Male fantasy

Male fantasy

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wow that's terrible haha

so close to perfection.


>becomes a sub at the end of her route

what a disgrace


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>dialogue box portrait is just the copy-pasted art of the character in front of you
What's the fucking point?

They're non-blood related cousins.

Based Momoyo enjoyer

ah, okay. Fucking cousins is borderline acceptable blood related or not. Giving birth is more of an issue.

momoyo best girl (Margit very close second)

1st generation incest between cousins is barely a problem, it's continually doing it that causes genetic problems.


I want to go back and finally complete Majikoi, but Wanko's route was really fucking boring for me. How would you anons rate the routes? I've done Chris, Miyako and all the guys.

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Not all male's.
That's like saying all women like nigger dicks.

Remember when we waited for months stretching into years for Miyako route? The JOPS mocking us day by day? The Never Ever posts? Miyako WHEN, the huddled masses of the VN thread would cry out?
And then we get it, and it's shit. Absolute turd.
GOD dammit.

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Doesn't matter, it's a shitty Little Busters clone that tries to make up the quality gap with garbage porn, even by kusoge standards.

>And then we get it, and it's shit. Absolute turd.

No I don't remember.

you're a newfag, of course you don't. This was probably before you were sentient.

Why does this always happen?

that's what made it hot

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moebuta have zero standards

answer the question

it's HOT

>And then we get it, and it's shit. Absolute turd.
I actually managed to completely forget my disappointment but now I saw your post and I'm feeling it all again after all these years. FUCK.

character development

women are always submissive unless you're an incel

That's the best part faggot

No. Stacy best girl

Margit le fell omen xdddd

I played this like 10 years ago and just did 1-2 routes, I remember her in bed turned into a bitch nothing like her character outside of bed, was so stupid.

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It's not as hot as it was initially and it's just generic once she becomes the sub.
Shit character development.


Been so long since I read it but Mayucchi is probably still my favorite. She has a fat ass and is masochist and Yamato has an anal fetish, so her h-scenes are really hot. Plus she's just a cute autist.

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>newfag buzzwords
go back

>the people posting on Yea Forums now were like 5-10 when Mirrormoon released Fate, or when Miyako didn't have her patch yet
FUCK zoomers but also get me out of this shithole timeline
I want to go back

I'm pretty sure the second game she flipflops a lot between both dom and sub

Best route is A1 Cake Maid. Rest are OK.

what a loser

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God I hate her so much but her crying on the dom route initial rejection is pretty hot.

Is the Jast release any good?

All Majikoi fan disks and spinoffs are shit
basically nukige at that point

sauce nao

Last I heard a bunch of the voiceovers were missing

I recommend reading A4 then, the chinese chicks ass scenes are great as well.

So when you’re reading you don’t have to shift your eyes too much too see the expression

Female fantasy

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What? Most of the A-# original routes are good. The continuation stories are hit or miss. S was a mixed bag. Like the 3 sisters story was shit, but it had some pretty decent routes.

So where do I get the goods? nyaa?

ayo play my gacha and shiet niggaz no cap fr fr

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consentacles is the cutest!

God, I love her so much it's unreal. She's a Goddess

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Wanko > Mayucchi > Momoyo > Chris > Miyako

I honestly forgot a lot of the minor routes but I remember the stand out being the teacher and the loli class rep.

yeah or I guess check vndb for patches, if you still want to support JAST for some reason

>a cunt

>find sauce
>it's not hentai

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I don't remember what girls was but loved the minor route the main character became a baseball fan to a loser team together with her

not quite
now it is a female fantasy.

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Gross. Turn it back.

Ice Kick, the eastern comic

Yeah as far as the translation goes, is less stiff than the fan TL. Only 9 actors are voiced if you don't patch it which is the major downside. Official reason is they just couldn't afford all 50 actors, since most are high profile. You can easily patch them in though.

Wanko my cute useless wife

Lmao get fucked, you worthless sissy.

of course the gundam poster is a moeshitter that plays garbage VNs

Most people don't suffer the homosexuality that afflicts you.

Yeah but does she actually rape you

You don't get tired of sucking dick and being proven wrong, huh?

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