What is one thing you don't like about this game?
What is one thing you don't like about this game?
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I like almost no part of this game
royal revenant
Can't summon friends into the open world when the nearby boss is defeated.
The excessive copy paste of content
Reused content
Having to scour every inch of the boring mostly grasslands and pointy rocks overworld so as not to miss a dungeon or item.
catacombs, they're so dull and annoying
One thing I don't like is that there isn't a single good thing about the entire shit game.
Bloodborne >>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>> Dark Souls 2 >>>>> Elden Shit
duude pointless hyperbole lmaoooo
The open world past a certain point, I'm just not sure where.
I should have been able to interact a lot more with Melina. Especially in the ending where she lives, even if she's still fuming a bit at the time
>bloodborne zoomer got filtered
no solo invasions unless people opt in specifically. also moonveil and RoB have yet to be nerfed adequately.
repeated bosses and meaningless dungeons. The standard openworld stuff.
They could have had added more interactions in the world instead of just the regular old "everything wants to kill you"
It's too long.
Why is BB and DaS2 the only games in the rating. That said, both are far better than Elden Shit; very true.
Too long. Strung along on an admittedly gorgeous taxi ride with the expectation that shitty repeated shrines with shitty rewards I will NEVER use. Made me gun for the end once I touched snow.
The caves.
They didn't learn anything from the Chalice Dungeons. The same problems exist. Just far too repetitive.
>he can't enjoy neatly designed dungeons because they were made using a building block system so he sees the same wall every now and then
This is a (You) problem.
The story isn't really interesting and just convoluted for convoluted sake. Could use some more world interaction.
I'm so fucking tired of the goddamn weapon upgrade system. Play with spells and you can just swap them out whenever. If I want to try out a different weapon I have to invest a shitton of time and resources into it and in the end it's mostly the weapon art that changes. And you can't grease/enchant somber weapons because go fuck yourself.
It's so fucking limiting to any playstyle flexibility when I don't even know how the weapon is going to fucking scale after having pumped all the time and effort into it.
Meanwhile the game never stops throwing talismans for casters and spells at you, there are even specific towers only for casters.
>try to fight a boss
>get one-shot
>reason to myself that maybe this is a late-r game boss, I'll explore elsewhere, gain a few levels, and come back
The problem is, it was impossible to judge *how* underlevelled I was in those scenarios, so sometimes I would return 30+ levels stronger, and found that the boss is now trivial.
>he can't enjoy neatly designed dungeons
If that is your idea of good dungeon design, playing a dungeon crawler or a Zelda game must blow your mind.
zelda dungeons and whatever other shitty zoomer game you're thinking of blow asshole though
>whatever other shitty zoomer game you're thinking of blow asshole though
Yeah, you summed up Elden Ring.
Some Enemies and Bosses attack to fast so you barerly have time to react, heal, or attack.
Also poise doesn't work
Open world.
>every now and then
They are all exactly the same. Same walls, same setpieces, same traps, same enemies, same bosses, same everything, just slightly different layouts.
FromSoft backing themselves into a corner where it’s impossible to balance because of how much shit is in the game
Still fun tho
Margitt is a hundred times harder than Godrick.
>he didn't enjoy the teleportation one, the one that loops in to itself, the one with hidden passages under each elevator, the chariot ones, the light puzzle ones, the one with multiple bosses which has them hidden behind hidden paths, the one with invisible floors you can drop on, etc
Why do you even play games if you don't enjoy game stuff?
Doesn't run well enough on my old as fuck PC, but that's a 'me' problem.
The redditor fanbase. The fucking let me solo her guy was kind of cool but jesus fucking christ everything surrounding him is the gayest shit.
The multiplayer system
>Furlcalling finger remedies should not exist, summoning signs should be permanently visible to the player
>Summoning pools are a barely functional band-aid that can't receive your summoning sign remotely
>4-player limit means that you will never receive a co-invader in invasions unless the host is taunter's tongue'd
>No summoning cooldown for hunters, so incredibly rare 1v1's become 3v1's within minutes
>"Matchmaking" is just Japan and not-Japan, enjoy playing with people from China with 500 ping
>No covenants
>No solo invasions to dilute the invasion pool, I don't give a fuck about bullying hosts
>Downscaling doesn't do shit
>Invaders returning home rewards the host, summoned players returning home doesn't reward the invader I am actually fucking flabbergasted that they didn't remove this in 1.04
It's honestly impressive how badly they fucked up the multiplayer. They created a system that exclusively caters to griefers and gankers, while normal players are caught in the crossfire of an increasingly autistic arms race between these two parties. It's a vicious cycle where no one is happy.
All they have to do to fix it is make great runes open the player up to invasion (in dungeons), make defeating bosses activate great runes, and preferably make rune arcs expendable only at graces and remove two or three graces from the game.
>he didn't enjoy [copypasted shit]
No, I have standards unlike Fromdromes.
The shit in my post isn't copypasted. Seek mental help.
>isn't copypasted
Trolling has gone too far this time.
>>Summoning pools are a barely functional band-aid that can't receive your summoning sign remotely
They seem to work really well for me. What about them doesn't work?
Meds, now. Nigger.
Fromdrones hate these types of threads.
I don't like the round table. It was never comfy. A better hub would be nice.
>bonus round
Quests. Its a love/hate thing. I don't want a quest marker or journal or whatever. I don't know know what I would want.
The 5-10:1 ration of boss attacks to your attacks. I miss being able to hit more than one attack button between openings with heavy weapons.
I should have clarified that you should be able to send your summon sign to multiple pools remotely. In the open world, where they're useful because you'll be exploring while your sign is down, you don't really know what you're signing up for. In dungeons, you're less likely to be moving away from boss fog, graces, or summoning pools, so they're less useful.
They should have been a way for you to send your sign out to your favorite dungeons remotely. I see a lot of completely dead summoning pools in minor dungeons, and even a few major ones, because they're still effectively out of the way.
There are two things i severely dislile about the game
First one being that aside the main bosses, there are not a lot of unique enemy encounters. Reused enemy is a normal thing for games, but I wish they dialed it back just a tiny bit in this. Enemy variety is still top notch anyway.
Second point is the fact that you can fast travel right from the start. That's a big listake in my opinion. Should've made it that you can fast travel only when you get two shards or reach leyndell.
Some kind of actual method of genuinely following them.
Take the first one in the game, the demihuman. He says "that cave on the coast", but the game LITERALLY has fourty five of these. If he gave the god damn fucking name of the cave it would at least be followable.
I always forget this. I dislike the upgrading system too. It does discourage experimenting.
Literally only one cave on the coast and it is called "Coastal Cave" which is relatively close by and in the same region, how can you be so retarded?
Trading. 98% of the cheese is people handing items to other characters that didn’t earn them.
If you want to invade me with an end game weapon in dark souls that you fucking earned on that guy? Great, you earned it, have fun!
If you’re going to twink you second guy with a hand of melania and then use the cloud to produce a second one to dual wield, that’s just fucking lame.
Like they did with stones, trade needs to go. Seen enough RoB users for one lifetime.
Why do fromdrones pretend like they aren't using Google and YouTube to complete the game? What do you think you're accomplishing?
>open world
>copy paste bosses
>no design
>reused Bloodborne assets
>nothing new
>every boss is "roll to dodge combo attack"
You can not trade weapons that are upgraded if the player who wants to pick it up doesn't have a weapon with the same level. And you can't trade upgrade material.
Nigger. It is literally called "Coastal Cave" and there are absolutely no other caves that are on any of the coasts. Especially not in Limgrave. Didn't need to Google that. You just have a single IQ if you can't do 1 + 1.
shit take. what they need to fix in multiplayer is the running strong attacks on HTS and paired curved swords. also needs more hyperarmor on heavy weapons
the spasticity of bosses
It opened the door to retard casuals like no other From game before it.
completely different issue retard, you're talking about balance
The fucking dogs man.
Those are all really neat things, yeah. The minor dungeons with those gimmicks are unfortunately quite few and fat between.
There are over 40 catacombs, caves and mines in total. Most of them are very, very similar and feature no interesting layouts, new gimmicks, fresh ideas nor enemies and bosses you haven’t yet seen.
Having to plow through a large amount of boring shit takes away from the actually good shit, and that’s why devs should focus on quality over quantity.
>armor variety
>you can't beat some bosses with only greatspear and shield
Why pretend?
the retarded shills
Easy Anti-Cheat is cancer that doesn't prevent cheating but does prevent simple quality of life or visual mods that have no effect on multiplayer.
Also too many unique INT weapons and not enough unique weapons for other stats.
the coop, which is about to get fixed by a based modder
Endgame bosses, ashes of war limited to melee weapons, no fp regen ring, pointless crafting and loot exploration, fall damage is so bullshit that even with an item that "nullifies" fall damage kills you even in cliffs with walkable ground