Why is Knuckles so enthusiastic here? He's supposed to be a loner whose lack of contact with other people makes him easy to dupe.
Why is Knuckles so enthusiastic here...
He's allowed friends user, he always was. Besides he's still competing with sonic there by barging in, he's about the same as he ever was
He gets to punch something
He was enthusiastic about bullying sonic in the games
you're reading too much into an intro cinematic
He's happy his debut game is finally back after so long
I can do what I want.
Knuckles is allowed to have fun, user
i don't think so
Would it be cheating to play as Knuckles on a first completion? He's just more fun.
He has the advantage that he can keep his rings when he leaves a special stage.
>Porn spammers got an actually good thread deleted
I hate you niggers so much
The death egg robot is harder with knuckles due to his smaller jump.
Don't You mean first playthrough?
I guess that makes sense when You play S&K.
It's what they do best. Now watch them rock up here and play victim.
He's happy because they can't reuse his classic Generations model liek they are doing with teh other characters since he had none and he isn't playable on CD
Knuckles is an introvert who comes out of his shell when around his pals.
He's not a soulless, friendless husk who just kinda appears everywhere because Sega said so. That would be post-mandate Shadow.
Bold of you to assume you'll even manage to beat the final boss with Knux as your first time
any1 know where I can read the idw comics without shoving over any shekels?
Mania is a Mario game in spirit. Everybody is smiling and they act more like mascots than characters.
They're in the other thread playing victim actually.
>These platformer mascots shouldn't really act like mascots!
I hate newfags so fucking much it's unreal
>Why is Knuckles so enthusiastic here?
Once Eggman betrayed him he punched the fuck out of a wall and chased after him until exhaustion, why wouldn't he be enthusiastic?
never really liked sonic all that much. I only just finished mania last year.
If you don't know how you can read comics online for free because you have zero knowledge of how to type something into google, you're a waste of oxygen. Even by replying this to you I'm spoonfeeding too much.
whatever, homo.
marios better anyway
Stay new.
>He's supposed to be a loner whose lack of contact with other people makes him easy to dupe.
Yes, at the start. Then you get character development.
Which gets retconned a few games later
>classic amy acting like modern amy
At least post the real one
Yes, I do.
Classic Amy's singular appearance in a game has her do nothing but cling onto Sonic (even preventing him from moving in some cases) whenever she's not in captivity.
They're the same person
user, that isn't the real one
THIS is the real, official one
Is mirror mode running to the left instead of something?
Anyone else hate 4channel's contrarian anti-helpful stance on sharing information? No one thinks you're cool for doing this.
>Anyone else hate 4channel's contrarian anti-helpful stance on sharing information? No one thinks you're cool for doing this.
>Classic Amy's singular appearance in a game has her do nothing but cling onto Sonic
That's not very empowering...
>even preventing him from moving
It's like an analogy for women in real life.
Yes, pretty much that.
Just noticed the mountain peaks in the background.
They're not like that in the original game or the Android version are they?
Probably the japanese 1.1 version?
hahahaha get fucked
That part can go, I just want an Amy that's more subdued and cute like the art for CD and her Mania appearances than the manic (psychopathic) pixy dream girl with violent tendencies that modern Amy is.
Like what?
Can we stop calling incarnations of characters from decades ago 'modern'?
Not when SEGA drove that wedge in we won't.
It's relative. Stop being an autist.
Amy in CD had no character beyond a base trait mentioned in the first response.
After that she appears in Sonic the Fighters and Sonic R, two spin-offs where the story is pretty much non-existent, and then her character gets fleshed out in Adventure 1 and 2, the games which set the baseline for what her character is beyond that trait.
Sega bending the knee to annoying fans and making a distinction between "muh classic" and "muh modern" when 3D Sonic in the sixth gen and 2D Sonic in the fourth gen have way more similarities with each other than most would like to acknowledge. Hell, I'd even toss in seventh gen, the series only started to diverge when the characters overdosed on irony poisoning.
It just seems really pointless to complain about versions of characters that haven't existed for decades, sorta like if you were to say 'the issue with modern Sonic games is all the other characters they make you play as' when you're referring to Adventure and Heroes.
But maybe I'm wrong, to have three of you disagree at once. Sorry anons.
Why is G.U.N so fucking stupid?
Do we ditch the 'new' in New Super Mario Bros because its an old game? No, thats just its name
It's the only example this series has of lasting character development, user. Accept it graciously.
This is happening after Sonic 3. He's just happy to not be alone anymore.
Again, your description of modern Amy is literally what classic Amy already was in Sonic CD. There's no distinction between the two versions of the character outside of design.
Bad analogy, it's more like complaining that modern Mario is too focused on gimmicks, and pointing to FLUDD as your example of a 'modern' gimmick
>your description of modern Amy is literally what classic Amy already was in Sonic CD. There's no distinction between the two versions of the character outside of design.
I see. Maybe I missed something. Was she a demolition ball on legs that actively harassed her crush far beyond the point of "one note little girl character has a crush" back then as well ?
How would you distinct between "classic" Sonic characters and "modern" ones then?
You are thinking of Heroes Amy
Knuckles was always enthusiastic once you're cool with him
I wouldn't, classic and modern were a marketing gimmick for Generations that was taken too far by those in charge.
It doesn't seem a bit farcical to you, user, to call 1991-1996 the 'classic' era, and then 1997-2022 'modern'?
Not him but for Amy it's
>Classic Amy (infatuated with Sonic, not enough so to go chasing him down all the time)
>Adventure Amy (obsession with Sonic turned up to 11)
>Modern Amy (background character who shows up once every few games to say hi to Sonic)
>not enough so to go chasing him down all the time
>(obsession with Sonic turned up to 11)
user, please
Heroes Amy, yeah. And Adventure Amy, and Adventure 2 Amy, and Boom Amy, and wait a minute that's just how modern Amy is isn't it
not him, but no? Why in the world would it be?
It's got a pretty clear distinction which is Sonic's redesign.
Adventure 1 and 2 Amy's character was literally the same as CD, just with an arc about self-improvement
>not enough so to go chasing him down all the time
Trips wasted on someone who doesn't even remember Amy following Sonic into the fucking arena of the final battle as it's exploding rather than getting out of Little Planet right after he rescues her from Metal.
>not enough so to go chasing him down all the time)
my nigga she literally fucking chased him down to another planet
did you see the Sonic CD Opening? Can you imagine what she had to do to get there?
Classic and Adventure have the same character, regarding Sonic
Do you act exactly like you used to when you were 8, user ?
Are you going to act exactly the same way in 10 years ?