Are the DLCs worth it? I already completed the main game once

Are the DLCs worth it? I already completed the main game once.

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yeah, one of the best things about this game is the dlcs.


>we will never have a solid fallout DLC ever again
>todd conditioned us into decorating our little larp bases in 76
>best we got was frontier but it blew up into a mess and we're just left with tax memes

I wanna go back..

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>we will never have a solid fallout DLC ever again
Real schizo nigga hours? Fallout 4 had solid expansions, even though they were shit, but that's only natural as fallout 4 is a shit game. You can even argue that 76 has DLC in the form of wastelanders and the upcoming Pitt missions.

Once or twice they're great, over time I've grown to hate all four.

this is understandable

They're pretty rough around the edges, but overall great for breaking the pace of the basegame. DM > LR > OWB > HH

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Same. I still like the characters and stories of the DLCs but replaying this is a serious chore and it always interrupts the flow of the game. I always wonder what’s going through the main faction leader’s heads when my character disappears for several in game months at a time.

Honest hearts is short af
Lonesome road is in a pretty interesting area but it writing is fucking trash.
Old world blues is the horny DLC with way too much useless dialogue
Dead money is pretty good overall
gun runner arsenal is just a bunch of better weapons

Yes, Dead Money is based don't ever let anyone say other wise.
>Fallout 4 had solid expansions, even though they were shit,

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Wait I didn't remember the game ends after the main arc, that means I have to complete the DLCs in the middle of the main quest?
That's weird

Yeah. I always go off to do side quests and DLC after I’ve dealt with the Boomers.

The game doesn't end, you'll just be reverted to a previous save after you complete the mains story, you can do the DLC's whenever you feel like.


DM > HH > LR > Point Lookout Port > The Pitt Port > Items Packs > OWB

Yeah, besides, why wouldn't anyone buy the complete edition of a 10 yro+ game? You spend like a couple extra bucks when it goes on sale. Just be aware of what you get:
Best DLC, takes you out of your comfort zone and filters retards. Some of the coolest armprs and weapons in the game.
Cool characters and gear, but map is very samey and small
Reddit, the DLC. Quirky LE WACKY SCIENCE humor mixed with endless hordes of bullet sponges and faggy looking weapons.
Obligatory Sawyer's self-insert DLC in a linear map. Gear is top notch tho.
Premium weapons pack. All of them awesome but also jewishly expensive.
Advantegous start DLC, absolute shit.

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Far Harbor mogs most of these

>Sawyer's self-insert


Play DLC's in chronological order:

Honest Hearts>Old World Blues> Dead Money> Lonesome Road

but that's wrong

the only one i usually do is honest hearts for both the .45's and because the only thing missing from the cowboy game was indians. the other ones are too much of a slog. owb is just painfully unfunny, dead money has a great story but is just a slog to get through.


Chronological order is the same as the release order. DM HH OWB LR


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good bait

The main quest takes place over the course of several months/almost a year.

Zoomers have no patience or sense of nuance.

How do bring myself to finish the game?
I just keep restarting and eventually grow bored before I reach any of the end-quests because I just do the same sniper build. I also haven't done any of the DLC despite having New Vegas since 2010

Honest hearts is shit but bearable.
I want to break my legs before playing Dead Money again. Fallout 2 had less shit design with Jinx enabled.

OWB and Lonesome Road are amazing.

by playing fallout3

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Install jsawyer Ultimate and play on hardcore. Try a build that doesn't turn the game into a point and click adventure

>dead money for the player into real gameplay instead of a 1 shot killing dicksucking
>reddity vegators hate it

even the most honorable Obsidian try fail like shit thanks their players

Maybe stop jacking off to trannie porn and learn how to handle anything that isn't immediate gratification.


But in that order you're following the key characters path in the DLC's

>in that order you're playing them in order
Yes. Idiot.

You know what chronological means? Moron.

Broken Steel also reveals how the Enclave was right about everything, literally everybody in the game is trying to turn on the water purifier to help the people of the DC wasteland. Honestly, if Fallout 3 threw in a few sci-fi or logical reasons for the existence of certain settlements, and let the player roleplay beyond ass kisser / baby killer, it would be a 10/10 game.

Ulysses Journey:

Big MT > Sierra Madre > Divide.

So chronological order is: Honest Hearts>Old World Blues>Dead Money>Lonesome Road

Lonesome Road is right before the final battle of Hoover Dam.

Create a character and roleplay you stupid fuck. I cannot stand the fact that 99.9% of the fucking normies on the internet that dickride this game into oblivion haven’t even bothered to ROLEPLAY IN THE FUCKING ROLEPLAYING GAME. It’s literally the best part about it, it’s the reason why having well developed and realistic factions (minus legion) makes New Vegas a good game to PLAY, instead of just a good game to talk about and make hour long videos on youtube about.

there are reason

Megatown born thanks an airplay fall and created an hole

this hole allowed people to resist against supermutans and a city born around it.
Like you can see in gib town all settlemetns outside megatown are always raided day and night by slaver and supermutans.

>let the palyer roleplay
you can do it in every single secondary mission except the principal one where you are forced by reality.

Like you said Enclave goal was just helping people and restore the american gov with DC technology mine, but Eden had another idea, how many years would be needed to return in the past?

his virus will eliminate all radiations on earth and restore the old world at the cost of mutants life.
this wasn't ok for Autumn, he just wanted to restore america not genocide mutans who thansk radiation can even be just simple humans and revolted.

Autumn and James created the situation you are in and you can only complete their job.

this is caled bad rpg but instead is a REAL ROLE TO PLAY, you are just a human you are not the only man alive and you alone can't do nothing

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only the pitt is sort of decent
for FNV only dead money is good

point lookout is the grestest DLC made by human hand

this game came out like 10 years ago play it, talk about it, and shut up

where, theres literally a million places to search for this information, but sure, lets go over it yet again.
Yes, the DLC's are good. They add a lot of gameplay and some fun quests. And Gun Runners Arsenal adds some really nice weapons.
For some reason you need to not pick up ED-E before starting the Honest Hearts DLC. It causes crashes. I dont think it was ever fixed.

I really hope this is pasta. Not because I think it might be genuine, but because your post would be such a waste of time otherwise. If you legitimately typed that out, I pity you. This board has clearly rotted your brain.

>redditor mad when see a man with a personal opinion

Not really. I didn’t play the Mormon one, but the other two were very average.

Other three*

>you don't like running through a shitty red maze with lots of backtracking and fighting the same type of enemy over and over again?
>durr you got filtered
ok retard


Why do people think I'm bad for killing Ulysses? A lovable robot anherod because of him yet the ni66er should be set free?
Also half his dialogue lines are "da bear n da bull". How can you even like this faggot.

I can partially agree with that, though, though the point of DLC is that behind all shit in wasteland a bundle of insane scientists played gods and are responsible for various shenanigans. Also OWB's weapons really good and implants are very useful. Proton axe and saturnite powerfist do insane amounts of damage if you get your build right.
>Premium weapons pack. All of them awesome but also jewishly expensive.
Get the mod that spreads them across the game then. That way you'll have reasons to explore maps and getting unique weapons will feel more rewarding.
It's good the way it is.
Roleplay and explore, experiment with mechanics and force yourself to do GRA challenges. Try doing melee build, it's fun.
To each their own. I left Ulysses alive and let him live because why not. He waffles and is annoying, but it's reasonable considering that he's also the only survivor with PTSD after seeing what you did while fucking around.

No. He is only aware of the Sierra Madre in the same vein he is aware of the Platinum Chip giving of DANGER signals hence he sends Elijah and Courier to them to die, respectively.

Your chronological order is the best way to play the DLCs tho. While OWB has most connect to LR, Dead Money has the best vibes to go LR next.

Dead Money is legitimately the worst DLC I've ever played. And no, it wasn't hard or challenging. It's not fun or rewarding. All you get is 37 gold bars (~378k bottlecaps) which is pointless if you've already got tens of thousands of caps and can afford anything in the game.

What were they even going for? Survival horror+stealth? It wasn't scary, it wasn't fun. It's just a terrible "oo ha ha I tricked you, now do as I say!" trope. Boy I sure love fighting the same bullet sponge enemies over and over. What is even more criminal is how fucking nothing in the DLC is explained until the very end. Who are the spooky "ghost" enemies? What the fuck is with the mysterious poison clouds? Who is the retarded hologram man giving me all these orders, and why did he separate all 4 characters if he needed us together to pull off his elaborate "heist?" I was facepalming the entire time. Didn't feel like Fallout at all. Just terrible all around.


Do lobotomites have like 200 PER or something?

they have no brain with which to think, they can only look

FO4 DLC was shit, its literally shit without Far Harbour DLC which make it bearable, even if it true or not that some of the side quest was copy paste from community quest mod hehe

It's worth it just to see how they shit on the main factions of the game so heavily.

nuka world was fun to explore after killing all the raiders out the gate