I hate working so much waaaah i want to just play games all daaay god fucking damn it

i hate working so much waaaah i want to just play games all daaay god fucking damn it

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I know that feeling
>finish eating, time for work
>"imma just play for 30 minutes"
>1 and a half hours later I managed to force myself to stop
Thank god I started working on this bullshit early, but I need to get my shit together

>work all day
>only play a couple of hours
>want to play more

>don't work
>play all day
>don't enjoy it
i literally can't be happy

why cant real life neets look like that....

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>get a got
>"damn, no time for vidya"
>become a NEET
>"finally time to clear my backlog!"
>funpost 24/7 instead
Such is the human condition.

>no time for vidya
>study, work, get money
>now i have money
>become neet
>depression hits you like a truck

eh.. just keep wasting your life as a waggie, at least you won't think about it.

honestly working makes playing later way more fun
If your days would be just playing all day vidya you would definetly stop liking gaming
Playing as a reward of doing good work in the day is what makes it worth it

I'm actually tired of playing games anymore. Will probably get a second job.

or like this

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a 6 hour work day is the sweet spot

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for a second I thought the blanket was a big witch hat

>that bittersweet one hour of playing before work

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eerily similar

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>one hour
That's just torture, having to put down the game after just getting comfortable sucks. Fuck parents who did that as well.

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That was my parents. Now I'm a NEET and play vidya 10 hours a day

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my last therapist forgot i even existed

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why are nips so bad at drawing feet

>had an entire week to work on my projects
>now todays the last day and I havent done anything yet
A bad end awaits for lazy people. Life will be hard on them.

Remind her by standing outside her places window at 2 in the morning. She'll never forget you again.

If Yea Forums embraced communism, got together, and created a neet cooperative, we could solve the no-time-for-vidya problem and get by on just 30 minutes of labor a week.

Working part-time has enhanced my enjoyment of video games. Fuck working fulltime though.

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only footfags are good at drawing feet

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it was a dude

I am ready to kill myself.

Unironically this
Fulltime is for after you get a degree/training/lucky

one hour? when the fuck do you get up?

>Fulltime is for after you get a degree/training/lucky
No.I have a degree. I will not work anywhere near 40 hours, it would make me want to kill myself. The extra money is not worth it.

but communism... le bad!! because... because muh trump said so, okay?!?!


How many hours do you work then?

around 9am
by 10am i have to stop playing and at 11 i have to be at work until 8pm. Then I have to take care of my dogs and go for a walk with them. Then I can play something for the rest of the day, if im not too tired

You don't want to be a neet, you just want to live a life that isn't utterly and completely dictated by work. You want a proper balance were you can grow your hobbies and relationships while also working, which isn't sustained in the slightest by today's industrialized society.

You want to stop working for the sake of someone else's yacht.

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I think I'm a mild workaholic without even really realizing it. I don't really hate my job or dislike it either but any time I have a 3 day weekend or something I swear I go through withdrawals by the third day.

24h/w. Average ww is 31h here.

>mfw have porn addiction
>mfw going through my back log of thousands of tweets (RSS'd by nitter) then jacking off takes up most of my gaming and/or sleeping time

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What kind of work?

No, just get a part time job!

Laboratory stuff, nothing fancy though.

Its funny, a day off from work IS WHAT NEET IS ALL THE TIME, but apparently you can't enjoy games either way.

I work in a banking call centre. My shifts constantly change from 8am - 5pm (usually end at 6pm due to overtime) to 11am - 8pm and anywhere in between. I can’t leave because I need to work here at least 12 (or 18 months? I forget) before they’ll let me change positions or act a single s good reference. I was fired from my last for jobs because after I year of trying hard in each the lack of free time and waging lifestyle broke me and I stopped trying. I’m 3 months into this job and I’m so close to breaking. When I was jobless for one year before I felt like shit because I hadn’t no money and was constantly stressing about being homeless, but I at least had time to get good sleep and to lift. Now I have money but haven’t trained in 3 months. It’s work from home as well so i’m basically a prison in my own room. I wake up, I wage, I make eggs for breakfast, a shitty smoothie for lunch, and a quick plain meal for dinner, then I go to sleep. I repeat this 5 times a week. On the weekend I sleep in from being tired and waste time because I remember I have no friends from never going out because all I do is wage and stress about money. To top it off I’m now not only a slave to work but also a slave to the bank because I have to get a mortgage with my brother or neither of us will ever be able to own a house with how badly prices grow. I can’t even move somewhere cheaper because neither my parents or my siblings want to move from the city because of the lack of jobs and I need to help support them in retirement because they won’t survive on their own.

I was born a prisoner.

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Just wake up an hour later so you're awake longer after you're done working.

The best part is that you can't do anything about it, 10 hours are going to leave your waggie ass so exhausted you wont be able to escape the loop

must suck being a zoomie.

>I need to help support them
No you don't. You're only a slave in your own mind. Teach them to fish and leave them.

Dude, he is probably like 40...

Don't forget, even millennial and gen x can work shit wage jobs too!

I love working. I do it for free. The Working Joe.

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I haven't had a normal job but I was in military training for a month (I quit). Is 10 hours of work really that exhausting? That seems pretty chill if you're getting paid well.

No I tired. They can’t deal with numbers to save their lives. Last time I left them they took out a loan to buy a car they couldn’t afford and I had to bail them out. I can’t leave them. They’re good parents just bad with money,

People would kill to do what I do (Software Developer) and I just don't have any passion for it anymore. It's just a way to stay fed. I wish more people would be open to just saying a job's a job and doesn't need to be a passion.

I’m 25...

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get fucked zoom

>be programmer
>do 4 hours of actual work
>play games and browse 4chins while at "work"

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How is this your problem?

>work from home job
>play videogames during meetings

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>tfw parents want me to take over managing their real estate
>Okay sure
>first thing I do is look up how much money each LLC makes in Quickbooks
>oh fuk

No wonder my retarded ass didn't get kicked out of private school I am set for life

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not him but when i had a normiejob
>get up at 7
>play games over coffee until 8:20
>get on bicycle
>at work at 8:25

>get home at 4
>crack open some beers
>play games with the lads
>heat up some food at some point
>play games until 11
>fap, shower, watch something on YT for a bit
>bed at midnight

weekends are 12~18h game sessions if i dont have any plans or obligations
cant complain

I'm here because I have all the time in the world and don't want to do anything.

Why do communists think that they will get all this free time under communism? People had to work ful-time jobs even under communism


why dont you get a job you enjoy?
or a chill job?
i spend half my shifts sipping beers or playing/watching shit on my laptop
t.i get $20/hr to sit around in the back office of an empty hotel reception all night

>be me
>work from home
>no time tracking system
>open notepad
>put fidget spinner on spacebar
>looks like im online
>play video games
Been doing this for months kek.

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I said neet cooperative, not a neet soviet dictatorship.

These but in Germany

How do you play videogames with a fidget spinner on your spacebar you fucking lying piece of shit.

Game Boy Color

Third worlder detected. No self respecting company wouldn't be able to detect this.

I have a separate work laptop retard.

Kek, you don't know shit about work

I'm in the U.S.

A lot of companies don't have their shit together believe it or not. Plus, the lower you are on the totem pole, the easier it is to get away with stuff.

You're right, my family owns real estate so we have other people work for us.

Rents due on the first

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Lack of experience. I’ve had several jobs in the last but either didn’t have good growth prospects or I didn’t stay in them long enough to move up to a good position. That’s why I’m trapped in the bank. I need to move up to some sort of leadership role before I can jump ship or I’m stuck doing entry level jobs for life.

Every time I browse these threads, it's honestly a wonder anything ever gets done in the modern economy. At this point the pareto principle is more a law than observation in the corporate world.

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Same, for years. The biggest failure of modern corporate jobs is that they only ever give you shit you could easily complete in less than an hour, but they want you on the clock for eight or more. It's no wonder why productivity (and morale) is leaping up in the countries that are pushing for 6 hour max work days and/or four day max work weeks, as well as over the past two years due to lockdowns causing all this remote work. People don't need to be trapped doing jack shit for those eight hours, the meaningless soul-sucking void is diminished.

Separate laptop dedicated for work.

I own a house, but nice. John called, drain clogged again.

>get a ton of money for basically nothing
>wagies i know irl actually seething

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lol we actually wrote into our leases as of like 2019 that clogs were the tenant's responsibility although we would pay 50% of the cost unless it was a grease related clog or a deliberate thing. We partnered with a local hospital to rent one building out to people who can "live alone" but due to psychiatric reasons still need a supervisor on site and one dude flushed a fucking 5 lb bag of red potatoes down the toilet. I would be mad if it wasn't funny as shit. Anyways since we wrote that into the lease we get maybe 2 calls a year down from these spics calling us every day.

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