God what a fucking horrible game

God what a fucking horrible game

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It's so genuinely terrible I could only psych myself to play it once. It plays like shit. The only decent things about it were the graphics and the art.

god tier masterpiece

it was really good once you gave it a shot.


Stop with the contrarianism, it’s a bad tps that makes uncharted look great by comparison

t. no friends

>Stop with the contrarianism
I enjoyed Deniable Ops and Grimm's breast physics when Sam was slapping her around.

It's a blast in couch coop with a friend or sibling on realistic.

It was actually quite good. Much, much better than Double Agent which was a soulless abomination.

Double Agent on 360 sure, double agent on original xbox, not even close, only CT is better than that one

I wonder how long it will take them to make a gigachad edit of it. We can add it to the list of shit games with gigachad edits

The story in this was kino as fuck.

why? I thought it was pretty fun

Surprisingly all of those but dmc2 actually are good


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>gigachad shitposters skip right over Conviction to prop up Blacklist instead
I gotta be honest though, as far as really stupid and violent spy thrillers go, I almost enjoy Conviction on a guilty pleasure level.

Blacklist is perhaps a better game (although the different voice actor does hurt it significantly), but Conviction was still pretty fun despite all the dumbing down. And it had an extremely satisfying final mission and ending.

Convictions interrogation scenes were dope, too bad some ubisoft exec cut them from Blacklist.

Based. Deniable ops was the best part of Conviction.

I don't really like Blacklist but Kobin being a sidekick was a fantastic choice, would've been pretty joyless without him.

Gonna save this thx

If you've never played Splinter Cell, or Uncharted, or many games in general, and you rented it for a dollar at a local movie store and finished it overnight, it's not bad.

I'm more mad that Kestrel somehow survived but Archer didn't.

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So only good for casuals

Blacklist is a better game, but Conviction has more SOVL.

Conviction was actually the first stealth game I ever played. Even playing it when I was 13, I just wasn't interested in replaying despite buying into trailer hype.

Chaos Theory and Pandora Tomorrow were the only good Splinter Cell games.

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That says more about Blacklist than Conviction.

Indeed, can't say I disagree.

I think a lot of it has to do with Maxime Bellend having the artists make Sam Fisher look as much like him as possible, and Ubisoft deciding on hiring Eric Johnson to voice Sam Fisher following a suggestion from Michael Ironside. Random Canadian Actor #76 as Sam Fisher took away a lot of the game's soul.

This was my favorite one though...I played it a bunch when it came out

I don't know, i liked it.

the coop is great though

That last mission was pure kino

>1.3 million views on a 2019 video

It's the closest we'll get to a John Wick game

It's the only splinter cell I've ever played and I liked it. I got blacklist in the last Steam sale but I've not played it yet.

>I got blacklist in the last Steam sale
It's an okay game, some of the side characters are insufferable, and Spies v Mercs was fun when the servers were alive.

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nice pantylines

Conviction is amazing. Cope, negro cockroach.

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It's a great action kino game. Unlike Hitman Absolution which turned a great stealth series into a shit action game.

>Yea Forums likes a game that completely ruined a series and was nothing but following trends
Why is Yea Forums so full of bad opinions nowadays?

You need to criteria for any game:
"Did you like the game?"
"Did you have fun with it?"

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Yeah...actually. Hard to think about because they're both "that one" of each series, but Conviction is enjoyable retarded action schlock, and I can't think of anything in Absolution that was even pleasant.

It’s an awful game and most agree outside of this shithole

Anyone who can "have fun" with a game with contextual controls this atrocious is misinformed about the definition of fun.

It was 12 years ago.

Yes it was following the trends of 2010 instead of doing what it did good

Maybe you've become too cynical to have fun

Most agree inside this shithole too, user. Don't let these zoomers fool you.

No it’s a game that destroyed a once proud series

The third echelon grunt outfits in conviction were really cool looking. All of kestrels outfits looked cool too.

Are there any true stealth games left Yea Forums? I like the new hitman games but each one gets more and more forgiving. MGS is dead, Splinter Cell is dead, it seems like most of the genre just exists as stealth sections or mechanics in generic action games like far cry. Batman and Dishonored are pretty good.

Yeah, it used to piss me off, but I replayed it again last year. It's a weird cartoon of a game, Ironside's awful direction is still sincere and slightly endearing despite overacting. It can be a funny kind of bad game.

It was alright, kind of forgettable.


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>press pick up weapon to turn on lights
>press turn on lights to climb wall
>press climb wall to smash through a window
>press smash through a window to slide across desk
>press slide across desk to pick up weapon
Stealth games rely on the player's ability to execute carefully laid out plans. Having one button that does everything no matter how stealthy or loud makes reliable execution of plans impossible. You didn't need to be cynical to recognize that Conviction was fundamentally shit game design at the time of release.

It's largely a dead genre. I hope that the Splinter Cell remake is (1) accurate and (2) successful. Other than that? A couple Thief clones in development like Gloomwood and Delightfyl; Filcher came out last year but that was made over a long period by one guy.
Play Thief Fan Missions I guess.

>CoD4 style level in iraq
>with an AK
>with infinite ammo
That’s how you knew the game was trash

Stealth was always niche, even Metal Gear knew this at its height


Coming from an autist fanboy of splinter cell (I’ve been playing CT on PC obsessively for a decade now) conviction for what it is is not a bad game at all. I feel like it sacrifices pure stealth mechanics for a more story driven gameplay. And the story is great. The part where you find out lambert lied to you and then screen turns sepia and that rap instrumental comes on, is probably one of the most badass scenes in a video game IMO. Deniable ops is a lot of fun as well. Do I wish it had more stealth mechanics of course, but for what it was I enjoyed it pretty throughly.

Metal Gear isn't stealth. Stop bringing it up in stealth threads. Though I understand the confusion since this is a Conviction thread, not Splinter Cell. John Rambo uses stealth more effectively than Solid Snake. Sam's description about an "army infiltration guy in a bandana" fits him better.

No it's over, now """stealth""" will be reduced to short "hide in the high grass then press x to silent takedown" segments in AAA open worlds, or some rare attempts at Thief or Deus Ex likes immersive sims. But we're never getting something like Chaos Theory again. If you're okay with isometric there's the recent Desperados sequel.
>BamHam had fun aggressive stealth segments but they're not stealth games
>DX reboots were good but dead already
>Dishonored stealth didn't feel satisfying to me
>nu Hitman is ok but now IO is working on Bond games?
>I think og Thief is still getting mods/maps
>supposedly next asscreed will be """stealth""" again (lol)
>original Commandos and Desperados
>if you can tolerate slavjank, check out Chameleon and Death to Spies

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also forgot but somehow Sniper Elite is still a thing, niche AA shovelware somehow outliving Snake, Fisher and 47

You know there is a difficulty where if you’re spotted there’s a game over on mgs2 for example right?