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didnt games from previous generations cost like nothing at least a decade ago
what happened

manchild epidemic

these are Canadian dollars, not actual money.
This must be like 3 cents.



Collectors and speculators "investing" in old games.
It's all a giant ponzi scheme, nobody except for actual retards spend money on old games and they buy them from investors buying off of each other and flipping them off for higher prices

Remakes are that bad huh?

Nintendo games are all free. These are just knick knacks to put on a shelf.

I'm waiting for the GBA pokemon games to hit stable $300 range and then I'm gonna sell them. I've got Ruby, Emerald, and Leaf Green.

>tfw I buy physical media otherwise I can't play them.
i was thinking about building an old gaming pc as well since, modern windows sucks ass for old games
>but gog
dont care

Really? Huh. Might go trade in my copy of diamond.
Not like I can transfer the pokemon on it forward anymore (and even if I could 90% of them aren't in the new game so it'd be pointless)

R4 card exists.

the best part is thousands of the copies of these games sold by gamestop are probably fakes that retards buy anyway out of ignorance.

Damn those cartridges are GIANT

there are fake carts?

I'm glad i owned all of gen 4 boxed before the pandemic caused the massive price rise

I think Bank is still active for another year, though your other point still stands.

That's the most annoying part. I'd pay $100 for a physical copy of platinum if I had proof it was legit.

yeah, if you go on ebay and search "pokemon ds game" listings like this are one of the first results. pokemon ds games are $15 on this particular listing, but if you go to some of those chinese marketplace sites I've seen them as low as $3 or $4

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plus gamestop throws away the cases, even if they get them as trade ins. cant even imagine how many valuable DS game cases are just in landfills right now because of gamestop

this. I have never bought a Pokemon game since they're all so easy to pirate at launch.

>muh plastic
jesus christ get over yourselves

Reproduced cart

went to my local game store yesterday and got a copy of Ico with few to no scratches and a pristine manual for $15
they also had .hack/ Quarantine in its original shrink wrap for $175, so oh well, take it where you can get it

>Probably some of the highest selling titles on the handheld
>Not rare in the slightest

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DS games are a bootleg wasteland. Even the Gamestop copy is no guarantee.

see if youre going to buy a bootleg from china, you might as well just get a flashcart and pirate.


gamestop sucks

If you’re going to buy anything, authentic or fake, you may as well buy a flashcart since there’s no difference.

If someone just wants a physical cart, there’s no reason not to buy a fake for cheap assuming the battery doesn’t give out or whatever.

I don't get it, this trash sells over 10 million units each game


Imagine not owning a flashcart in 2022

You have no idea.
>Lacks most Platinum content
>Contests downgraded to Musicals with rhythm game controls
>Character movement can potentially lead to softlocks in certain areas
>Following Pokémon is still bad and made worse with the affection system
>Both versions on the same cartridge
etc. etc.

sure theres no functional reason for it, but you underestimate the cult of nintendo and their consoomers who will pay out the ass to have originals

Don't ask questions. Don't look at numbers. Those are extremely rare, precious and hard to find pieces of gaming history, worth a lot of money.

The (widespread usage of) internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>know japanese
>can purchase and collect any overinflated old jrpgs for peanuts straight from japan looking as good as new

Why haven't you learned japanese yet?

How much would I get for Vita RPGs?

>Not even in the fucking box

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Gamers are fat retards who lose/break games, especially small ones.

Demand hasn't gone down, only increased. Increased demand -> no more supply -> it's not hard to figure out.

>mfw /vr/ becomes the new /biz/reals and oldass games become the new eefereum and bitcoins

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i just pirate

My local Pawn America was trying to sell reproductions of Emerald and Crystal for $75.
They were literally labeled "Repro".

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>ponzi scheme

Use of this phrase in a particular demographic has escalated exponentially since that South Park special and I have no faith in that demographic of any of their takes on anything to do with finances so sorry, I’m not reading any of your post after that buzzword

Of course, everyone does.
But for collecting, it's retarded to rely on the american market at this point. Resellers are scum.

>worthless, common, useless junk becomes valuable because of shilling and speculation
wow it really is like crypto

Bootleg niggers drive me up a fucking wall. What the hell is the purpose? It's the most retarded thing I've ever seen.

>I'm not paying for an officially licensed™ Nintendo™ product.
>I will not pirate an identical version of the game.
>I need to pay some other dude to pirate the game and then sell it to me.

It's the equivalent of buying pirated DVDs from Pajeet on the Street instead of just firing up your Plex server or whatever. It's completely fucking retarded and results in more work for you personally.

gamestop is not a mom and pop brick and mortar shop.

WTF why is niggerball 14 worth that much???

pokemon HGSS and B/W2 have a physical IR port that bootlegs dont have and never will
I dont know how good the newer bootlegs are but older ones always struggled to get recognized by 3DS systems (you had to insert and eject the game multiple times), closing your DS made them act weird or even crash in rare occasions, and they struggled to trade or doing the cross-gen transfers.


its for poorfag retards who cant afford a genuine copy, but are also too stupid to know about or learn how to pirate. some of them might actually think buying a bootleg isnt piracy

I was about to say something how brand new old games are usually stupid expensive on Amazon, but used copies are still $100. What the hell?

the rampant piracy on ds is probably the reason you can't fint "pre owned" to begin with.

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I mean you kind of have a point but ...
Internet getting locked down more, making roms harder to get, eshops shutting down, look at PS3.

Hot damn I think it might be a good idea to raid some retroshit shops and start stacking this shit. 10k pokemon games kek. Yea Forumsirgins this is our chance to join the citadel.

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Heavy hitters in my DS collection

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Lawsuit and the last NCAA game. I started collecting 7th gen awhile back before things get too crazy. Not this one, not a sportnigger.

Google I'm sure people have gone deeper.

>brand new sealed copy of desirable out of print game
>wooooow dood why is this worth so much?
used copies are "only" around $80, but its worth so much because it was the last college football game released before they werent allowed to license it anymore. its still desirable because people still update the rosters, and the gameplay is one of the best football games EA has ever put out.

This spooks the Nintendo of Japan


Rare, brand new copy, last game of the franchise (disputes between ncaa and players for using player likeness and revenues), and it's a great football game according to reviews. Still has unofficial community support.

Check out how much NBA Elite 11 runs for

I really should check mine, seeing how DQ, Pokémon and Etrian Odyssey are actually worth something.

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see now thats a good explanation of why its worth so much. I dont play football so that was a very helpful response
damn is that boxed or no box for Resident Evil?

For many many years DQVI remake was extremely cheap. I paid attention. Out of nowhere the "value" jumped like over 6 times. Disgusting.

sadly the chance for that has already passed. before covid, you could still get a lot of games dirt cheap but once the prices went up while everyone was stuck at home, they never really went back down. nintendo shit is the biggest offender of this. In my opinion, investing in xbox and xbox 360 stuff might be good since a lot of those games ARE actually still super cheap. doesnt have the same cult coomlectors that nintendo and to an extent snoy does right now, but I could see it getting there eventually. theres also the whole sealed graded game scams that are honestly probably the best way to make some easy money off coomlector retards, but maybe that shit has also already sailed kek.

CIB means complete in box

Don’t forget they shipped buggy as hell because they obviously had no QA phase. Half the content was behind a day 1 patch so ILCA could ship the game on a cheaper cartridge.

the preowned shop that sells video games near me bases their prices for previously owned games on prices people are selling on ebay. so if they see a pokemon game selling for about
£90 then they'll give it that price tag

wasnt sure cause it was greyed out

Not really, full torrent archives for pretty much every console from PS3, X360, and WiiU and back are easy to get your hands on if you want them. Emulation for said consoles is also doable for most games at this point.