Pocket monsters fans be like.................
Pocket monsters fans be like
Pokémon fans are all either pedophiles, furries, or trannies/LGBTQIA.
Which shade of brown do you like?
Babymaking sex with Marnie
who considers skyla black?
NTA, but considering this board, I wouldn't be surprised if some people do.
mutts """"think"""" that suntan = nigger
That retard apparently.
Fuck forced diversiity
For me it's Iris
Thank you I will
Brown girls are made for bukkake
God, imagine sex with Iris.
Petite girls looking nervous measuring how far a dick would go is 100% my fetish and I can't find enough of it.
I need help, searching measuring_penetration_depth on sankaku is insufficient
Gloria wife
I want a qt scottish slag gf so bad
>Don't masturbate with brown girls!
>Don't masturbate with lolis!
>Don't masturbate with babies!
The fuck do they want?!
They want you to actually have sex with them.
But they are ugly unfuckable creatures.
There really isn't enough art of it is there.
>that obvious bias
Serena sucks donkey dick.
may sex
my wife does no such thing
Someone make an edit of this with that shade of brown chart with the california gold etc
How is Champion Iris flatter than regular Iris?
pokemon is for babies
>looks: 5
to me it varies. game serena is hot. anime serena a shit.
Cute brown butt
Eww fixed
What did they mean by this?
>Oh my god the monkey is touching me!
Gloria mogs them
representation of what happens to white girls in modern britain
You wouldn't fuck all three?
but that's not a male hand.
I'm not interested in the other two to be honest.
artistic license
>Fetishizing PoC now?
Yeah how dare these pokemon fans... Uhh... Be... attracted to black women?
Last digit is how many times I coom within the next 24h
What a slut lol
serena is the blandest one
Shitskins think humans care what toilet they came out of.
all island girls are sluts
The graph was made by a Serenafag, what you have to do is ignore it.
in what world? your cuck fantasy?
Is that so? Do you think she lets tourists get her pregnant just for fun?
Since when is Skyla black?
No she just sucks them off
theres some doujin series where on the islands they have like a coming of age ritual or something where they go out and just fucka bunch of strangers or whatever
i loved those
cant find em tho i cant remember where they were
*gives millions of young white boys a dark skin fetish*
she can't be stopped
Why Skyla don't want people to watch Iris' cunny? is she anti-pedo?
Don't think I've read those but I like the one with Lana and her mom
She looks like my girlfriend (not black)
Maybe if you are a zoomer.
She's Indian.
I swear I'll find a way to murder everyone who spams twitter screencaps on this god forsaken board
the new pokemon standard is lesbian protagonists
She appears in the Pokemon B/W games, in which if you're not full white you are classified as black lol. For me she is tan or mixed.
which girl is the tastiest?
Oh just realized OP might have wanted a yuri thread lol, oh well.