Ah perfect, a game studio fit for Yea Forums. No woke liberal communist shit

Ah perfect, a game studio fit for Yea Forums. No woke liberal communist shit.

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but can he surpass MDickie kino?

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>the Leader of the Alt right is a gay billionaire
What a Plot twist.

is he a fundi or evangelical? those ones always produce the funky stuff

Cant be worse than modern gayming

>poster of the radical left is a tranny
Not really a plot twist

Finally, games without rainbow flags.

Cool, but at the end of the day I still need the games to be good.

He should bring in Dickie so they can put some real money into an AAA Dickie wrestlingkino game

le cameltoe theory

Biblekino is back on the menu, boys

conservatives don't make good games

>peter thiel

I mean christfags aren't really much better you're trading one monster for another
Which is what happened in 2012

Faith-based? Is he gonna pray for skydaddy to make games for him?

Kino if they can pull it off.

It would be interesting to play a good faith based game that isn't just a glorified bible study lesson. Just like watching a faith based movie that isnt some cringe lecture.

If they can pull it off I hope it's good.

>FTH game studio
>not STR/INT

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refuge toe-sucking simulator

>conservatives don't make political statements in their games


Is this Jeff Bezos with hair shopped into him? I am not joking.


Name every game you think is made by a conservative.

asking the real questions here, good fucking luck glenn greenwald you fag

I think religion is a retard's crutch for life, but I support this. This industry needs some balance so we can meet in the middle again is what I would like to say but it'd probably just turn into an extremist tug of war with politics and other bullshit more prevalent than ever

Scott Cawthon made The Desolate Hope. It's free, go download it.

earthworm jim

drop dead while taking a shit

Glenn Greenwald is a gay atheist

>faith based
Isn't this literally illegal? You cannot hire or fire someone based on his faith.

Based. Sounds like all the jrpgs i grew up playing.

It's illegal to hire based on race or sex but American vidya publishers have been doing that for a while now.

Companies are hiring people entirely based on skin color and sexuality now.

Nearly every early blizzard dev was a right winger.
Leftists cant create they just bastardize what was created before them, prime example of course being wow.

you can hire based on anything you want if you keep a low profile

Holy shit we getting Super Noah's Ark 3d part 2. Now in Idtech.

I would unironically play both an old and new testament video game. Christian lore is extremely badass.

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>faith build
Lmao, when will they learn?

lil nigga, game dev is a business and you're living in a capitalist world.

yeah of course user

If they hire some muslim or atheist or something and they don't do a good job at creating Christian content they can just be fired for not doing their job right.

When did this faggot stop being a communist?

>Nearly every early blizzard dev was a right winger.
Conservatives don't make good games.

>homosexual journalist
>faith-based game studio
>Peter Thiel
holy fucking kek it can't get any worse than this

>The new Xenoblade has a black guy, that means Nintendo is pozzed!

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Glenn is and always will be a grifter

remove body types in tranimal crossing does

>it took a gay man to save cuckservatives from being completely shut out of the entertainment industry
You can thank us later, straightoids.

>100% faith-based dragon MMO
Just gotta believe.

This is fake.

>The The Elder Scrolls
>You Ament

Sell. Outs.

>Talking about jesus and muh proud white christians all the time
Is just as bad as
>Talking about trannies and BLM all the time.

You're all as bad as each other and I hope you all kill each other.

>You're all as bad as each other
Nah, we're far superior than leftists.

Moderation is key. Pure leftists/right can't make good games if their priorities lie in their political beliefs before making a good game.

A faith based game created by Glenn (((Greenwald))) huh? Yeah I'm sure it will be great.

"Greenwald was born in New York City to Arlene and Daniel Greenwald.[5] Greenwald's family moved to Lauderdale Lakes, Florida when he was an infant,[6][7][8] his parents separated when he was six.[9] His parents, who are Jewish, and his grandparents did try to introduce him to Judaism, but he grew up without practicing an organized religion, did not have a bar mitzvah, and has said his "moral precepts aren't informed in any way by religious doctrine"."

I hate you fucking shitposting faggots so unbelievably much, that my lexicon fails me at finding apt words to label your disingenuous personalities with.
Go back to whatever shithole you came from. (That isn't this one)

>I kneel fag-San

Precisely. Good game mechanics transcend politics. They are also much harder to get right, and it's more boring than debating about culture wars which is why so few games have great mechanics.

faith based game eh?

>Good game mechanics transcend politics.
but muh accessibility

>too retarded to realize everything is political
even scrimblo bimblo made the masses sympathetic to scrimblism and bimblonials.
You Are Not Immune To Propaganda

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>american "christianity"

>conservatives don't make games
corrected that for you

Glenn Greenwald the gay leftie Jew? What faith are we talking here?

ah yes, the mental gymnastics of the left everybody
do you ever wonder how stupid you sound to try to force everything into one of 2 boxes?

Genuine accessibility also transcends politics, such trusting your player by being able to change the color of every HUD element.
But instead all we get are half assed "look retards! we did the thing for you retards! you guys are such retards we know you couldn't ever possibly choose the right colors on your own retards!" solutions - like applying color filters over the entire screen (which btw only makes it worse for colorblind people).

Glenn Greenwald is definitely not the "leader of the alt right," and I know a lot of left wing types that love him.

He was probably talking about Peter Theil

christcuckery is just as bad

It's all so tiresome

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A gay Jewish atheist, who married a Brazilian dude half his age, is teaming up with a gay German billionaire to make a "faith-based" game studio. Did I get that right?

It's kind of interesting how they're both for stricter border control, given their own international affiliations, and how they're also so heavily against American interventionalist foreign policy.

>a game studio run by a jew and funded by a faggot

Wow i can't wait to see what kind of masterpieces they produce.

>married a Brazilian dude half his age

Most game studios in the english-speaking world are based on the jewish faith already so I'm not sure how this is any different.

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Not interested.

>they're both for stricter border control

Wtf are you talking about? Do you know how many H1Bs does peter thiel employ through his various tech companies.

The only thing they are for, is grifting off of stupid 85 IQ right-wingers.


The only religious in Quebec people are senior citizens, muslim fundies and hassidic jews