What's the absolute most boring video game series ever?

What's the absolute most boring video game series ever?

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Final fantasy

ACfags still haven't recovered from this LMAO

You will never be a fighter pilot.

prez is best girl

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What's he complaining about?

Attached: this kills the ace combat fag.png (2080x1387, 820.54K)

"Muh realism" basically

lmao get fucked OP seethe


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Huh, so this is what trannies feel...

That the game is very simple and has no dogfighting techniques or flight manuevers

>muh realism

he's complaing about the most fucking boring gameplay ever

Attached: 54344.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>train for difficult, intense job
>complain when a video game dumbs it down

Who the fuck cares nigger?

>pull back on stick
>press A

Attached: easy.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

>What's he complaining about?
Pretty sure that is a pilot, and he is pointing out the amazing fact that the game's presentation of flight model isn't at all accurate to actual reality of airplane flight.
Because someone paid him to do this, because then people like OP will endless click on these kinds of videos and funnel add revenue to his Youtube channel, while they also complain and pretend to be superior somehow.

>Because someone paid him to do this

Ace Combatters (you) literally emailed him to review the games.

He gave his thoughts. That's it. He finds them boring as shit. Because they are.

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>Just fly turn and shoot
Exactly how I like it

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>Ace Combatters (you) literally emailed him to review the games.
I don't even know who this fuck is

it's entirely understandable because those videos aren't about judging them as video games and that's a literal fighter pilot judging the accuracy of the games, he never shits on them outright and all of this is desperate shitflinging by ACfag who is an absolute autistic retard that couldn't recognize a fun videogame if it carpet bombed him from on high


>he is pointing out the amazing fact that the game's presentation of flight model isn't at all accurate to actual reality of airplane flight.
it's an arcade flight game so you should already know what you're getting into

what is bfm principle?
black male to female?

>it's an arcade flight game so you should already know what you're getting into
Sure, but "real _ comments on a videogame depiction of the thing" youtube videos are all the rage, just look at how deep under OP's skin this has gotten.

Apparently, "basic flight maneuvers". As in the game does not have any actual physics simulation that would force you to actually learn basic of real world piloting principles.

i've worked as a combat system operator and it's stressful as fuck, there are way too many things to think about. Even when you know what you're doing and you think quickly you still have to worry about someone else fucking up or doing something before you' receive an order to. Realistic combat sims would be fun for anyone who dedicated themselves but most people wouldn't

>Apparently, "basic flight maneuvers". As in the game does not have any actual physics simulation that would force you to actually learn basic of real world piloting principles.
That's dumb it is a videogame not a 1:1 simulator. Like, it would be incredibly boring spending 70% of gameplay time dong the same boring repetitive shit

>Apparently, "basic flight maneuvers". As in the game does not have any actual physics simulation that would force you to actually learn basic of real world piloting principles.

which takes all skill and fun out of the game, leaving the player wondering why they would be playing it in the first place...

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>dong the same boring repetitive shit
yeah, imagine, doing boring repetitive shit....

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I think both of you might be retarded.

what was crimsons problem?

I think you forgot the argument
Nah, I kid , I kid. you arent even capable of producing one

I think you might be an ace combat player

Attached: lol.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)


ace combatbros.....

Attached: 7767.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>I think you forgot the argument
There is not much of an argument to be made. You haven't figured out that some people prefer highly detailed and realistic flight systems, some prefer arcades, and some do both. It's a matter of personal preference.
You also haven't figured out that nobody gives a fuck about your opinion here, and that your feelings were never even remotely close to being discussed.
You asked what this guy is saying, and then specifically what the acronym of BFM represents.

I gave you your answers. Instead of fucking learnign something new and then shutting up, you continued to argue that your personal taste is superio, like a fucking 10 years old.

I'm not sure why my preferences would be relevant to this discussion though. At all.
But since you brought it up:
Never touched the AC franchise.
I did really enjoy Project Wingman though, which I assume is a similarly arcade-y.
But I also do enjoy the Ill-2 Sturmovik franchise a lot.
What relevance is that supposed to have in this discussion again?

>I did really enjoy Project Wingman though, which I assume is a similarly arcade-y.
yeah it's very similar, just more japanesey

>yeah it's very similar, just more japanesey
Yeah. Being limited to PC only, I never got around the the franchise, but given how much I did enjoy PW, I am kinda tempted to give a try - there are some of them on PC, right? Are they any good?

>There is not much of an argument to be made. You haven't figured out that some people prefer highly detailed and realistic flight systems, some prefer arcades, and some do both. It's a matter of personal preference.

That's why they use actual realistic combat simualtor machines.
This is a videogame. The intent behind it is to have fun, not to conform to some shitty standards of some realism snob like you

> You also haven't figured out that nobody gives a fuck about your opinion here

No my friend, it is your opinion that is irrelevant here on Yea Forums - videogames

AC7 is on PC. It's not as optimized for the platform though, so if you're not used to a controller it might be hard to play

>replying to dcsfag

i was bored but yes ur right my bad. There is a reason he is permanent guest in filters

there's 7 which is a great entry, avoid assault horizon as it's a weird westernized game that doesn't really fall in line with the others, the most important games are on ps2 other than that there's a psp game and one on the 360 i think

you could try emulating but idk how well that works out so i bought a ps2 slim and all the ace combats for it and played them that way

For me, it's Rise of Flight

>This is a videogame. The intent behind it is to have fun, not to conform to some shitty standards of some realism snob like you
As I said, you are genuinely retarded. I just said that I enjoy both extremely arcadey and very realistic flight sims. Literally in the same post you are quoting.
You are functionally illiterate, kid. You don't get to tell others anything if you can't even read what they write.

Does it have a HOTAS support?

Thanks, I'll look into it eventually.

Adding realistic physics would be multiplicitave to the AC experience. I enjoy all of the AC games but none have had remotely fun physics since AC04. It's more fun when the planes handle like they have real mass

ace combat players dont understand basic instruments and that's funny

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>Does it have a HOTAS support?
I believe it had support for some joysticks, but the game is still very much built around the controller. Going from Project Wingman to AC7 felt weird to me because I played PW completely with a mouse.

that's cool and all but can you fly a real plane? that'd be really cool

>dogfighting game isn't a realistic flying sim
oh no

I can't imagine playing PW with mouse, I absolutely fucking suck at any air/space airflight with m+kb only - except for Freespace and Everspace 2 which were designed from the ground up for that.
I also don't really like controlers though. They are better than m+kby but still not ideal to me. Joystick is always my way to go if there is any option for that.

>that'd be really cool
ac user.... I've got some bad news for you, everyone knows how to fly real planes except you and your retarded fanbase.....

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>Ace Combatters
words that have never before been uttered by a human

>I can't imagine playing PW with mouse, I absolutely fucking suck at any air/space airflight with m+kb only
I realize it's weird as hell, but the reason I chose m+kb for PW is because I'm really good with it in War Thunder and it worked like a charm in PW. Albeit there's a bit of trickery with pulling certain maneuvers properly that are easier on controller.

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um......ace combat bros?

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And now he's a DCS chad
ACfagts BTFO


>I realize it's weird as hell, but the reason I chose m+kb for PW is because I'm really good with it in War Thunder
I know that this is largely a matter of personal preference or just practice. I always had a joystick at hand since I was a kid, played a lot of flight and space sim games, and never needed to get used to m+kb for nearly any games. And it also made me a bit of a snob, I really do not like the few purely m+kb focused flight models I've encountered (this is always going to be my problem with games like Freespace, I just hate how shallow the whole flight model was made to accomodate for the mk+b setup).

But I've seen plenty of people maneuvre pretty damn fucking well in a bunch of games while being on mk+b only, so I know it's just a skill you can aquire.

wtf. this 5 year old kid knows how to fly and we don't?! ac bros! .......

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In WT the feel of m+kb is that you're sort of throwing the plane around, at first it's pretty weird but you get addicted to the "snapiness" of it and it just kind of sticks.

Ace combat? what? huh?

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>Holy shit I love DCS-ACK

Attached: sumtingwong.webm (394x360, 1.56M)

Now where is a picture of you in a cockpit, DCS-kun?

>After all those hours of DCS, I'm finally ready to fly a real pla-ACK

Attached: armachad MANPAD vs dcsfag.webm (480x480, 2.7M)