It's... the same fucking game... And people are gonna buy it...
It's... the same fucking game... And people are gonna buy it
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All I want is a good multiplayer FPS that isn't a battle royale nor Counter-Strike, and this is the best option I have.
Only the PVE and one new game mode think. OW one players are going to be playing with everyone else. Doesn't mean it's still not shit.
Nice, can I play PVE alone or is it with a team?
I think both. Don't expect it anytime soon. Cause they will just be releasing 5v5 first unless something changes.
don't care, still enjoying coomwatch
lmao this is Wii U levels of marketing fumbling, every retard thinks this is an actual sequel you need to pay for to play multiplayer
>It's... the same fucking game... And people are gonna buy it...
where is the overwatch ERPer?
More like "least worst", things are pretty dire for this genre.
I'm excited for the orisa changes bros
Quake Champions and Dirty Bomb were better
OW1 players get the PVP for free
The multiplayer is the same, but if you've got OW1 then you get the multiplayer for free as an update. I'm getting OW2 to try the co-op shit though.
>When fucking Gundam FORCE you to release
people like different things than me...
this is genocide....
really thinking of getting ow1. I did like it but only played it on free weekends. Can you get a eu key pretty cheap?
People have been begging to go free to play for so long to bring in new players they might actually do it. Also it would make it easier to understand if ow2 had free multi and paid PvE
>really thinking of getting ow1
dont. unless OW2 turns out to be a miracle in both reviving the playerbase AND making the game fun, its not worth it. OW1 right now doesn't feel good to play at all, maybe things will be better with nerfed heals and CC in OW2 so someone's tech illiterate sister cant just hold M1 on mercy and outlast all DPS while you get flashbanged, frozen, hacked, hooked, and shield bashed.
I guess I will wait until they at least announce a release date for ow2. I don't want it to go f2p, I hope for seeing what they offer. I don't want to be a pro or whatever just have fun
oh, and if you want to play DPS definitely don't do it because quickplay queue time alone is like 6-12 minutes with a "priority pass"
>the same fucking game...
it's literally just a big update, people who own ow1 will get ow2 for free except for some missions most people dont give a shit about
Judging from what happened to BF 2042 and Halo:Infinite, people will be bored with OW 2 very quickly.
What do you guys think of the changes? I'm not sure about removing a tank but the character changes seem fine. Except Sombra. Fuck Sombra.
i just want ball's grapple back
instead ball gets a giant nerf where his adaptive shield is now adaptive fucking HEALTH and its just feed: the character
>he still thinks they are gonna give it away for free
The hamster guy still has his grapple hook though?
>overwatch is shit because of the amount of shields
>overwatch 2 is shit because they've greatly reducing the amount of shields
Pick one.
Also no one is buying this because the part that anyone actually gives a damn about is completely free.
the grapple timer nerf, you could've looked it up. its not a big deal if you play hamster in the normal yeatle style or whatever, but if you like doing shenanigans with the grapple the timer sucks. surely there was a different way to nerf spin to win.
You're right, sorry. I don't play hamster so I don't know his intricacies
>new game
>the changes read like a hotfix patchnotes
Who the fuck is gonna buy this?
the OWG on vg is aids, if any of you still play this game you should add me, my tag is koozaa#1678
i only have 141 hours under "time played" in the game and i just play QP and arcade so dont expect much
>being this retarded
well the new game part is really just the PvE
It's free you braindead retard.
Have they even added any new characters?
Why would you want to friend anyone from Yea Forums? Everyone here is an awful faggot.
Even if you wanted to you still can't even buy the damn game. It's been announced for what, 3 years now, and you still can't preorder it? Blizzard is usually the king of milking people for $60-80 on games that don't even have release dates.
I think it's been vague around the time it was announced along with game reveal, leading developers running themselves into corner.
You just buy OW1 for $20 and when OW2 comes out it replaces your OW1. Unless you care about the PvE which is what isn't free, but fuck that faggot shit.
>leading developers running themselves into a corner
This is blizzard 101
name a better place
im serious.
Says whom?
says overwatch 1 owners
the blizzard shills in these threads pretend it's free but you do actually have to buy the game
Jeff said it during the main announcement 3 years ago, but It's also on the main OW2 site that OW1 pvp content gets auto upgraded to OW2. This has been known forever.
Just literally go to and scroll down.
Neck yourself dumb faggot.
Is it really? I don't play many FPS games anymore. The state of your genre is really Overshit being best in class?
Idk lmao
Would've been great if blizzard didn't "lose" my account 3 years ago. Fucking incompetent retards over there.
>people keep saying it's the same game
>look at OW2
>can actually tell what's going on since 1 less take means less shields and the maps look a bit more open
Are ya'll niggas blind or something? Although it does look boring now to watch I'll admit.
Are they gonna backtrack on all their stupid esports bullshit? Will they let people choose the same hero?
Unless they redo literally everything in the video, co-op is probably going to be complete dogshit. Literally just running through a regular map shooting at bots-it doesn't even have the objective variety that Uprising had.
>release new game
>give it away for free to the people who are going to play it
Blizzard genocided their own fans
Many such cases
So is WoW, Call of duty, and sports games. Why would that stop anyone?
It will eventually devolve into the same shit as OW1. It's inevitable.
It's specifically the PvP content that is free. The PvE which they are marketing hard (and looks like shit so far) is what they're selling. Also they make a shitload of money off lootboxes that only contain cosmetics.
I was hesitant about 5v5 at first, but the game does look more brawly and fun. It'll probably still have shit balancing though. Doom tank looks fun.
Hunt Showdown, Squad, Tarkov, Insurgency Sandstorm, and Deep Rock Galactic are all there.
All shit except for Hunt.
>Hunt Showdown
battle royale
game for tryhard autistic milfags
autistic looter shooter
>Insurgency Sandstorm
dead game that runs like ass
>Deep Rock Galactic
not pvp
>PvE is the main focus
wow, the exciting PvE events of OW1 but as a full game.
It's supposed to be built on an entirely new engine, but it doesn't look that great so far.
if its anything remotely similar to the old OW events then its going to be dogshit.
zero hope for this crap.
quake is not good, it's 90% people running away and unfair fights
baby shit for casuals