Is life just his video game?

is life just his video game?

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any games other then smt/persona that has demiurge in it?

The sims, you are the demiurge

Genshin maybe

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Yes, and it's not a fun one

No, he truly thinks in his delusion and blindness that he is the Supreme being inside the Kenoma (emptiness) while confusing Kenoma for Pleroma (Full)
He doesn't not realize he is the ejection of Sophia

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Yes and no.
He’s so into this video game and forgot it was actually a video game.
He’s not unlike one of those 14yo tryhard mmo freaks

No, it's His.

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Christ is risen!

If anyone has demiurge memes please post them I've been trying to collect up the [x]pill and dumb demiurge stuff for ages.

His Eminence, King Yodelbooger

quick rundown on this dude?

the demiurge is based. being alive is dope. thanks demiurge

None in this thread can answer your question with true knowledge.
However, your enquiry is nonetheless encouraged.

This is world of the dead though. If you’re here you’re dead.

Does that mean he holds the title of "risen"?
Shouldn't it be "has risen"?
>Chuck has aids
>Chuck is aids
Risen is an adjective? Not a past tense verb?

t. hylic

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is there any way we can kill the demiurge?

Are you winning son?

Gnosticism for retards comic:

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board, /x/ is two blocks down.

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What's wrong with theists?
Is the mundane just too boring for you or why do you believe in this kind of nonsense?

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>he still hasn't gotten over that phase
>he doesn't have fun turning the gears

Fuck man i wish i was schizophrenic, it sounds like they get to experience a way more interesting life than me.
I also wanna fight unseen battles against cosmic deities.

idk lol

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Lorkhan from Elder Scrolls

xenoblade 1 and 2

*Unfathomable by simple minds

The sounds of Saturn are interesting.

dont forget your meds today fren

Got my daily dose of vodka, but thanks for the reminder

The actual classic shamanistic schizophrenia is very rare. You'd probably get tinfoil paranoid one or the voices saying that you should kill yourself.

Even worse, the demiurge is just a script kiddie who thought he could make his own game. It runs like shit though.

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Eh, he did a fine job.


The demiurge is just another E-celeb like Jschlatt or RTGames playing Cities Skylines but irl

Pretty much

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>reinvents entire world mythology into "I feel like I should be more important than I am, everything must be a lie!"
>inserts christ for no reason at all other than mommy dearest hammered in christianity into you
Yep, schizocore.

That is one comfy looking pile of gold

Gnosticism isn't some modern invention, it's about as old as christianity itself and was considered the original heresy.

Still applies.

Early Christians were the ones who came up with Gnosticism, for the only reason that they couldn't cope with the problem of evil

And then modern christians solved the problem of evil by going "hurr ur retarded lol u just dont get it man".

whatever it is
its fucking failure

The main argument against it nowadays is "God allows evil for reasons we're not aware of"

Yeah that's what i said.

>''mUh GoD wOrKs In MyStErIoUs WaYs''
>''MuH gOd GaVe Us FrEe WiLl''

The Council of Nicea and it's consequences have devastated humanity.

And that's logically consistent with the Christian doctrine.
God being infinite means he knows things we will never be able to fully comprehend.
The problem of evil is the where the faith portion of the religion comes into play.
Retards just aren't satisfied with the answer, so they mock it and say
>God don't real because baby cancer

More like original Gnosticism was reaction at Europeans with 3 digits IQ seeing jewish stricture about jewish narcissist deity whom everyone is supposed to worship and consider perfect being. Conclusion would obviously be about insane or malicious being that creates humans just to fuck with them.

Although setting abrahamic shit aside, loose Gnostic interpretation of reality seems like most plausible explanation for it if there is assumption that cause of reality was intelligent. Considering how brutal world is, sentient life is either an unintended byproduct of reality and its creator just doesn't give a fuck about its suffering, or he actually enjoys torturing his creations.

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Gnosticism isn't coherent or consistent.
And at most all it does is push the problem of evil one step back.
If the 'true' God is all knowing and all loving and all powerful, why would he allow Yaldabaoth to exist?

Not him but i don't think gnostics believe that any god is all-powerful the way christians think of it.

The random fucking ugojesse murdered my sides

the demiurge didnt really do anything bad though.
he is the reason why we can even cum so shut up lol


That is only the beginning.

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I think that "true God" in a sense it's presented by abrahamism-related gnosticism can be omitted from equation, it's an abrahamic legacy jammed in because of demand for abrahamic-related rationalizations. It's core paradigm about creator of material universe being either indifferent or malignant that matters most, because most religions really love to assign various positive qualities to it for some reason, even though it contradicts empirical observation of universe it created.

Elden Ring

Big D did nothing wrong

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Dragon's Dogma


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You clearly never actually read the creation story of Gnosticism if you have to ask that question

So Demiurge is supposed to be a serpent with a lions head?
I had only seen ilustriations with the Sprudourge and assumed he was a sunflower

Gnosticism is atheism for people who think atheism is edgy.

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>it contradicts empirical observation of universe
How does it logically follow that evil exists therefore demiurge?
That's a massive logical leap on your part.

I hope you will suffer autoimmune disease and would be able to fully contemplate quality design of your body and mastery and benevolence of its creator, as it slowly and painfully being killed by its own defense systems.

Big D is a bitch and a faggot. I hope he kills himself soon

>If God exists, is all-powerful, all-knowing, intrinsically Good with a capital G and created this world, why is the world so fucked up?
The ultimate scape goat.

True, I've never read up on Gnosticism.
I'm not one much for fanfic.

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Stop suffering

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>just turn off your phone bro, suffering isn't real

>makes your daughter cry