>first weapon in the game is so broken it trivializes the game and makes bosses easy as fuck
First weapon in the game is so broken it trivializes the game and makes bosses easy as fuck
It only makes you strong against the first two gyms only. That's it. They're already easy. If anything, Charmander is the easy route regardless of intent. The gym with his weaknesses are the two easiest ones and right at the beginning of the game you go through a forest filled with pokemon weak to fire.
bulbasaur is balanced because it falls off hard as the game goes on unless you want to kill things in like 10 turns with leech seed toxic cheese instead of 1 or two with your choice of super effective move from a better pokemon
squirtle, on the other hand...
Nidoking is still the best choice for og RBY
>takes forever to learn vine whip
"bulbasaur is easy mode" is a complete fucking meme. Going through the game with Charmander is faster and more efficient.
Bulbasaur has a glitchy 100‰ critical rate Razor Leaf and Toxic+Leech Seed glitch combo, both can destroy almost everything in the game alone
Charizard does the same thing with Slash and also has access to Dig. Venusaur is shit.
gym leaders, retard-kun.
Charizard has far worse stats than Venusaur in Gen1, zoomer