How do you effeminate retarded weebs feel about the fact Berserk was inspired by the medieval period as well as the...

How do you effeminate retarded weebs feel about the fact Berserk was inspired by the medieval period as well as the religion of Christianity and Roman Catholic church, which is what inspired the japs to make the souls games?

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Why would anyone be upset over that?

are you stupid enough to say that japs represent Christianity in good light?

The Japanese make more media inspired by medieval stuff than the west so I'm stuck with them for life. Not sure why the west doesnt make more.

berserk is gay gay gay gay gay

Japs are huge westaboos.

Are you some tradcath thinking you're making a point?
Both of those products are basically spouting buddhist worldviews and directly criticizing the catholic worldview.

Fpbp. Shit bait OP

OP Is a humougous faggot.
I bet he goes back sucking off spic dicks to feel better about being BTFO kek

Christcucks lost the Crusades though

>Catholic church
>Roman empire
>Japanese society

I'm not surprised, at all.
All of these examples are notorious for their rampage fucking of underage boys, despite the abundance and submission of women at the time.

The Japanese are more European than Europeans
Change my mind

_1 japan respects western heritage more than the west does.

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There is no good light to represent christianity user, its a cult.

weebs always defend Japanese developers being inspired by jap culture, weebs hate the west but the japs make the best content from western life style and culture basically the west is superior to those insectoids and have a better history to inspire people to create better forms of entertainment aka animes like berserk or souls games


berserk and souls isn't successful because of the religious elements but the characters. I dare say this games cater more to paganism and even berserk has a religious character turn pagan after learning that elementals and magic are real and not heresy

Nigger dont project your insecurities here
>weebs hate the west
fuckin speak for yourself faggot medieval periods for every nation have been radical historically and make for excellent subject matter no matter the media, its sad that in modern times only Japan every seems to do them justice

black men only

People just like exotic, foreign things. You have an actual brain disease.


The tale of christianity (the salvation of men by the son of god, and his death and resurrection) isn't called the monomyth or 'The One True Myth' for no reason.

the reason why christianity, berserk, and fromsoft games are so popular is because they reflect the monomyth of christ.

yes, i know

>Are you mad the japs make better western stuffs than westerners
No, but you should be

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>Berserk was inspired by the medieval period as well as the religion of Christianity and Roman Catholic church
>Berserk is a terrible, harsh, and unforgiving place to live in, many characters suffer horribly and/or die senselessly
I agree, the Japanese showed off western culture very accurately.

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miyazaki is indeed a berserk fanboy but it is stupid to say the only reason souls exists is because of it. the games reference beserk sure but it doesn't define the series identity. it also would not exist due to king's field, which does not reference berserk at all. also shinto shinto shinto

Beserk is vehemently anti-christian.

/r/atheism is that way le free tinker.

The term monomyth has absolutely nothing to do with the return of jesus or christianity for that matter

Enjoy your huWestern and huWithe "culture", as presented and respected by Javs.

Cope, seethe and dilate more.

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>The Japanese make more media inspired by medieval stuff than the west
Japan has a huge hardon for British culture and Roman history because they represent great empires that not even ancient china could rival.

fundamentally however their culture is definitely anti-christian.

The point is west > japs and fuck weebs! japs need the west to create their best shit, only low iq diseased retard here is you who doesn't understand the whole point of the thread COPE

Lmao jesus doesn't even follow the monomyth user. And besides its much older than him. Gilgamesh and homer predate him by a long shot and actually follow all the steps.

D*mn, imagine being btfo that the nips make better western shit than the west

i like how you can't change reality so you become this little gross thing that goes around and waits for people to talk about religion

>How do you effeminate retarded weebs feel about the fact Berserk was inspired by the medieval period
I'm not a weeb, but everyone knows that Japan loves medieval fantasy shit. Nigga, the most popular anime/manga genre in Japan is isekai, which is entirely based on people being transported to Western-fantasy inspired worlds.

Japan has been cribbing Western fantasy for like 50 years, it's not a big deal anymore. In fact, it's so much so that it's actually more strange if a game or new media property is set in some sort of fantasy historical Japan over there. In fact, I'm actually nearly positive if you asked any Japanese person what they think of when they think of fantasy worlds and stories, they don't think of samurai and katanas and dynasty shit. They think of broadswords and dragons and castles.

When will From give us Ottoman themes kino?

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Yes cuck, give up your whole paycheck to the preacher who will then tell you the same reasons youre bad that youve heard since you were a child. Its a fucking cult user. It only exists to scam for money, like 99% of all religions.

Japan only understands the aesthetic aspects of medieval Europe (and marginally).
Anything further than this they can't quite grasp it.
Only actual Europeans can despicit medieval Europe realtively faithful, such as the Czechs of the Warhorse Studios.

that's why they're the same people that run charity and soup kitchens, i see

>99% of japanese media that depicts western religion portray it as evil or corrupt

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your point being? 8====D

>Anything further than this they can't quite grasp it.
Like anything, it comes down to the person creating it. Yeah, most people just steal the aesthetic and the tropes to use as set decoration for their story about something else. But buried in the mix you always find the one artist or writer who is actually an extreme nerd about that specific thing.

It's sort of like...if you read a lot of manga you might find a lot that are about food. And some of them are just using the character cooking or eating or whatever as a vehicle for their romance or harem or whatever plots. But then there's some that just use the plot as a general tool in order to facilitate the artist drawing excessively detailed pages of illustrations of food being cooked and looking great. Or cars, or camping, or working out, or whatever else that specific artist is an obsessed nerd about.

What a child like understanding of religion. Hope you actually are 12 and can grow out of it.

i like how you stopped typing because you realized you're deep in the retard zone

yes, yes it is.

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Eastern medieval fantasy is tainted with the typical japanese anime writing style of how they write conflict. In the west, we write starting with a premises>conflict>resolution kind of style, in japan, they will write a story with a premises that has resolution with no conflict (usually there is a subversion of expectations somewhere). They truly do not understand arthurian legend beyond superficialities and aesthetics like you said.

They got braineashed by their emperor who noticed his loss of power when priests came and started educating the public. So they grew to hate Christianity.

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>Only actual Europeans can despicit medieval Europe realtively faithful, such as the Czechs of the Warhorse Studios.
KC:D was good but the only really historically accurate thing in the game is the architecture. They got a lot of things wrong in pretty much all other areas (such as all the nobles in the game wearing fantasy GoT clothes).

Just because it depicts religious leaders as corrup doesnt mean it's anti christian

Is this a new apu? I've seen it constantly the last two or three days

You have literal brain rot. Thank God you're a useless incel who will never reproduce.

Sure, I'm not excusing KCD mistakes, but with all these errors in mind, can you imagine a Japanese studio making a game about medieval Europe like this?

Yes it is. It directly states even God shouldn't stand in the way of one's individual will which is the opposite of what Christianity preaches. Its basically a nietzchean power fantasy mixed with buddhist morals.

This. Thank God you chuds will not pass your genes.

This. chuds Thank you will not pass God your genes.

>buddhist morals
Buddhist concepts i meant to say, buddhist morals are basically chrisitan morals. Beserk really has no morals beyond "do what thou will"

that armor is pretty cool

good. Kill yourself.

Yeah, Dark Souls 3 Knight set is cool

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hot pic

that's pretty cool yeah

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This. God thank chuds genes you will not pass.

>How do you effeminate retarded weebs feel about the fact Berserk was inspired by the medieval period as well as the religion of Christianity and Roman Catholic church, which is what inspired the japs to make the souls games?
Man i wish Blaidd would pound my bussy

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>effeminate retarded weebs

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normal vs not normal, simple as


If From's's so great, when is Mitsubishi-san gonna add sexy naked moth lolis and sexy little witch girls (no Ranni doesn't count) to his games?

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with what, i'm normal

>the one who organized the oppression of the Christians
Retard alert.


>Berserk was inspired by the medieval period as well as the religion of Christianity and Roman Catholic church
>starts with guts being raped by a black man as a kid
>god and religion is evil
western tradition as fuck bro

wasn't the last page of berserk a shota penis
gay ass niggas lmfao fr

Berserk and Dark Souls are more based on illustrated Chivalric romance literature from the 19th century than actual medieval history, it's medieval clichés on steroids and that's their charm. Western devs are too busy to shit on traditional stories and aesthetics like that.

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>You do not possess the masculine attributes required to belong among adults
>you do not possess female biology and should not be around children