Why is BOTW so much better than elden shit?

why is BOTW so much better than elden shit?

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I hate vidya fanboys so fucking much it's unreal

botw is a 77 if you remove the nintendo bonus, while elden ring is a 91 if you remove the fromsotware bonus

and you're an absolute massive faggot once you remove the Yea Forumsirgin bonus

>ad hominem
I accep your concession


This is nothing but a baseless cope.

>ad hominem
i wasn't making a statement, i just wanted to insult you

Honestly mate I am gonna batter you

why you guys fighting over this crap just play the games

Smells like a Nintendie coping that he can't play Elden Ring in here.

I have both a switch and a pc, seethe

I enjoyed both equally because I'm not poor

so you lost from the beginning lol

lost what? there wasn't an argument to be made. you phrased your post like a faggot and i mocked you for it. nothing more, nothing less

Great thread.

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The open world in BotW is just so flat and empty, it's not fair to compare the 2. There are like 4 console generations difference between them on a technical level. BotW could unironically be a Dreamcast or Wii game.

you niggers are fighting over brand loyalty and its hilarious to watch. dumb consoomer retards.

There's far more interactibility in Zelda's world than ER's. There's no fucking chance a Dreamcast or even a Wii could handle its physics.

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Both are overhyped due to the series they connect to thus get free passes that a lot of games wouldn't. They're the Bioshock Infinite of today's vidya.

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>has to cope THIS much because he lost an online argument
lol youre pathetic

Half Life 1 could do most of those "physics" back in 1999.

>ad hominem
i "accept" your concession

this is such a boring artificial argument, shit thread

>doesnt even understand what ad hominem is
and when I thought you couldnt get any more pathetic.....

this has to be bait. i bet this is the only social interaction you've gotten today. well here's your last (you), consider taking english classes esl

really funny how you still havent presented a single argument, youve just spouted fallacies

I love both game but the constant VS people seek for them is funny

Tendie bonus

Double standards.

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Seething frompedos

It's not a bugged mess with shit hitboxes

When BOTW2 will come out all of you will disown Elden Ring, mark my words

Both are great, ER has better side content but that's about it.

>b-but muh nintendo bonus

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fromsoft hasnt made a different game in a long time
zelda is at least a little bit different each time.
fromsoft cant program
nintendo passes that low bar

that should about cover your question op now we wait for fromdrones to seethe

fuck off tranny

I hate it I just want to talk in breath of the wild threads without fromniggers shitting it up

same reason why the earth is flat

>everyone I hate is a tranny
stop thinking about the mentally ill nigger

no, its just that trannies like you are easy as fuck to spot lmao

this thread should be more suited for you

Maybe next time.

is pedo the new tranny now?

BOTW is literally the thinking mans ER, and it's reflected in the score.

>nintendo good
>not nintendo bad


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I win you lose. Ywnbaw

So what's the forced rivalry going on between these two games?

I've tried making like 4 normal BotW threads and instantly someone will come in, post "Elden Ring is better", then leave the thread knowing that this is all it takes to completely derail BotW threads nowadays.

Only problem is, there's like 10 Elden Ring threads up at any one time on Yea Forums so if one gets derailed you can just go to another one. Whereas with BotW outside of "thicc Zelda" or "Girls of Zelda" coomer threads, you're lucky to have a comfy BotW thread in any given day.

Pisses me off, I just wanna talk about the sequel and the Second Wind mod but you fucking faggots get baited so easily that it's literally impossible.

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I wish the Hebra region was this flat fuck the hebra region

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You think that's bad? People shitpost with games of the same franchise nowadays, if ER didn't exist there would be someone shitposting with OoT or Minish Cap.

When BOTW2 comes out, there will be 10 threads a day as well.

I'd give botw a solid 6 and elden ring a solid 8

Botw2 got blown the fuck out so hard it got delayed to 2023 because of Elden Ring tho.

BotW threads always are.

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fromdrones will SEETHE at the best game ever made
meanwhile elden shit has a shit fetishist mutt goblin as one of its biggest features

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honestly, can't wait.

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there will be 30 hate threads and 1 comfy thread

>then leave the thread knowing that this is all it takes to completely derail BotW threads nowadays
BotW are ALWAYS shit. All it takes is one side or the other saying something the other side doesn't like to turn the entire thread into a disaster. And by something the other side doesn't like I mean any semblance of praise or criticism. And that's not even getting into the flagrant shitposting and bait. Problem is nobody actually cares about talking about BotW. There's nothing to talk about. Discussion dried up shortly after release and all we know about BotW2 is they're reusing huge swathes of BotW. So all that's left is forced threads and shitposting.

I agree but it'll slow down same way BotW1 slowed down. I mean, there's not even a general over on /vg/ for Zelda as a whole.

Fromsoft has taken over Yea Forums and it's too cringe.

there's no general cuz we beat the game and we going to play another
fromdrones plays only 1 game for 10000000 hours, pretty sad

>NOOOO Elden Ring is just a recycled shit
>meanwhile pic related
Nintendo bonus isn't even up for debate anymore, it's over.

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