Is yiik good now?

is yiik good now?

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It's a shame what happened to him

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Garth Ennis´s Crossed... Dont worry, this kind of shit is usual with him

>dismembering the cunny but raping the dude of all things
My suspension of disbelief can only take so much.

Pretending Yiik is actually good LE IRONICALLY is a retarded guerrilla marketing campaign and you have to be blind to not see it

kek it really does look like him

Always was

Take you’re meds, schizo.

yes user and the sonic movie producers never really intended to use sonic's original design it was all gorilla marketing

Anyone who is interested in playing it, especially here of all places, will pirate it.

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God, this looks so fucking stupid. Not even in an 2edgy4u way, just pure stupidity.

pirating is for AAA garbage made by megacorperations that don't deserve your money, it should not be used against small title like this even if you don't like it

See what I mean?

No, started a playthrough last week, and it is without hyperbole, the single worst game I've ever played.
Still love Yiikposting though

Piracy is for whenever the fuck you want, however the fuck you want it.
YIIK dev should've made something worth my fucking money if he wanted to get it.
>But that's immoral!
So is shittalking people who you ostensibly need to buy your game.
i'm not the one who lost a sale lmao

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i miss terry how you dont have idea, i will will slaughter everyfucking glowie in this world

Me too, user.
Me too.

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Crossed is genuinely terrible with predictable plot and edginess attempting to make you look past this. It fails.

You are not making yourself look like you’re correct.

that's because it sucks balls. It's not even edgy in a way that's interesting or appealing. It didn't even get a teen following like other edgy stuff like JTHM did, no one liked it except to make fun of it.

what's that?

that's kinda suspicious, agreed

No lol. It's still a incel hipster game.

Modern culturally acceptable edge only, please understand.

What is being said in the last panel?


Hmm, I thought you could zoom in on it, guess I'll have to reformat the scan

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It's comic series called "Crossed". It's basically about zombie virus, but those zombies aren't mindless, just super aggressive and rapey. They all get a big cross on their faces because Ow The Edge, and run around killing and raping everyone.

Honestly, it would have maybe been worth it if they actually went with it

She hurts her ankle, she says to leave him behind. He puts down salt around them because superstitious. Doesn't work, get raped and tortured. Woman is being a woman, insulting the man. They would have died from the blood loss and/or shock, they should not be speaking at all or looking back in "Oh, no, stooop it!" face.

>intestins spewing out
>he's still alive
>also she's able to talk with that gash in her head

>He thinks the Irish can produce non-shit content

Assuming they had immunity to the virus, could they survive the crossed

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I liked Ennis' Punisher MAX, it was edgy but in an appropriate way. This is just poop.

>rape the parents
>dont rape the kid
>still dressed too

lmao too edgy i guess

you don't die immediately when you're disemboweled. in fact sometimes it can take days

I can't believe YIIK(IV letter of the English alphabet)S added a columbine level... how did Alex get away with it...?

Aren't they all carriers? Old survivors can go to their boat and leave for those islands, should be safe.
New survivors might be worse off with the military than they were in the game.

No matter how much you force it, you're still not funny.

>Cunny doesn't get disciplined but the father sure does
Lmfao. When "progressive" dumbasses make comics.

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Are you fucking retarded? The chances of not cutting a major artery during disembowelment is low, and if it is cut, you die within a few minutes.
If it's not cut, you still have a huge hole in your tummy and will die from blood loss either way within an hour.

how far gone are you that you look at gore rape and think "pfft fucking libtard hippes"

>Old survivors can go to their boat and leave for those islands, should be safe.

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It's a comic mate

Kind of turns me on though.

no shit sherlock. calling it "progressive" because of lack of child rape is retarded.

The thing about YIIK is it has a semblance of something that could be cool, but it's also made by people who are clearly insufferable, and mostly incompetent. That's where the conflictedness comes from.

It's sjw garbage not because of the lack of cunny discipline primarily, but because the dad gets raped by another man, but the kid doesn't. That's extremely unrealistic.

no man, no. why do you think people had their heads cut off when they seppuku? look it up, it's not a quick thing. There aren't many arteries near your gut, just lots of small vessels in the walls of the intestines

For the motherland! Yiik

yeah sjws love depicting rape, they just can't get enough of the stuff.

Ok, you actually are retarded, my bad.
Head cutting was done out of respect and to not have to wait more than necessary to dispose of the body. If you think that you can live with a huge hole in your body then I seriously don't know what to tell you.

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dont ever reply to me you absolute retard

They have a superpower called cheat engine. All infected people and animals are dead.

ah yes, because pedophilia is related to the right like we all know

>tfw you know the Yiik devs are so desperate to make something meaningful that in their next patch the new content is gonna be edgy as fuck
kino incoming

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that's the abdominal aorta dipshit, and it's behind everything else. It's essentially backed up to your spinal column. good luck reaching that motherfucker on the first try

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>Namefagging with a Lain image of all things

You can't even reply right you dumbass.
I didn't even post that because of the aorta, but the branching. Here's a better one, now shut the fuck up.
Also, a knife that big can definitely slash the aorta genius.

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No, but they could

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can and will are two very different things, but whatever dude

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Alright gonna disenboweled myself, will post results

Good shit.