Fighting Games

>Strive released 7+ months ago
>Still has a healthy playerbase and even still manages to compete with 2 franchises and games way bigger than it
>KOF 15 release 2 months ago
>Playerbase gets lower by the day and the bad matchmaking doesn't help at all

Should SNK just sell their IPs to Arcsys or Capcom at this point? It's honestly sad to see wasted potential like this for decades.

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Other urls found in this thread:

KofXV oc is broken

Pathetic numbers all around.

What's OC

>its been 10 months since strive released
i just checked where does time fucking go man holy shit also you are steamchart posting nigger.


After a month of practicing KOF I finally braced myself to jump online. Just to be stomped most of my matches.
Almost tempted me to give GGStrive another chance since they say it's much easier; and with that much more players, there is bound to be more people on my level.
But I love the characters and style of KOF a lot more. Compared to Strive which lost its soul in some parts compared to Xrd and XX. I think I'm going to keep trying KOF for a bit more.

>haha look at this game with 700 players
>mine has 2k
fucking christ anything to make this post every single day huh. both of those numbers are awful

tekken8 bros... how long do we have to WAIT!!



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strive has high numbers because it's a guilty gear game that doesn't play like guilty gear
KOF has "low" numbers because its a KOF game that still plays like KOF
are you really this retarded?

>KOFXV was promoted heavily by coomers
>The game is already dying

It's almost as if coomers don't play videogames and coomer games aren't good videogames.

Either Dualsense or a joystick. Though I use an Xbox One wireless controller.
If I ever need a new controller for my OC, might pick a Dualsense if they are cheaper by then.

i rather play against someone using macros than someone using a hitbox

What are you talking about there was literally a trendy meme about a character's post in GG Strive. Baiken too. Using that logic Strive should have less players too.

Why would you spend a month only practicing a game instead of just going online while doing standby matchmaking you fucking idiot. You learn more from actually dealing with people and habits than labbing nonstop like an idiot.

>lost soul
>prefers kof xv
you absolute imbecile, jesus christ

the state of fighint games

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retard talking about a series losing its soul when he spends a month in training mode and doesn't even know how to play fucking lol

I wished it sold better

KOF always felt like the better franchise to me than SF or Tekken. Never got into GG too much

Literal trannies play GG so I'd say he made the right choice

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I'm autist like that. And I wanted to unlock everything first. But yeah it was a terrible idea.
The downgrade of Strive from XX is much worse than the downgrade of KOFXV from XIII. You know this, you can't deny this. Enjoy living with your delusion.

suck some cocks retard

ah yes a kof13 dickrider who did not play the game and knows nothing about the series. very common.

KoF is and always was too hard. They should have made KoF Strive and GG should have stayed closer to how it was and add stylish for casuals

Yea that’s the real takeaway. Those games may as well not even exist. If those are global numbers and those are the top fighting games currently, just delete the whole damn genre. Not even worth making those games.

The amount of trannies in the fighting game community in general(especially anime ones) aside what you posted is just a crossdressing faggot.
This would be an example of an actual one and one of the many trannies that played before strive and preferred xrd.

>Barely 2k players across all top modern fighting games

The League of Legends fighting game is going to absolutely buck break this entire genre regardless of how terrible it is and it's going to be kind of amusing to see.

Modern fighting games honestly kind of deserve it, they're all garbage.

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Could not possibly agree more user. The -only- chance of staving off Riot's complete takeover of the fightan genre, is is SF6 is F2P and doesn't fuck it up. Which won't happen. I just hope the League fighter is at least decent.

The genre was always about a small group of players, I don't get what people don't understand about this.

What fighting game do I play if I wan to play against other aspies and git gud? I've got

>Calamity Trigger
>Chronophantasma Extend
>Continuum Shift Extend
Dragon Ball
Guilty Gear
>X2 #Reload
>Xrd - SIGN
Street Fighter
>Vs. Tekken
>Ultra IV
Also Tekken 7 & Skullgirls

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Wasn't valorant apart of that lineup of games? If so, I don't really expect much considering how shit that games is.

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>Calamity Trigger
4 players.
332 players.
>Chronophantasma Extend
14 players.
>Continuum Shift Extend
7 players.

Dragon Ball
2018 players.

Guilty Gear
5 players.
>X2 #Reload
0 players.
122 players.
>Xrd - SIGN
8 players.
181 players.

Street Fighter
2363 players.
>Vs. Tekken
7 players.
>Ultra IV
168 players.

>Tekken 7
3080 players.
320 players.

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Valorant sure as fuck better than most FPS games.

how do you own all these games and not know which one to play..even listing games that aren't even current version without netplay? i always said fighting games will survive forever because people just buy shit these days.

Doesn't matter when its direct competition is CS:GO. Valorant takes the most monotonous parts of CS without taking what makes it any fun.

Females will wear hijabs besides arabs own a lot of it

As far as i know it didnt have crossplay

That at all isn't the point. It isn't like anybody around right now is making a fighting game that the masses play. Riot will do a damn better job than fucking ArcSys that's for damn sure.

Your mom gifted me them

you only need around 100 online to find matches, and even below that it only takes 2 people to play a fighting game. sounds like the real problem is that you're a whiny bitch.

Any game with over 100 and rollback is playable. You need over 1000 for delay to maybe be passable as you can hope for people with good connections and turn down people with bad ones.

>Females will wear hijabs besides arabs own a lot of it
>As far as i know it didnt have crossplay

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Got a dualsense to replace my Ds4 that gave up after 4 years, new dpad is much worse than the old ds4, using keyboard now since is much better than the dualsense, but planning on getting a custom hitbox

>kof15 releases hyping up the rollback
>snk cheaped out and only consulted code mystics instead of hiring them and it fucking shows.
>match making is fucked not just on PC, but consoles as well
>they just put out a patch to fix the crashing lobbies that probably still won't work
I want these shitty fighting game devs to go under so bad at this point. They are literally setting themselves up for failure.

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And another thing: Riot's fighter will have the best online experience, just by virtue of them not being retarded japs.

Would I actually want to play a Riot game though? Will it even have characters I want to play as or have fun mechanics?

Centralfiction got updated rollback netcode, so you can play against other people. Very fun, but not a lot of new blood if that's an issue for you.
>Guilty Gear
XX Accent Core +R, same as above. Worth mentioning Strive, as it's the new hotness with plenty of newer players.
>Street Fighter
V is in a good place overall. Lots of people to play.
Extreme autism reset city, but good qol features. Only play if you like tag fighters.

I've lost my patience for delay based netcode, unless you have people to play in real life don't touch any of the others. Your specific strand of autism will determine what kind of fighting game you enjoy, I can't tell you what you'll like.

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There is a 100% chance it's AT LEAST, as good as Strive. Yet people who don't play fighters want to act like Strive is God's Gift to fighters. You're gonna get a good online experience and a huge body of players. Riot's fighter is gonna mog everybody.

It'll be a 2v2 tag fighter with simple inputs. They also changed Ahri from having boots to open toed sandals when they showed the game again, so maybe they'll also appeal to coomers.

gamepad only or everything is allowed
simple as

Your input device means nothing. A good player will still win. Idgaf what you use.

>as good as Strive
I played both betas and decided to not buy it. So that doesn't mean much to me. I want to do cool shit with my characters
I don't have an issue with tag fighters but there's really nothing about it League that's appealing to me anymore
Riot has taken all the good will away from me when they changed Swain years ago, I'll never forgive them for that.

go look at rising thunder. that's the game the cannons made previously and they're the ones working on the riot game.

I'm gonna play through the story of the GG games. Before I play X2 Reload, is this the storyline?
>Someone creates these things called Gears, which are bio-weapons (humans mixed with animal DNA & fused together with magic)
>One of them called Justice realises this shit is fucked, so rebels, and brings Gears with them.
>The world responds by creating this group called the Sacred Order.
>They send Justice to another dimension, and the Gears that joined up with them were killed.
>After a while, the walls of Justice prison start to erode.
>The world responds by creating a world tournament to see who is worthy of joining the 2nd Sacred Order. If they win, they also get one wish, and it can be anything.
>It turns out the tournament was just creating sacrifices to bring back Justice, all done by this non-binary gear.
>You beat him, and Johnny (the leader of the Jellyfish Pirates) has sex with May.
That's GG1. GG2 is:
>A year goes by, and pic-related has appeared. The government can't kill her. The government offers anyone $500k if they kill her.
>The non-binary gear decides to save her.
>Sol decides to kill her, but realises she's cute, and lets her live. He still beats her though.
>Pic related joins Johnny harem of underage women.
>Some literally who pretends they beat pic-related, and uses the money to open a cafe.

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I guess I need to find a discord if I want to play kof as a new player now.

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I only know that game from THAT video

>crossdressing faggo
They're all the same dude

That game is minutes old, user. You should've got it sooner if you wanted a decent playerbase.

Is no one on Yea Forums playing it? Did the release threads not have lobbies?

Guy like this alway freak me out. Like what are you even doing

his name on stream was femboyfightinggames so i'm assuming he's looking for attention

Close enough. Just note Sol is one of the people who created the gears and he's actually the first gear (HAHA get it? Sol is the guilty gear!).

Also Dizzy is Sol's daughter.

>Is no one on Yea Forums playing it?
When has Yea Forums ever played fighting games?

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