For me, it's Radahn, the strongest demigod

For me, it's Radahn, the strongest demigod

Attached: 9oyauygj83m81.jpg (2000x1600, 725.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He didn't beat her.

Strongest demigod my ass.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 59.8K)

The amount of runes reflects the power level of an enemy.

Radahn: 70 000
Godfrey: 240 000
Malenia: 480 000

70k is what a deranged Radahn on his last legs, gives

so, Rachad is easily 700k in his prime. Maleniakeks on suicide watch

>There is a crow in the bloodswamp stronger than Godrick and many other bosses now

That logic is retarded

That logic is bullshit

GARGANTUAN cope desu


You'll never score rotten pussy faggot

And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Til touchdown brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no

Attached: rad.png (1400x700, 883.85K)

>literally posts a reddit picture
Tranndahnies....Not even once.

Attached: Radahn sandnigger exposed.png (400x95, 7.34K)

>schizo has arrived


Attached: mightiest demigod.jpg (984x711, 177.98K)

>less than a minute reply
Holy trannoid horsefucker be seething!

Attached: radahn redditor.jpg (1840x1673, 997.98K)


Attached: xzx5v439bep81.jpg (1945x1090, 243.99K)

Morgott mogged them both. The last true king.

not Radahn

Attached: Elden-Ring-op-Radahn-Malenia.jpg (1800x900, 176.47K)

That dude is like 1/10 of his size

>His helmet
>His pants
>His gloves


>>His helmet
Are you blind?
>>His gloves
Yes, you are

Attached: nope.jpg (1021x1017, 238.97K)

where the fangs at bro
yeah thought so

>95% of radhan downies can't stop thinking about Malenia
Imagine worshipping a boss so irrelevant and bad in every aspect that you need to create some virtual DBZ powerlevel faggotry against other, superior boss just to start a thread.
Good to know I will never be such a seething pathetic incel like an average radhan downie.

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Morgottchad also lives rent fee in their heads

Trips of truth checked
Heckin' wholesome horserino redditors get the rope

I bet you don't even have a festival

I don't know why this surprises anyone. It's obvious that even when on his last legs and using some of his power to hold back the stars it still takes the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP to defeat him, that he must've been insanely powerful back in the day.

i don't understand how you guys go off a single trailer/cinematic and some voice acting and then get attached to these characters as though they've had any real characterization at all

>that you need to create some virtual DBZ powerlevel faggotry
Let's be fair, the game supports that what we see in-game is not what's actually happening. It's very clear that the games never could really properly represent how much of a badass your character is supposed to be in terms of gameplay. It never is represented in what you see on the screen but in the eyes of the devs what is actually happening in-game is you're a Platinum Games protagonist who is just styling on everything. But FROM doesn't really know how to make a character action game. Granted they COULD have a way of representing this through quicktime events like in Metal Gear Rising where Raiden lifts and throws the absolute gargantuan Excelcius and then uses its arm as a sword in a giant sword duel against it, but they'd never do that because quicktime events are basically just free damage on the boss. But that's what is SUPPOSED to be happening. Otherwise your character defeating these beings that are all ultra badasses in lore that do incredible feats by just clumsily swinging around a sword makes no sense.

first time seeing fromdrones try and mimic a human conversation?

>But FROM doesn't really know how to make a character action game
Bullshit, yes they do.

consider that perhaps like capcom from software has seen the hiring of younger staff that can't replicate what the older staff could

But For Answer was only
What the fuck

Attached: Illya PANIC.gif (300x300, 445.08K)

yeah lol

>consider that perhaps like capcom
Nah, DMC5 showed they've still got it, they're just very selective in letting their talent actually produce anything.

that doesn't discount what i said, sure there's itsuno like from has miyazaki but that doesn't mean the workers underneath are the same or capable of the same necessarily

DMC5 is easily on par with 3 or 4 so yes, the workers underneath in Capcom's case are capable. That doesn't mean it's true with From though.

bing bing wahoo

no, dmc5 is not on par with those games and even there what im talking about rears its ugly head, environments are dull and lifeless, facescanning is applied lazily and you have to play as V, the only reason it's as good as it is is because they had itsuno working on it, on every other facet it falls directly into the pattern with other capcom games

Radahn is definitely the strongest, why is this a question even?
He was equal to Malenia in their battle and she had to use dirty rot tricks, and that was all while he was using his gravity magic lowering his power by a lot to protect the lands between.

It's literally a poison using coward vs a true warrior who continued protecting his land even though he knew he would lose and continues to do so while in shambles, while the cowardice Malenia hides in secret.
Was Miyazaki trying to tell us something? Malenia (a woman) only being able to beat Radahn (a man) using dirty poison tricks and then hiding?

Now show me where Radahn uses shrinking magic.

Based, confirmed by based Iji himself. How will Malenia fags cope? Oh wait...THEY CANT LOLOL

Fuck I remember that. Good shit.

Such hard-core projection. The fact that you went through the time to make this meme, and the constant Malenia threads being spammed bitching about Radahn is enough to prove the blatant reflecting being shown here.


It's Rykard. After he loses that snake eats him.

>Shrinking magic
The lore states that he learned gravity magic in order to keep riding Leonard, meaning that at some point he was small enough to ride him. This is before he became a giant.
Nothing in-game shows Rykard wearing anything that resembles that at all

>canonically cums inside this every night

Attached: Leonardo radahn's true love.jpg (2880x1548, 272.57K)

>Rykard fought in his casual clothes that he's wearing in paintings
This is not an argument

>this shit again
I'll keep reminding you, dilating axe wound freak, again and again.
Rykard doesn't have red hair. Every time some tranndahny goes for "muh rykard" - post picrelated to politely humble this transgender individual.

Attached: rykard.jpg (1920x1080, 1M)

>Rykard fought in an armor identical to his brother despite said armor being designed that way by Radahn to honour his hero Godfrey

Yes because Rykard was born with gray hair right? Like every single child of Radagon right? kill yourself, also cope and dilate melaniatranny

Gideon literally says that Radahn is the strongest of all demigods, what is there even to debate over?

Melaniatrannies coping and seething that their rotten tranny waifu RedRot the Hedgehog got her shit kicked in and pretends that it didn't happen.

>strongest demigod
>beaten by morgott
>tie with malenia resulting in brainrot
oh no no no no

>beaten by morgott
We're still pretending that wasn't Rykard/one of Radahn soldiers?

sheesh people are still on this cope
sad fr no cap

unmitigated Soul

>Couldn't win without nuking 15% of the continent
no johns