is totally a game for basement dwelling larpers but the dudes name is Blaskowicz. Thats Jewish as fuck

dimensional merge

>All the Nazis died years ago.
Literally only nazis say this when people are goose-stepping in the streets waving swastika flags and talking about exterminating the Jews.

my dude there's plenty of game that make fun of communism and/or Russia the thing is they don't sloop so low as to use shitty """""memes""""" like the one you quoted, just play freedom fighter it's basically the game you imagined in your head but without the cringe and nazi apologia

>but the dudes name is Blaskowicz. Thats Jewish as fuck
Blaskowicz comes from BJ's racist dad. Admittedly they always implied that BJ is of jewish ancestry but why go overboard and make his mom belligerently Jewish and his dad a bona fide racist? Like just give him a normal upbringing typical of the period.