Why does it look like a 15-year old video game? I bought it at half price and still feel like I overpaid

Why does it look like a 15-year old video game? I bought it at half price and still feel like I overpaid.

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looks fine to me, babymaking sex with the twins

>Bad engine?
>Profit over quality = selling on old consoles?


>RE engine
Take your pick.

>RE engine
Resident Evil VIII is also on that engine and looks a million times better.
So why couldn't the pc version be modified? I mean even the pc version of World had its own texture pack. Not that it would help with the shitty level design but it would at least be something.

Next game needs a tanned wyverian guild lass to one up rise.

ive played PS2 games with better armor gfx/models than those
blame consolecasuals putting vaseline screen on everything

>So why couldn't the pc version be modified?

Why would they waste time and money doing that?

You zoomers really need to grow the fuck up. It looks fine.
You lot wouldn't of survived the ps2/xbox/gc era.

>So why couldn't the pc version be modified?
pcfags, everyone

You literally haven't.

Its 2022 you fucking boomer

It's even worse in motion. Monster Hunter used to have great motion graphics. But it all looks so fucking janky and robotic in Rise.

Attached: MH Classic Gameplay.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

>Monster Hunter used to have great motion graphics
You mean literally only World?

Because they already did that with world?

Are you brain damaged?

You didn't bother looking it up before you bought it because you're a stupid nigga.

>Hime cuts

You just know

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>Switch game has shitty graphics
Wow. Who could have seen this coming?

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The portable entries were way ahead of contemporary handheld games in terms of presentation and animation. MHFU on PSP was insane.

Rise is better than World.

Rise with its pseudo MMO wirebug skill spam isn't better than any other MH entry. It's absolutely bottom tier. Should barely be considered an MH game.

Attached: MH Rise Fantasy 14.webm (928x542, 2.99M)

The difference between monster hunter threads of old and now, is that the autists of today are genuinely invested in their shitflinging contests and aren't just using them as a way to bump the thread

World was a blockbuster title. Rise is an irrelevant cashgrab.

Nice shitpost. Anymore?

The truth bombs hurt.

Back in my day, we had to read the manual if we wanted to get the gist of what the characters were meant to look like.

>stopping his shitposting this early

world with its pseudo MMO clutch claw/mantle spam isn't better than any other MH entry. It's absolutely bottom tier. Should barely be considered an MH game.

That hasn't been true for ages. Most games from 5th gen onwards had CGI intros that basically gave away what the artists intended for the characters.

The Switch is also the reason Civ 6 looks so shitty.

I can name a million MMOs where you brainlessly button mash overpowered skills to kill mobs. Just like with Rise.

Not a single MMO I know has a clutch claw mechanic. Do you?

If your game is so good why don't people play it lol

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>basically a debuff which last 3 min

here you go worldsperm

The gap actually keeps widening too. Rise is bleeding players whereas World keeps gaining them. Capcom must know they fucked up with Rise on all fronts.

Holy fucking Mogged
Rise is so shit

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I can name a million MMOs with DPS instakill mechanics, though
I suggest looking for a different comparison point because the longer you dwell on this one the dumber you'll look

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A clutch claw is a mechanic where you take a calculated risk in between monster attacks to make one part weaker than the others.

Can you name a single MMO with this mechanic? I'll wait.

>That hasn't been true for ages
And I haven't been young for ages.

The only monster that functions like that is Alatreon and that's basically what Alatreon is, like it or not. He's an odd exception to the rule.

I can think of at least two more sweetie
Don't forget the one with the aggro mechanic too

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"aggro mechanic" has been a staple for MH since its inception, zoomer. But keep defend the wirebug skill MMO spam. Won't change the fact that the shit is ANTI-MH.

>replying to mhg schizo

I never played any monster hunter games past XX but looks fine to me as long as you have enough ingame content.
You people have to realize the better the graphics are the less actual gameplay content you get.

For MH, that's actually opposite. You get the worst of both worlds with Rise.

The aggro mechanic was literally copy and pasted from an MMO, a bit sad innit?

>reee wyvern riding is bad
>also wallband world mons everything 2-3times a hunt
>crutch claw

fucking hypocrites people said the same fucking shit about 4u with mounting, GU with the styles, world with crutch claw/mantles and now it's wirebug.

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An aggro mechanic is literally inevitable in a coop setting.

It's very hard to tell whether these threads are made 24/7 because the shizophrenic behind them genuinely cares that much about proving one of the themed grinding simulators to be superior, or just because these threads are such a fantastic way to harvest (you)s for someone (you) deprived as a child.
Could be either or, and I don't know which one is more pathetic

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>buy rise on pc day one
>play 130 hours straight
>get bored, drop it
i mean, it's not bad, i just didn't find it good enough to put in 300+ hours like i did with world

Are you going to pretend how the aggro works in safi and behemoth is anything like how it works in the rest of the game, because you being that obtuse comes off as incredibly desperate

yea rise is kinda short not as much grind as the deco shitfest that's in world.

Behemoth is because it's an actual MMO guest fight. Safi is because it also ties a mechanic to the aggro.

By now everyone has already finished Iceborne. Yet that game has 2-3x as many players online all the time than Rise. It gets more and more players by the day while Rise keeps dropping like a rock. Explain this phenomenon.

>u-uuuuh actually its ok when MY game apes MMOs

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for me, it was the story that mattered, in world it was like, new place go explore, and the quests revolved around this and it made me involved with it, in rise it was more like, new monster go kill, which it was fine but it gets boring eventually

Iceborne was a well better designed skinner box and is cheaper

Have you ever once taken your meds?

>not as much grind as the deco shitfest
Are you genuinely retarded? You don't even need most decos. Kulve was more annoying than decos and still manageable. I have now 300 hours in rise and still no "godcharm" I want.

Hello there.

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more content maybe? lmao what is with that question. i can see why people that started with world will be disappointed with rise but let's see if it stays that way when G rank for rise comes out in a few months.

decos are much more needed for builds than a good charm, getting a 2 wex charm, you can finish your build much faster in rise than world if you start from scratch.

Not really needed anymore with Valstrax armor.

No, they aren't unless you go for the "meta" sets that are fully min maxed for a playstyle most shitters are to bad for anyway. It's true that you don't need a perfect charm as well and a good one can be achieved rather quickly but there is always potential upwards unless you get the perfect roll from the very beginning.

>when G rank for rise comes out in a few months
It's only gonna have 3 trailers compared to Iceborne's 5, it's 2 months away from release and we still barely know anything about the expansion, and it's already confirmed by Capcom leaks to launch with only a bit over 20 monsters and a bit less than 30 with all DLC, compared to Iceborne launching with 27 and finishing with 35 after DLC. With us getting subspecies for all the new Rise monsters, that leaves like 10 actually "new" monsters at launch. Iceborne by the end had 20 returning monsters alone, as well as multiple new ones and high effort subspecies & variants.
The new map also looks fucking awful.
I really don't see how this expansion is going to justify a $40 price tag. Iceborne deserved to be called a "massive expansion", this so far looks no better than previous G rank releases which added barely anything.