ER Crackpot theories

>melina is ranni
>melina is a black knife
>melina is the gloom-eyed queen, or the daughter of
Bring out all your crackpot theories

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I love my wife Ranni!

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i believe melina is the gloam eyed queen but reincarnated into kindling. the gloam eyed queen achieved nothing and became naught but a sacrifice, just as queen marika declared

Someone should really superimpose ranni's ghost face onto every NPC in the game

Radahn's horse survived the fight and will return as a boss in the DLC when it recovers its strength. It can use gravity magic to a limited degree from its long exposure to it, and claims Ranni's great rune which she sealed on the moon.

Melina is my wife

Did you go Frenzied Flame ending to try to save your wife?

greater will is the old one and the erdtree/elden ring is its latest scheme to harvest life force. sekiro was the only time its influence has been cut off before it spread, and if genichurro had his way he would have turned ashina into an undying crazy land like lordran/yharnam/lands between/boletaria

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Elden Beast boss arena is the universe's version of Ash Lake, confirming all From games take place in the same continuum

Something like that

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Farum Azula/Leyndell/The Divine Towers were all connected, and the divine bridge was the Altus access point
The Bestial Sanctum was of course the Caelid dragon area

Farum Azula began crumbling eons ago when star debris began crashing down

Granssax's attack on Leyndell was an effort to reclaim land-based territory as more and more of Farum Azula crumbled as the Erdtree grew

Farum Azula eventually split off from Altus entirely, taking with it a portion of Godwyn's deathroot and several Erdtree worshippers, who became wormfaces

The dragonlord Placidusax worshipped the greater will, and possessed a primordial form of the Elden Ring

Placidusax and the other dragons created the cyclone around which the last vestiges of Farum Azula hover as a last ditch attempt while he tried to contact the GW like the fingers

I always thought that she just severed her mom's side and Melina came out of it. Or it could just be some moon shittery going on.

Ranni isn't Melina, also the woman in the Lord of flame ending isn't Melina either.

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Lunar princess Ranni is actually Renna the witch

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No one ever talks about why her normal eye is gray in this ending

That's Goth Melina, her evolved form.

Ranni has a ring…

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Melina has a matching one. Lore bros?

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That's true, never picked up on it. Might actually be GoQ herself?

Maybe there was a seal placed on GEQ by Marika after her defeat by Malekith that turned her into a brainwashed puppet of Marika. Very little establishing that for sure though.

Did they ever say what GEQ's origins were? She was an Empyrean, maybe she was actually a rebellious child of Marika but its never stated in the game?

Melina is Gwyn

Where's her beard?

melina is a literally who
ranni on the other hand is the main heroine

>turned ashina into an undying crazy land like lordran/yharnam/lands between/boletaria

Would be kino

removed by fire

Every character in this game has a twin, a clone, or a counterpart of some kind. The theme seems to be duality.

Even Big Boggart?

the first version of Roundtable Hold is in the past

explain, what you mean by 'first version'?

Not every character, just:

D, Hunter of the Dead / D, Beholder of Death
Radagon / Marika
Godfrey (adopted name) / Horah Loux
Irina / Hyetta
Gurranq / Maliketh
Margit (false name) / Morgott
Renna (false name) / Ranni
Pidia / Seluvis (less certain here)
Two Fingers vs. Three Fingers
Greater Will vs. God of the Frenzied Flame

Duality is indeed a major theme running through characaterizations in Elden Ring though. Melina may have another persona that is currently sealed but that is shown in the Frenzied Flame ending as represented by the seal on her eye being broken.

Isn't that Torrent's ring?

>tfw Torrent's former master was Ranni all along

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Don't forget St Trina/Miquella

the building below the Divine Bridge grace in Leyndell has the same rooms and some loot drops which belong to NPCs you've seen in the other roundtable, like Alberich

it's probably just inside the erdtree or in some form of other dimension or afterlife that tarnished visit when they die and before resurrecting, because the Dung Eater says "destroy my corporeal body", but being in another time would be cooler

Ranni killed Godwyn because he had a cool horse

that is actually both creepy and cool
I never understood though why the roundtable starts burning and if it starts burning, in your theory does that mean the future was changed? so we can overturn fate? pretty cool

>Irina / Hyetta

Yura / Shabriri
should be added to this list too

What about Godrick and Godefroey?

Pidia also larps as Therolina at the festival

That's because that's how an iris reacts when put under higher temperature than usual (the iris is the coldest area of the eye). That's why some people have part of their irises turn into a lighter color version of their usual color when they have a conjunctivitis, because the eye "heats up" under the bacterial infection.
That's becaues she got seared like everyone else when you unleashed the chaotic flame hence why her hair are also burnt.

Radagon was born out of a giant's curse inflicted on Marika. The description this comes from is so fucking vague about it to the point that the original Japanese text doesn't even clear up anything. Still, I always thought it's a fun theory that lends to interesting ideas in making Radagon feel even more surreal and mysterious.

Melina doesn’t have a physical body bro. She states this several times. It’s why she’s the only one to survive the flame.

Most likely she’s just a daughter of Marika meant to oppose the frenzy flame. She’s bodiless so that makes her immune, she states she was given a purpose that she abandoned, and lastly in the LoFF ending she’s pretty damn sure of herself to take you out.

>the one who walks besides flame will meet destined death
Found in her weapon description and she repeats it as she burns, but this seems to be her original mission. Deliver death to the lord.

Just a lazy case of reuse by From although I guess its "canon" that he's a relation or something. If they weren't lazy he may have looked different though

Yeah I was kind of debating on that one because it's clear he says he's a different person just possessing the body. But Hyetta may be doing the same thing--possessing Irina, just being less explicit about it

Melina doesn't wear panties, proof? Have you seen them? Checkmate.

>this seems to be her original mission. Deliver death to the lord.
Are we getting closer to almost confirming her as Gloam Eyed Queen then, what with the eye changing color due to her remembering her original purpose?

So why does she have the same voice and why does she only appear when Melina survives?

Since Fia's are cut content, do we know if she does or doesn't?

I feel there's little doubt that they're the same building at different points in time, they're even oriented in the same direction.

Melina is a doll body just like ranni is, that is why she does not mind getting burned in the forge. in the frenzied flame ending she gives her flesh to the gloam eyed queen after seeing you give yours to shabriri.

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you just know.

Is that Fia's face? That's Fia's face.

It's a Hunter's Workshop from Bloodborne situation. RTH is based on the area in real Leyndell, but its uncertain if its just some astral plane copy, or past version. It may be inside the Erdtree though given it burns when the Erdtree does

I've recently run into moderate success making lore videos on youtube. Give me your most bullshit theories to plagiarize

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Gideon is Miyazaki's parody of VaatiVidya

praise the ???

Gideon is GRRM's parody of Miyazaki

Golden Order

It being in the Erdtree could explain all the finger-reader corpses outside the Erdtree sanctuary. Maybe they camped out there, desperate to get their crack-fix from the feengers, and Morgott just slew them all because they were loitering old hags.


Fucklmao this this this copy this please.

It can't just be inside the Erdtree at present day, otherwise they wouldn't send you to trek to Leyndell on foot. Or maybe they would for shits and giggles.

>Gideon is vaatividya
>Dung Eater is Distortion2
who are fia and goldmask then?

Melina is cruel

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goldmask is ymfah

Goldmask is the japanese or korean anonymous lad that comes out of the blue, beats all records and does the craziest shit and then disappears forever, anonymously as well.

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Gideon / Vaati parallels
-Just sits in his room all day reading
-Acts all high and mighty, calls himself All Knowing but just has his simps tell him lorenuggets from outside and doesn't know anything without them
-Plays fully ranged caster class that's a total glass cannon who will get rolled vs anyone with any remote skill

why does melina have a ring on her ring finger? isn’t that spot supposed to be reserved for the player?

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That's Corhyn, driven insane trying to interpret Chadmask's indecipherable connect-the-dots finger wiggling

If the franchises are canon to each other, does that mean Age of Stars ending leads to Bloodborne?

Does she still have that when she burns the Erdtree or is that ring what she gives you to call Torrent?

Between her legs

I feel like people are glossing over the eternal cities waaaay too much when thinking about lore, especially Ranni stuff
>Long ago, the Nox invoked the ire of the Greater Will, and were banished deep underground. Now they live under a false night sky, in eternal anticipation of their liege. Of the coming age of the stars. And their Lord of Night.

Does she wear Finger Maiden Smalls?

Of course. Do you think I would not provide one to my wife?

Gideon is Liam Neeson

It could be a copy, and that wouldn't be strange in the setting. But I think there's enough significance to the Leyndell Roundtable being positioned right next to the Erdtree, as well as the presence Alberich's corpse, to suggest that they're exactly the same building.

The amount of shit in this game that sounds like a world that came before the world of Dark Souls 1-2-3 is too much

Oh, lore theories? Fire Prelates, the fat fire worshipper women, are Godskin Nobles, the fat rolley polley fucks, purely because there's no gold equivelant of them like the men who have a blackflame and regular flame variant

kek this is canon for me