so not only do we have a Black in our party, its now confirmed hes also railling the hottest girl in the party
Is this fucking game shadow written by some asshole at NoA??
so not only do we have a Black in our party, its now confirmed hes also railling the hottest girl in the party
Is this fucking game shadow written by some asshole at NoA??
Don't care. I'm still pre-ordering it. Seethe & cope while I have sex with the entire party, including yours.
I’m not quite sure why people are freaking out about this. Eunie’s not real so (you) will never fuck her, why does it matter if some fictional black dude does?
>while I have sex with the entire party
Why can't you faggots just go back already?
omg... she is so attractive...
Black Joker
Everyone that's not an indie game is going to kneel to the ESG investor overlords and the sooner you accept it the better.
Because 2 brought in an influx of waifufags.
So guys, do you think the saviorites brainwashed Melia and Nia do to their bidding?
>Hes also railing the hottest girl in the party
She wears the pants in the relationship.
There better be art of futa bird bitch fucking paper nigga
This post?
The seethe Monolith has managed to generate this past decade is legendary. Collectivists the world over, from trannies to white nationalists, has been exquisite.
*the seethe from collectivists the world over
>hes also railling the hottest girl in the party
>hottest girl in the party
do Meliafags really?
Ethel supremacy.
joke if he real (and from georgia)
Not joking, it is poor rural Americans who make up the majority of posters on this site. College drop out NEETS with sporadic employment. Do the maths.
You're retarded. Japs and Koreans have been the ones pushing blacked shit all along. Kisara from Tales of Arise. Dedue, just happens to be in the house with only blonde and redhead girls.
>college dropout NEETs with sporadic employment
Describes me but I don't care about some slut in my vidya
Eunie is irrelevant when Ethel exists.
It's a dumb fucking trope. Dumb propaganda from Japan. Fuck off and die, black worshiping cuck
Don't care
Didn't ask
Hope they're happy together
Nia's best girl anyway
You can interpret anything in any way. Any advertisement with a white couple can be interpreted as anti-black hate speech.
Once you see this you can see how retarded you sound.
I want Eunie to hug me
>This character singlehandedly mindbroke Yea Forums
Watch there be absolutely no implication whatsoever that they are anything other than friends when the game comes out.
Maybe so, Resetera fag. But you're choosing to ignore something that's very obvious. You should be able to recognize the trope and the fetishism just from the spam on Yea Forums
Both are irrelevant when Mio exists.
I want to lay my head on Sena's butt
Go back to preparing your next school shooting or suicide attempt dumb fuck
Based lil mayo boi XenoCuckold bro. I cant wait to play Xeno of Cuckold Cronicles during kneeling session on my Nintendo Switch.
>assuming I'm anything
>doubling down
Fucking idiot. Pattern recognition can be applied in any direction in any context. You could just as easily say that the pattern of white couples being propagated in the media for centuries is why any advertisement depicting white couples today is racist, but you'd be retarded for assuming that for any individual case since there's no proof.
Yep, you're defintely a Twitterfag. I simply can't take you serious when you probably consume blacked porn yourself.
So would you all be ok with it if he were railing Sena instead while Eunie was with Lanz? Actually it is strange how she's childhood friends with both Noah and Lanz yet is paired with the one guy she doesn't know as well.
Reminder, this poor, retard american is the type of person you are arguing with regularly on Yea Forums.
>Maybe so, Resetera fag
Resetera is mad at this game for being all het pairings though
looks like a pajeet or SEAmonkey with that hair texture
also what's with yankistanis capitalising Black?
No. You are probably gay since you are obsessed with blacks. Shut the fuck up and get a job.
>capital b
>not nigger
Oh true Mio is the main girl. But Ethel has Eunie beat in the tits department.
interracial couples have existed for centuries
sorry to burst your bubble /pol/chud
USA has no culture except "politics" and race. Trannies are the latest obsession. Literally look on here or any other online space. 90% of English speaking users are yanks spreading their retardation.
He looks more like a Pajeet or Phillipino but Americans think they are the center of thw universe.
Culture is meaningless and can ruin lives. In America you're more free to forge your own path and meaning than most places in history.
I thought I was the only one who thinks that.
The sheer level of stupidity in this post I can only assume is a shitpost. You may as well have said the earth is flat.
I'm black and I love the seethe he's causing to you cucks! I would love to cuck you in real life too, but yall probably have no bitches.
That said, I do prefer Noah's and Mio's design. It's a good thing I don't fucking give two shits about the MC's race!
Cats are awesome
I assumed he was pajeet/arab honestly. The hair certainly indicates it.
Mio is not perfect because she lacks fluff which all best cats have
I mean, yea. The fact that you choose to selectively ignore this to support your conclusion says a lot. People fetishize asian girls, muscle girls whatever.
I think you'd be more open to admit when white guys have a cringy colonization fetish, like Road to El Dorado or whatever.
But I'm just acknowledging an obvious stereotype, an obviously trending fetish audience that's being pandered to you. The fact that you always have a girl get "cuckqueaned" in these Xenoblade games should tip you off. I don't think it takes a genius to work it out.
You're clearly trying to be obtuse here, even though right off the fucking bat Eunie was the one getting all of the spade edits spammed in Xenoblade threads.
Yea, honestly. It's all in the details that tip you off that this is a fetish pairing.
I'm ok with anything, Mio is the one you're supposed to care about anyways so who gives a fuck if party member #4 is fucking party member #5
Ladies and gentleman, whenever you get in an argument on Yea Forums or anywhere on here, remember, this is the type of person you are arguing with.
Behold American Education.
Elaborate. You can find a way to be a neet, a homesteader, farmer, combatant (military and hand to hand), etc. etc. You can also go almost anywhere in the world instantly with no downside.
It's not perfect but it's the best that currently exists.
Wow. Yea Forums really is full of Twitter freaks, huh?
wonder if we'll see a bunch of black children named taion in 5~10 years
you're not black or even white
True! But Mio's design hits all my boxes so far and I love her personality too. It's weird cuz I loved Nia in two, but she has a completely different personality. Anyways, feels good to pretty much win the Catbowl finally.
Now I just wish they put the collectors up for sale in the West. I just wanna buy it.
And just like that, the people defending this shit are exposed, their whole argument in shambles
tits what's up with tits the red eye glowing tits?
Kek how tf is this guy black to you retards?
Do you know how are blacks in the minds of japs? I'll give you an ez answer:
Chad from bleach isn't black, to me he looked like a good looking african-latino but he was mexican.
Look at Pucci (jojo) he's not that black and he is way blacker than this guy lol
Mythrabros...Are we submissive?
If a white guy has a asian or black gf I won't assume anything. I think your problem is your tribalistic mindset that gives your judgement bias.
Burger culture is centered around niggers. If this was NoA he would be ugly as fuck
Tell you what Yank. Go to google. Try to draw a comparison from your countries social problems and others. You will find your answer.
What you said is nothing unique to the US. Literally proving how ignorant Americans are. You guys made the internet. Use it.
if it weren't for his lips, I would agree with you
He's Okinawan
Libshit poster outs himself as a Yuropeon, as expected.
>The hair certainly indicates it
East africans can also have soft hair.
he looks like me so I can self insert as him I win fags ahahahahahahha
XC2 haremfags literally cannot cope that someone from their party is fucking someone else
Ngl Mio's design won me over with time. I like the less anime clothes stuff of 2 and more normal clothes of 1. I just with Noah looked as distinct as Shulk.
Yuro culture is centered around America.
He looks like a SEAnigger self insert honestly. I'm not sure how people are seeing that he's black.
Are you my cousin or something?
why do americans assume there are only two races?
Hey! At least have the balls to say the whole word; that way I get the satisfaction of making you seethe!
I mean I can't deny a lot of reddit and twitter came here after 2016 and especially after 4channel. I'd love to escort you out of here if I could, but we're online.
You called it, clearly I'm an alien sent to test humanity. So far I have to say... you're pretty intelligient. We could probably use you in our farms!
you're sexy
He's black, but who cares.
Taion isn't ugly, unlike negroids from western games that are made deliberately hideous.
He's not railing the hottest girl, he IS the hottest girl
>triggered american has meltdown so starts calling other party a liberal/commie/nigger/republican
No Yankbot, we don't use retarded labels like you do. We can think for ourselves. Now fuck off and stop ruining the thread.
I don't know it seems just as dumb as the people saying oh he's obviously a pajeet or something. Why must we attach real life races to anime alien people?
>its okay when Nintendo does it
This board truly is nintendo drone central because a game having same shit would get blasted and wouldnt have so many cucks defending it lol.
this new P5 remake is wack
I don't know what to tell you then. It's been a common stereotype that a white guy can go to Japan and every girl will worship him. And paired with a black girl is very rare in media, but I think there's definitely raceplay stereotypes that could be applied.
Hottest girl my fucking ass. Mio is the sexiest one of them all.
dumb people think of everything in terms of black and white
lmao why are you so assblasted about a brown character in the game? Its not unusual to see in jrpgs.
Fucking retard, I hope he has a sex scene with all the females just so you can seethe.
Its a generic brown anime guy which you can self insert into. Even if he were African, really who cares?
Because I don't have FREEDOM on the brain I don't auto think black.
Yea Forums is full of blacked spammers, what did you expect? They're mostly all Nintendo fans. And these are the people they're obviously pandering to.
Some people can't get over their black and white thinking
based af
>Slightly tanned
What the fuck is up with this place?
It's called race living rent free in one's head. It ain't healthy, but dang is it entertaining to watch people freak out that a fictional brown/black man is inside their waifu
And a lot of them are admitting to being black worshiping cucks too, lol
Based Miochad.
When you compare it with western characters it's ok
Anything that's not pure white is black or worse, but it only happens on Yea Forums. Don't mind it.
>It ain't healthy, but dang is it entertaining ... that a fictional brown/black man is inside their waifu
Nintendo fans, huh?
My boy Taion just got FEATHERE'D.
This whiz-kid invented his own origami!
More like Eunie rails him with her big entia strap-on.
I'm so I don't think he's anything. Just pointing out something.
Are you sure about that? Judging by the spade edits, the cucks praising this pairing. Why do you conveniently ignore that?
I only worship things that trigger you! Because that's how I get my kicks. If that means l have to like interracial, I'm all for it. The seethe it generates within you guys makes it worth it!
That's just what they are, edits. Wishful thinking of pathetic cuckolding scum.
japan is and was always pozzed
From the model I thought it was just tanned, but that lip does make it seem like he could actually be black.
>judging by the things that only happen on Yea Forums
Did he say something wrong?
Would Taion even be written as "the black guy"? Usually foreigners in Japanese media don't harp about being a different race unlike American media, and as far as I've seen he's basically just the know it all Japanese glasses guy you see in anime.
>/pol/cels seething hard ITT
But why go for the duplicate, when the original is sad and lonely and not getting penised by the protagonist?
Oh ok. Well yeah it is dumb but this is Yea Forums. Just be happy they didn't include a fat uggo MC for the otaku fans
>Wishful thinking
I don't know. I think Nintendo knows their audience.
I'm just surprised that now they expect me to just ignore all of the spam going on beforehand
go to bed tyrone
She really isn't anywhere close. In the main party the bird has the tits and Sena has the tomboy spunk and the cuteness, Mio really has nothing particularly good to help her stand out. I mean she's not ugly of course, but she's not particularly attractive either, merely OK looking. Very bland and unassuming.
The Jews fear the samurai and to this day it's remained true.
Wait till they discover Fei canonically fucked Elly in xenogears, they'd probably start malding or crying or both at the same time.
He has the nigga lips, he's black
Miolords, where we at? The cat's out of the bag.
Yea. Don't be surprised that Yea Forums is defending this. They were literally spamming advertisements for Generalbutch in Elden Ring threads, daily.
>Says he's a nigger
>Doesn't have nappy nigger hair
Looks more southeast asian to me.
>if you are not mentally ill self hating whiteoid cuck worshipping blacks then you are polfag
I love this meme.
Why would I care about Fei? I just don't like the fags who push blacked shit, like you.
So is Mio Nia's daughter like some people theorized or is she something like a clone?
>Caring for Rex and now Isurd used goods
>projecting this much
Daughter, Clone, or Reincarnation of her Sister
Those are the big three theories at the moment.
Is this the most based black guy in all of Japanese media?
It doesn't matter if he's tanned or SEA. Niggers have already claimed him. BLM!!!
That is a shockingly hot SEA man. What have they gone KPOP tier now?
Yea Forums also supports disgusting shit like self insert x living doll. Clearly showing their intense love for interspecies through that.
spoken like a true /pol/cel
>indian guy in Japanese media
>he's always the most intelligent nerd around
Why tho?
Neither, just a meme assumption like Guernica Vandham being Rex. Will be proven wrong in due time.
>Okinawan Joker
Why are snoys constantly trying to doompost XB3? First it was “censorship” now they want to bring their disgusting fetish to our community. Fuck Snoys and their nigger obsession.
See, it's so obvious that these are blacked fetishists from Resetera and Twitter playing dumb, because they try so hard to pretend that their forced fetish and spam simply doesn't exist.