Playing this game feels like a breathe of fresh air after playing a piece of shit like Dark Souls 2

Playing this game feels like a breathe of fresh air after playing a piece of shit like Dark Souls 2

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It really has some great mobs and bosses, but now that online is gone, I'm enjoying it even more with Champion's Ashes. It gives a lot of moveset and equipment options

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after this you can play ER and coom at the improvements made over previous titles

It’s where fromsoft started to prioritize spectacle bosses over actually engaging bosses.

Why are DS3 schizos so obsessed with DS2?

It has the best enemies, bosses, village and castles From has ever made yet (including Elden Ring).
The modding scene is spectacular, hopefully Project Eclipse comes in the next years

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i enjoyed dark souls 2 more

Yes because
>Gaping dragon
>Asylum Demon Reskin #2
>Asylum Demon Reskin #3
>Iron Golem
>Moonlight Butterfly
Where all engaging bosses, right? And don't get me started on DS2
Face it retards, DS3 is so much better than its predecessors in almost every category

Still blows my mind that Lothric Castle and Grand Archives are all a full location you actually move through
It's the stronger endgame and gamestart of any From title

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i’d argue that happened in the DS2 DLCs, especially with the second one (crown of the old iron king?)

Playing this game feels like a breathe of fresh shit after playing a masterpiece like Dark Souls

3 is a better game, but I respect 2 more because its story is more original and less masturbatory with references to 1.

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>Respecting 2 for trying to twist Dark Souls into an unending franchise leaving bare minimum plot ties to specifically milk the series without ever pulling a conclusion
I clapped when I got the Old Souls for no reason

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When will the servers be back up? I'm done with the shitty multiplayer in ER.

Never, they removed the multiplayer tags.
Try the mods

Cope, 2 is the best fromsoftware game. It oozes soul, passion, and love for the souls franchise. Trumptards don't understand nuance, and hate change, this is why they seethe

Remove Pontiff Knights in the game and it's literally perfect.

Dark Souls II is not a good game, and not even a Souls game at that. Dark Souls II is nothing but a lazy cash grab that Bandyke Scamco forced while Miyazaki was working on Artorias of the Abyss. The fact that Miyazaki never referenced Tranny Soul II in the TRUE sequel to Dark Souls(Dark Souls III) is saying a lot. Dark Souls III is Miyazaki’s magnum opus and the REAL sequel to the first game.

>Fluid combat from Bloodborne while maintaining the slow, methodical and kino combat from DS1
>Removes Tranny Stancing
>All 30 bosses are god tier not a single bad boss in its lineup
>Makes trannies on twitter/retardera SEETHE because of Anri existing
>Best weapons in the whole souls franchise
>Adds weapon arts, but doesn’t make them overpowered like in Elden Ring
>Maps are beautiful, linear and instantly recognizable.
>Best OST in all of SoulsBorne
>Not too long like Elden Ring, but not too short like Bloodborne. Perfect length
>Makes Tanimura and his tranny gang(DS2fags) instantly seethe because rolling is now good from the get go and you don’t have to level up the meme stat
>Makes DS2troons jump off a bridge by merely existing

You can tell Miyazaki was PISSED when Bandyke and Tanimura shat out the unfinished, dog crap that was Dark Souls II. He forced Tanimura to be on a leash while he created the TRUE Dark Souls II in 2016.

Fuck, I honestly feel bad for DS2fags

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>for no reason
Maybe stick to DS3, it's more your speed.

>stick to a good game

Literally all of 2 is masturbatory of 1 but in a shittier and nonsensical fanfic kind of way. 3 is basically "remember x from 1 and y from 2? rememberrr?" on the side.

Very based
3, since the very beginning designed to reference Dark Souls by Miyazaki, was always meant to be a direct sequel
You can dislike that or not, but at least it makes SENSE
There's literally zero (0) reasons to find an Altar of Sunlight in Earthen peak or shit like that

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>wooden cutouts from millions of years ago
>intact while inside of a fucking lava filled volcano

I recently started DS2 for the first time and I gotta say, i'm struggling to enjoy it.
It just feels so incredibly clunky compared to DS1 (honestly it feels like Ds1 was a ps4 game while DS2 was made for the ps2).
I played DS1 for the first time about 6 months ago on the ps3 and it genuinely felt like an amazing "next gen" experience (was seriously stunned a few times at how great it was programmed), but DS2 just feels... well, as I sad, like a ps2 game. I'd like to just keep going because I do believe that there's an enjoyable game to be found in it, but i'm 10h in and it's honestly getting a bit ridiculous at how much I must repress my judgements towards the shityness of this game.
It's just so odd to compare Ds1 to 2. Feels like two completely different companies made them.

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>DS2 feels like it was made for PS2, the last good console with amazing and innovative game lineup
>DS1 feels like was made for PS4, the soulless nogaems paperweight that added nothing to the game industry aside from rehashes and movie games
Sounds about right.

Holy fucking DS2 tranny cope

I get your implication, but still .. DS2 just feels like a weird, long alpha demo to a Souls clone game.
I'm gonna continue nonetheless, but not with enjoyment. Just weird confusion.

You played yourself by implying that calling a game "a PS2 game" is in any way an insult. See yourself out and come up with better insults.

>fresh air
>half of the game is smelly swamps

>You played yourself by implying that calling a game "a PS2 game" is in any way an insult.
Not my post.
Cope harder

>Ds1 was a ps4 game
absolute bullshit statement. Graphics are ten years behind the ps4 almost. Gameplay wise you got clunky shit like :
>no diagonal rolling
>can pretty much only sprint towards bosses
>lock-on basically has a ten meters limit

you're either baiting or got nostalgia goggles


DaS2 > zoomer souls 3

Because I did this after I finished Dark Souls for the first time.

Is there a way to play mods on a pirated copy of DS3? I tried to get convergence to work, but it simply doesn't run. I even joined their discord to ask and they simply told me "fuck pirates lol".

Yes, I have a pirated DS3 copy just for mods. Make sure your game is updated and set it to English.

it's literally copy paste with mods, only way you could fuck it up by not using the latest version of the game

My game is app version 1.15 and regular version 1.35, which I googled is the latest. I just assume it was the convergence guys that made it incompatible with pirated copies, it's probably fine with other mods but I havent tried.

>The fact that Miyazaki never referenced Tranny Soul II in the TRUE sequel to Dark Souls(Dark Souls III) is saying a lot.
He did tho
>Dark Souls III is Miyazaki’s magnum opus
No that would be bloodborne Miyazaki himself says its his favorite

DS3 felt a bit disappointing after playing DS2 apart from the graphics
>nerfed shields
>nerfed poison
>nerfed magic
>nerfed dark
>removed hexes completely
>can no longer upgrade your armour
>armour/weapon choice drastically reduced

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why are you posting an DS3 armor?

Ds3 enemies are too easy and the stages are too small and linear with maybe a distraction or two along the way

DS2 "stages" were just corridors.

>>balanced shields
>>nerfed magic
>>nerfed dark
What are you talking about, Dark is one of the strongest builds in DS3
>>removed hexes completely
>>can no longer upgrade your armour
Good, armor upgrade was another blunder from Dark Souls 1 that should have never been a thing
The game should never incentivize sticking to a single armor set


I love ds3, i even did a no-dead run, sad i couldn't get all the trophies

yes, most of those are. should have went with Seath or Nito

3 was a disappointment after playing 2 and thinking "well the next game can't be THAT bad". I hoped it would go back to DS1 style, but instead it's some hacksaw abomination of badly intergrated BB mechanics with DS formula that ruins both.

DS3 feels a lot more difficult, overall, than Elden Ring.

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Just beat the first game for the first time and I'm installing the second one. What am I in for?

Clunkiness, some weird and downright sadistic design choices, an absolute fuckload of variety and build options; Overall, quite a good time.

>makes the game easier than dark souls 1 in you're path

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Plenty of stuff that just laughs at slash/bleed in DS3.

>claiming someone else is wrong then offering these dogshit opinions

>Gaping dragon
>Iron Golem
>Moonlight Butterfly

Yes, stupid action game mongoloid.
Maiden Astrea and Garl Vinland is better and infinitely more memorable than your retarded le epic triple somersault infinite combo attacks bland boss monsters no one gives a shit about.

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Someone who claims hexes don't exist and Dark is weak in DS3 is a retard
Shields are perfectly viable, l2p issue

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>Maiden Astrea and Garl Vinland

the whore and the simp

the bitch and the butler

I'm not surprised, you discovered Fromsoftware games with DS3.
zoom zoom

A fine adventure, a bit more on the rpg side than DS1. You know how in Dark Souls you explore remains of great locations past their glory days and encounter weird things there, DS2 is like exploring remains of a grand ambitious game that got destroyed and then its remains were put together. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It feels strange, you see the ideas behind it and sometimes they're not really executed well but the sheer amount of details and variety in everything makes it interesting.

A boss fight in From's first game. Its decent for their first try but bosses have obviously gotten better and this one doesn't hold up.

I know who they are, user
They are a literal questline that From used as boss because they lacked time to make actual bosses
Blaidd and Eygon are the exact same thing. Nobody considers Garl Vinland worthy of being called boss

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