All right, I just finished Rebuilt of Final Fantasy VII 1.11 You are (not) a remake.
Up to that point, I kinda understood what they were going for. Past that point, I don't understand anymore, where did they end up after crossing it? It shouldn't be the same world they came from, maybe it could've even have been the OG one, yet time jannies were still there after they crossed it. And what's up with Zack, this time.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
>Tifa mods
Just Nomura's retarded fanfiction
I did have some wonky breast physics effect at times, but overall, the mod is quite good
The unknown journey will continue…
FFVII is no longer a story about anything. It's now just a product for people who want to see the characters waved around in front of their eyes in a consequence free world that goes on forever and ever like the MCU
>in a consequence free world
We can't be sure of that yet. And the same would've been true in a 1:1 remake anyway
This is absolutely hitting the nail on the head. The story about appreciating the beauty of nature and life has now been turned into "BRO SEPHIROTH THREW A BUILDING AT ME! THE NEXT FIGHTS GONNA BE SO EPIC!"
Shit's sad man
>Still blaming Nomura
>Kitase and Nojima raughing in the background
The director gets the blame for allowing it to happen in the first place, whatever the case this has KH smeared all over it.
So much truth in this 1 post it hurts.
Nomura was the director. Of course it's all four of them combined that are at fault. I'm amazed how often Toriyama is allowed off the hook.
Nojima described bringing Nomura the script with all the story changes and how nervous he was that Nomura would simply reject it. He had that power, but he approved it. So it's not like he's blameless.
you're 2 years late to this discussion OP, let it go
Nomura also wanted Weiss in part 1 from the beginning. There's a good chance that if Nomura had his way the remake would have been worse from the start.
this game is so on rails, does it open up at some points, i left it in the sewers part.
>does it open up
>i left it in the sewers part
the first time it makes you go through the sewers or the second time
im with tifa and aerith, i think first time
so should i stop playing then ?
Its a full game based on a tutorial section of a PS1, what did you expect?
Not really, though I didn't expect it to be anything else, as Midgar was already pretty on the rails back then. Considering how they stretched it in this Part I, they definitely could've made an effort, but then they surely would embrace the open world meme. And let's say it's not SE's forte, they're not Monolith Soft.
The story goes off the rails towards the end. If you want to watch a train wreck, keep playing. If you're really not enjoying it, then just stop. I loved the original but the remake isn't that good honestly.
imagine redoing all the boring stuff you're doing now, but all over again, and worse. get out while you still can. I wish someone had warned me.
>The story goes off the rails towards the end.
it starts going off the rails since the whispers appear, every time they appear from that time forward is a reminder you're not supposed to be enjoying the original story
Every thread about VII:R deserves this reply.
at least until it's refuted with something better than "b-b-b-but what's wrong with the MCU?" from unironic soisoomers
Based pasta poster
Tifa's ass is is Rebuilt for BWC VII iykwim
Maaya Sakamoto as Aerith was a blessing
OP's screenshot freezes the exact moment this game instantly went from 10/10 to 1/10
I barely remember anything about the original, should I replay it before going into the remake?
>before it was about *describes themes* and now it is about *describes a random scene
Before, the og was "OMG LOOK AT THIS COOL SUPERNOVA CUTSCENE SO COOOL", but im glad that now the remake is about environmentalism, corporations killing the planet and if its corps fault or peoples fault for creating the market.
it's a shame you can't talk about the merits of the remake without having to shit on the original. feels kind of desperate. are you mad about something?
>end game summons/spells represents the majority of the game
you're a retard
what fucking merits
>now the remake is about environmentalism, corporations killing the planet and if its corps fault or peoples fault for creating the market
But that's all in the original. Your example sucks.
I accept your concession. Have a proper argument next time, no worries, sometimes when people want to agree to something so hard they dont stop to think what they have just written. Take a deep breath and formulate an argument without showing bias.
what the fuck are you talking about you nutcase
Yes, you got what i meant and why that post i parodied is so stupid. Congrats.
>Have a proper argument next time
What, like you did? lmao fuck off you spastic
It can't be refuted.
In what way is it like Marvel
Yeah, I get it. You still didn't prove the point wrong though. Next time just post that zoomer spongebob meme tHaT gOeS lIkE tHiS.
>demanding other people formulate proper arguments while openly shitposting
Yeah we all need to up our game to please you so that we may be granted one of your invaluable replies
>i got it
>but i didnt get it lol
Please, stop posting. This is OUR thread. Get out. 4 anons are telling you.
Why did you post this? Arent you ashamed?
You are very stupid.
While we're at it, I'll redo a playthrough of OG FFVII, last time I played it was in 2001 or 2002. What's the best way to play it these days? Can I just play it with one of the PC (Steam) re-release, or is it still recommended to play it through regular PS1 emulation? Did they fix some of the approximate translations in those PC re-releases? Any mods worth using, be it graphix or gameplay (something like the moguri mod for FFIX if it exists)?
This is how ff7r fans are like, lol. Complete nutcases. Thank god us ff7og chads are nice.
I have the utmost disdain for people who defend this shit
>modding the masterpiece with shitty fanfiction mods
Checks out. Go play again the poomake, you bastard. You arent a ff fan.
We're in 2022 zoomer, nothing wrong with using mods that are able to upscale the background assets like the moguri mod. I finished FFVII five times already while you were still sucking out milk from your mother's tits.
why is Sephiroth there
If you're happy to play the PS1 original, that's still the best way to do it. If you feel mods are necessary, go ahead and get the steam version. FF7 is available on everything these days and there really isn't a "bad" choice. Just ignore anyone telling you to install the New Threat mod no matter how hard they beg.
play the game and find out
because it sucks ass. don't waste your time.
already playing the OG, still on the second disk
Same reason he was there in Advent Children
Hes not there, its cloud hallucinating
if you're playing for the first time, go the OG route and use a PS1 emulator. If you're replaying it, play it with the New Threat mod
bad writing?
I remember exposing a dev of this mod and he got really mad, he was pretty much begging us to play it. Glad he ran away crying, heh.
>Just ignore anyone telling you to install the New Threat mod no matter how hard they beg.
good advice
Half the cast was fucking axed in the last phase, dummy. Don't compare this soulless cash grab garbage to fun, well thought out shit like the MCU.
Based you are right as long as you shit on the poomake
FFVIIR is even more soulless than the MCU and less likely to ever conclude
god it looks so incredibly shit.
you don't remember that part in the intro of ff7??