>things you would change about the user experience
>most liked thing about the reveal
>least liked thing about the reveal
>what race and class you will be playing
>are you a pvper or a pver?
>things you would change about the user experience
>most liked thing about the reveal
>least liked thing about the reveal
>what race and class you will be playing
>are you a pvper or a pver?
Just let me die
imagine being excited for an expansion catered to scallies
>sub numbers are in the few hundreds of thousands
>barren servers, cities, save the few dedicated idiots with nothing to lose or gain in this lifetime
>made by a company of China pandering, talentless fools
Who the fuck is hyping this up with legitimate positivity?
What is this? Is this a fangame?
no user.
noone working on this shit likes WoW.
monster footjobs
This has to be bait right, doing the "haha obvious shill" LARP?
>game fails
I guess you dont want new classes
I stopped playing back in Legion because the gameplay sucked. Did they fix it?
looks terrible, wow is dead
I unsubscribed and uninstalled both Retail and Classic after watching the expansion reveal.
Then removed Battle Net.
Anyone else do the same?
Never watched the reveal.
I did all of that almost 10 years ago.
you'll still buy it because you're like a fucking crack addict lel
the dracthyr look fucking stupid and i hate them like why not just give us races people have been asking for aouwhrua9hr282a8rab2f
this time for sure, wowsis...
>>things you would change about the user experience
id make it fun
i hope everyone here understands that if the Microsoft deal goes through and WoW is added to the game pass then millions of people will instantly play this game (again)
i farted into my couch cushion and the smell wont stop lingering
And millions will quickly realize it's somehow just gotten worse and worse and quickly uninstall. that being said I find it very hard to believe they'd put WoW on gamespass with its pay for expansion + subscription model
Enjoy threads every day till commercial release.
no bro theyre gonna do it my uncle works at microsoft and he said they were gonna
also my other uncle works at the government and theyre gonna wipe student debt tomorrow
Sauce on the numbers?
>things you would change about the user experience
I'd revert the game to MoP.
Do people seriously still play wow? go to fucking /vr/ you dinosaurs
All of you are screeching about how WoW's ruined, pozzed, etc. but you'll still buy it
Every single one of you are brainwashed paypiggies.
I did that during the hearthstone/china kerfuffle a few years back and I've been waiting ever since for them to do ANYTHING worth coming back for. I've been gladly disappointed.
So when is World of StarCraft gonna come out?
WoW came out in late 2004. Doesn't fit.
>games bled out to near death
this bait...weak. lacking. like woman.
no (you). very shameful.
I can't wait to yiff in goldshire with scaly tgirls :3c
>spyro but you ordered from wish.com
>hopes, dreams
That they will scrap Dracthyr and make the new race Dragons (large body with 4 legs + wings) and any choice of humanoid race form. Class choice determines available dragonflight selection. Red = Warrior/Priest/Paladin, Black = Warrior/DK/Priest, Green = Monk/Druid/Hunter, Blue = Mage/Hunter/DK, Bronze = Mage/Priest/Monk/Paladin. Start as a whelp at level 1 and grow in 3 stages as you level up.
ps2 is retro now which is the same time as wow, it's ancient and the only ones who play this game are on /vr/ anyways
I did that after I finished up Cataclysm. I knew nothing good could possibly come next.
I reinstalled everything then watched the expansion reveal just so I could uninstall everything again. It's about sending a message.
one guy 6 months ago decided subreddits population was indicative of sub numbers and copers have ran with it ever since
looks kino, im not sure why this expansion makes incel cucks seethe so much
>t. projecting blizzdrone
>playing wow
>after 2010
jesus, when will someone step forward and save us from this horrible fate?
when's the next big mmo coming? who in the game industry actually knows good game design and has a 100million budget?
Dragonflight will be a second Pandaria and tank into the depths.
WotLK Classic is the only thing that will keep this franchise afloat for the next 2 years.
And after that? Cataclysm Classic? I think not.
If they can't keep people interested in classic, the true state of retail will show its ugly face.
Skipped mid trailer, yeah its that bad...
why would I when private servers are a thing?
This is why you should never listen to the players. All of you are fucking retarded
Great argument
Always fun to remind WoW troons that their game is dead and they are completely retarded for still playing it.
That the game dies.
That the game dies.
>Things I would change about the user experience
I would let the players experience the game's death.
>Most liked thing about the reveal
It looks like it'll bring the game one step closer to dying.
>least liked thing about the reveal
It means the game isn't dead yet.
>What race and class will you be playing?
None, I just hope the game dies.
>Are you a pvper or a pver?
I'll pvp Blizzard employees irl if possible, but I just hope the company dies.
Oh hi Ion.
It took you until just now to uninstall?
Nigger you're jumping ship as it touches down at the bottom of the ocean.
I did that in 2018 after I decided to finally become a PvE parse nigger because every other aspect of this game was no longer fun or even tolerable, uninstalled after first season of BFA when I reached top 100 EU in m+and realized that CE raiding and climbing .io is a massive waste of time that becomes irrelevant with the release of next patch while you turn into a fucking zombie like everyone else at this level of play. It's a dogshit game and I haven't really played since Cata - buying the expansion just so I can unsub for 1.5 years and play during the last patch. I always preferred small private servers with an actual sense of community but this scene is dead because of classic.
Even the porn can't compete anymore!
Still playing WoW. Can't wait for the new expansion. Yea Forums still seething and making up bogus sub numbers because nobody gives a fuck about their tranny FFXIV game. Cope faggots.
Nobody cares about mmorpgs, period. You defunct crack addict. Also from the threads you deranged shills keep posting here no game in 2022 seems as woke and trannie friendly as nu World of Warcraft
>cope faggots
palpable irony
ZAMN! japanese elves be looking like this?
Nobody likes WoW fags. FFXIV is shit, but WoW is actually bottom of the barrel garbage.
>be blizzard fan since sc1
>buy all games
>love the characters from all games
>play all games on release no matter the hour
>overwatch is made, all turn to shit
>still playing other blizz games
>dragonflight reveal
>uninstall all games and bnet
Are you me? fucking nu blizz destroyed my blizz golden gaming years
Delicious cope. Tell me more about the game that nobody cares about that you can't stop talking about, faggots.
And remember - you will never be women.
Blizzard razed the MMO genre to ash then salted the earth. When they saw there were no more lands to conquer they wept. Maddened by their unquenchable thirst for conquest they turned their sword on the only men left standing. Themselves. The only thing left now are south east asian crows feeding on the dead and the wandering animated corpses of emulated servers.
Correct, I love to shit talk your troon platoon game of choice and mock you for it, the reaction alone is worth it. Thanks for the milk, cow.
Your tears are delicious to me, tranny. It's okay. You can RP as a real woman in FFXIV with the other faggots. Then you'll kill yourself and your parents will be relieved. How does it feel?
Wow is dead. I just wish nuBlizzard would stop raping its corpse
is this literally the femworgen running animation?