Nooooo Starkiller! You can't kill the Emperor and end this war in a single strike! Y-you just can't okay!

>Nooooo Starkiller! You can't kill the Emperor and end this war in a single strike! Y-you just can't okay!

I'm glad FU isn't canon anymore holy shit.

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The what if DLCs were kino I will give them that.

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I'm glad KOTOR isn't canon, holy shit, look at this retarded shit. At least everyone in Fallen Order are meaningless failures that are irrelevant in the OT. Every single one of these Star Wars games are shit, and the only good ones are Battlefront, the flight sims, and the racing games.

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Emperor was just pretending he was beaten so starkiller would fall into hatred and join him, starkiller didn't even tickle him in the whole fight, that's why in both endings the emperor kills him like a bug

the story is still better than rebels, which trashed Thrawn. At least Galen's training made sense than Tano, Ezra, Rey and Cal.

>FU are NOT canon!
>Rey shit is plenty canon tho

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user, he knows Palpatine is bullshitting SK

>dude if you kill one guy who has killed literal billions you'll be just like him it's not the jedi way
Yeah, this was retarded

I don't remember it happening that way...but I did play this game 12 years ago. Does he really tell chadkiller to spare the emperor?

If you read up on the E.U, that probably wasn't even the real Palpatine. At that point, the emperor was working with various clone bodies because his darksider powers was much to contain, plus he knew Vadar would betray him.

The sequels will always be trash and not canon, just like FU and every other force user game that has a shitty story written by a manchild.


Thats fucking stupid. Good thing swtor isnt canon. Sith babes are top tier tho.

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I'm glad they saved Starkiller's best outfit for the last level

ps2/wii version > xbox/pc version

>Kota: He is beaten let him go.

>Starkiller:It's a trick! He is stronger than you know and deserves to die for what he done to me.

>Kota:Maybe so but if strike down in amger you will become just like him

Pants on head shit.

Oh yeahbthey went all out with the dofferent versions.

swtor was still canon in the E.U. There's a reason why they ignored Exar Kun's trapped spirt in the Revan expansion, Luke and the NJO had to resolve that. Also the Jedi Consular was a key plot in the Jedi academy game.

Pretty sure that mentality was partly behind the fall of the Republic and they're still at it.

The tusken disguise is dumb but this one is really good.

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More like Exar coon

The Jedi deserved it.

Yeah, it's like a more agile Darth Vader, him carrying what I assume to be the sabers of his fallen foes on his belt is also awesome.
I also like the crudeness of the outfit he gets in the bad ending's cutscene.

This ain't anything truly controvertial to say on Yea Forums but the Empire was clearly better for the common human than the republic, right?

The republic during the movies was essentially transitioning to the empire. The corruption, nepotism, etc was just as bad as the empire. The empire was at least open and direct about its policies than the republic of the Ruusan reformations.

Imagine if this game stuck to you hunting down surviving Jedi instead of just becoming a Rebel Alliance origin story.
At least there was the alternate timeline DLC stuff which was cool.

Only good authoritarian state the galaxy ever had.

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>FU isn't canon anymore
when was it ever canon you retard?


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Did technology plateau in the SW universe? Seems like it didn't change significantly in the 4000 years between KOTOR and the movies.

They really should've left the rwbwl shit for the second game. You should've hunted a bunch of Jedi amd maybe other rogue dark side users and the ending should've been when Vader betrays you.

The second intallsment should be you gathering allies to form the rebels not out some love for democracy but because you want some payback.

>I'm glad FU isn't canon anymore
Right, because the current canon is so much better

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You're going to spill you guts out when the SWTHR (star wars the high republic) mmo releases.
After Swtor, things decline. Technology and knowledge was lost. Things only went back to normal around 1000 bby.

They explained why Palpatine was back in the Fortnite reveal you dumbass, it was kino.

Before disney bought the franchise you dumb fuck.

that was a retcon by TOR years afterwards. Not from KOTOR

>They explained why Palpatine was back in the Fortnite reveal you dumbass,

Because Ryan shit the bed.


not even before you dumb nigger.

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Based Sith fucking everyone shit for thousand of years.

No Third game for you LUL

>if you don't like swtor then you must love le high republic!
They're both shit you cock guzzling faggot.

Not my problem.

They were still around. They were reunited in the second Jedi scheme (around 2500 bby), in which Darth Ruin (one of the 20 lost Jedi masters) created the new sith, aka the modern Sith going forward.
The current TOR update shows that LF cares more about ShillCrusier hotel and the woke republic than a mmo that made as much as a sequel film. they want to kill it and make people play woke republic instead.

I absolutely loved this outfit. I don’t see why people hated on Forced Unleashed. The premise makes perfect sense and is a neat little bridge between Ep III and Ep IV. I also liked how Starkiller’s crew was an edgier twist on the crew from the OT. The only part of the game that sucked was pulling down the Star Destroyer.

>unironic schizo SWTOR fanboy
Oh no.... The tortanic stuff really broke some people. Take it easy, kiddo.

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SWTOR has the best trailers I will give bioware that. Mostbofnthem have siths shitting all over the jedi.

Not a fanboy, I appreciate and understand what TOR does. I wonder if you're kind the dude who wrote death letters to George, because you didn't like Vector Prime.

It would make no sense but a what if Master Jedi DLC would've been good too.

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What, like if he survived to the Original Trilogy? That could be pretty neat actually.


Basically Galen (or starkiller clone) and co would have been with Bel Iblis's group (because he ended up separating from the alliance until Dark Forces). The Rogue Shadow may have doing other stuff that indirectly helped Luke and Co during the OT (basically B-D crew).

PS2/Wii version didn't have costume from pic so it's trash

There was even a DLC costume of an aged version of him as a Rebellion general

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You just like those versions because it has that boss thatbfighta youbwith a shield. You know like a smart person would.

Like, I understand people can get kinda pissy about the "canon" of fictional stories but holy shit, get over it.
Fiction is exactly that: fictional. As far as YOU are concerned, YOU can decide what is and is not canon. Want the game of thrones series to be over after season whatever? Great, amazing.
Want episodes 4, 5 and 6 to be the only canon episodes in star wars? Stupendous.
Want DMC 2 to be disregarded completely? You got it, chief.
You're a human. An individual. No one else can make decisions for you, simply suggestions. You make your own canon.

Based and would bw the first chancellor of the new republic pilled.

I liked the skin where you were a few chunks of meat stuffed into the murder-bot. It was pretty metal.

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Talk like that woud've branded you a heretic at the council of Nicaea user.

user that mindset of compromise is why the jedi died out in the first place. Did you not see return of the jedi?

>Just fuck me up bro

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The problem is a result from people not following basic chronology of the events from either E.U or Disney. In other IPs, star wars fans would be mocked for their failure of learning the what, who, when, why, and how of a fictional story.
Oddly enough, a council of Nicaea for star wars would be about TCW, t-canon being n-canon and Tano's existence in the E.U (if she even existed).

All I remember is these games really pussyfied Vader.

You must understand, even on Yea Forums people bow to authority and let corporations dictate their mindset. The irony is Yea Forums will act contrarian on anything, even if it they don't believe it or it doesn't make sense.

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>5 years before MGR

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He never said that. You’re thinking of the second game, where he says not to kill Vader.