How do their hardcore fans put up with their shit?

How do their hardcore fans put up with their shit?
I've always been a PC/Nintendo guy and it baffles me how much of a better experience you get as a pirate/emulator user than you do as a paying customer.

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>Pay $1000 for a PC to play switch games vs paying $300 for the console to play games
Why does this board not understand not everyone wants to pay that much for a PC?

Their hardcore fans consists of 12 year old children

>It's a Nintendo fan thinks a PC does literally one thing and one thing only episode
>It's another repeat

>its not expensive if you use it for all these things your not gonna use it for
I dont need it to do other things I just need it to play switch games

>Pay $300 for a console
>Pay for several years of online access
>Pay for an entire library of rented games and DLCs

Why do console-only tards think you need a thousand eagles to emulate nintendo games? My PC's hardware is 8 years old btw, runs botw 60fps just fine.

>your not gonna use it for

How much did your PC cost when you bought it
>has to strawman becouse he has no arguments

Nintendo doesn't have fans, they have a religion

>>has to strawman
Which part was a strawman?
You own literally nothing. Once Nintendo shuts down their Switch servers which will happen, you'll lose access to all your digital downloads and day 1 updates that fix your games.

For the price of a single PC component, I could buy a Switch and like 10-15 games.

Because what he means to say by emulation is he pirates the games and that makes up the cost of his PC all the while supporting steam which has to have excessively high sales volumes in order to make the same profit, still takes 30% knowing its consumerist whore fan base will buy cheap games all the while fucking developers in the ass. It's mental gymnastics by people who worship a different corporate overlord. Unless they pirate full stop in which case that's based but you can go look at the analytics of a lot of piracy websites for actual PC games to prove that's bullshit. It's the same non sense when steam drones tell you x game has a bigger player base on PC but what they don't tell you is its rife with cheaters and active tines are spread out so thin that it won't matter anyways when you get matched up with jalapeƱo Jose who has a ping of 1400ms

I just want my steam deck gabe

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Becouse I buy all my games physically

Yeah, I remember when the Wii got discontinued. Nintendo sent a bunch of guys over to my place and I had to watch as they deleted all of my downloaded games one by one. I kept telling them to stop but they didn't listen. I think I even peed myself a little.

what games you buying?

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Then don't pay $300 for a single component? lmfao

>Pay $300 for the privilege of buying 30fps 480p nintendo games for $60 each plus $20-$50 for privilege of using your own internet
>Pay $1-2k up front for everything and have the ability to play almost any game ever made while getting a useful tool for doing anything else, including productivity which could help pay back what you paid for the PC in the first place

You mean pay $1-2k so that you have to pay the exact same amount again in just 5 years because you super PC cant play a game even a console from 2013 can for some reason.

Switch games? There's always a ton of shit on sale, lots of good first and third party shit.

My current GPU is like 10 years old. If I were to attempt to buy another one right now, I would spend almost 300 dollars on a piece of metal and plastic that does not function without spending even more on the rest of the PC. If I wanted a new machine with parts made in the last year or so, I would spend on average 2000 dollars.

why include the price of switch games but not the price of pc games? just because you steal hundreds of dollars of software doesn't suddenly mean they are free. using your logic, i can just steal a switch and any game i want and play for free.

>It's a "You have to do a gazillion dollar upgrade every 2 days" episode
No motherfucker. The ONLY and I mean ONLY reason anyone would have to upgrade their PC is if some new shit came out that they literally can't run. What you said only applies to autists who need to run the latest ubishit at 4k 240hz. No normal person upgrades that often. Most people on steam are running 5 year old hardware. Jesus fucking christ do you people ever actually look into the bullshit you spew?

The fact that you think a cpu has plastic in it shows how much you know. Why are you buying brand new pc parts? This is why you'll always be stuck to the dicks of your nintendo overlords, because you're too stupid to figure out how to buy cheap parts, and the fact you think you need a top-of-the-line pc to emulate switch.

I'm a diehard Nintendo kid forever, but you're not wrong. Their hardware is inexcusable and they make some iffy business decisions, but there's a lot of stuff they do right also

I've been modding their systems and not paying for most of their titles since the late Wii days.

Fair point. Regardless, steam hosts sales all the fuckin time, so I'd still wager that $60 bucks goes a lot further on the steam catalogue than on the eshop

Do you even know what a GPU looks like? What do you think the shell containing the circuitry is made of? For someone who claims to be so smart, you have extremely poor reading comprehension.

Yeah lets not forget about the threads on this board crying about being unable to play Er because they have a 980 or 1050 both released after the PS4 came out.
He's probably talking about the Silicone used Autist.

>better experience you get as a pirate/emulator user than you do as a paying customer.

not everyone is a nigger.

same reason I dont go to my local walmart and steal everything off the shelves
it's both illegal and immoral
could I buy everything and then dump it for a different experience? (not better, because you can never beat handheld play)
sure, but that's a lot of work to play a fucking video game. also my PC is for work anyways

I mean even if you only use your lowball estimate the switch still comes out on top because I can buy the console and 11 games for the price of a pc.

Thought you meant cpu, my bad. Either way, how old is your pc that you need to upgrade everything to fit a gpu? pci-e slots have been the same for longer than a decade.

Where did all these anti-piracy moralfags come from? They've got to he shills, there's no other way I can see someone having such a retarded opinion.

Emulation isn't a better experience because I can't enjoy multiplayer with my friends. I'd also lose out on the portable aspect and other random hardware specific features. Emulation is just what the name implies, pretending to be something it isn't.


you are definately american..

your nigger culture has you under the delusion that theft is good.

How much does nintendo of america pay you?

>How much does nintendo of america pay you?

show us your BLM tattoo nigger


i know, its wierd. niggers cant even tell the difference.

I'm starting to be extremely disappointed in them. Going to do the emulator life

your newfag is showing

Ask your supervisor to update your Yea Forums lexicon, this one's pretty out of date.

>pay $0 to play Switch game vs pay $60 to play Switch game

Put up with what? The fact that people are so desparate to play nintendo games without paying that the emulation scene is explosive?
I don't gain anything from it existing and I don't see how a bit higher fps enhances a game for anybody.

>pay $0 to play Switch game vs pay $60 to play Switch game

when i steal your car i pay $0

I'm gonna download botw 10x so nintendo loses $600

ESL discord shill

I'm diehard Nintendo and PC/Switch is the way to go.
If Nintendo is putting out good stuff and if they are being competitive I can play switch in bed or on break at work. If not then I can just wait out on PC and play whatever I want including my old Nintendo favorites until Nintendo is going strong again.
How people game without a PC is beyond me personally.

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Because Nintendo showed them more love as a child than their parents did

Youre incredibly stupid. Thats whats happening here. No one is in the wrong except you

> I've always been a PC/Nintendo guy
sure you have

How is that user wrong?

Its pretty easy, Smartphones and Tablets have a lot of the same functionality as a traditional PC with the Plus of being portable.

>11 games
11 games?

In the past 1.5 years i have played dozens of games, including brand new ones.

I cannot even find half of the emulator gamesfor sale that ive played.

>pay $0 to play Switch game vs pay $.06 for a paperclip to play Switch game
Fixed. The only thing more reliable than nintendo emulation is jailbreaking nintendo consoles to play pirated roms on native hardware.

Okay but, what if Zelda was a horse?

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Nintendo should have moved away from being a publisher and just made dedicated emulation machines when they first realised people were hacking their shit. I mean, they know the chicken has flown the coop on their rom availability right? Now you've got a ton of chinkshit companies grabbing the market and for good reason. I only ever bought nintendo hardware to hack, and now I dont even have to do that. Fuck nintendo.

Can you still paperclip a new switch though?

Why are piratefags as stupid as anit-vaxers?
Just play those games and shut the fuck up. Someone has to pay money for gemes.