Call server admin a weirdo

>call server admin a weirdo
>this is the literal word used
>receive permanent ban
>been a regular for 16 years

I should have listened to you Yea Forums. When "those people" start showing up and getting promoted, it's all over.

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Based. You either learn to human, or get the boot.

inb4 deluge of phone posters who think you deserve it and weirdo is a slur

Sounds like you deserve it for using a slur.

>tf is out since 2007
>2022 - 2007 = 15
>"been a regular for 16 years"

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Try to appeal somehow if they have a steam community page or something.
I had an experience like that long ago except I didn't even say anything, dude just kicked me for "aimbotting" even though I've always been a fairly underwhelming player and I was playing Soldier on a default loadout and he was Sniper, ironically

Yep, they end up astroturfing the place too. One server I frequented never gave two shits if you'd call someone a nigger, but then it died due to the owner losing interest and another one cropped up under the guise of the previous server. It just isn't the same since.

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call him a retarded niggerfaggot in the ban appeal

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Unless weirdo is for some god forsaken reason a banned word or the rules are very very loose you should try to appeal

I thought it was just a meme but that shit really does happen
How do normies hang around them, every one I've met are incredibly grating and weird, I can see being too nice to tell them to leave but how do these people get promoted?

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based weirdo accuser

Normalfags are not human

this lol in what world would they say it should be permanent

>call server admin a trannigger
>this is the literal word used
>receive mod
>been a regular for 16 minutes

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this is the only winning move

op never said he was playing tf2

Even power tripping admins are better than fucking matchmaking holy shit.
>say nigger in a server
>get banned from that server
>say nigger in a matchmade lobby
>banned from the entire game forever
Fuck that.

Not in tf2


polbros.. they're laughing at us...

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>when you try to act smart and out yourself as a retard

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Why do "those people" all started playing TF2 anyway? You can't even join one community server without one and they are guaranteed to be buthurt.

Normalfags pride themselves on helping out those they see as lower on the social totem pole.

Mannconomy killed TF2.

TF2's art style appeals to literally everyone and people are too busy fucking around to gatekeep

>Somebody says "your mom" as a joke, not even to the moderator
>Moderator bans them
>Months later join another server
>Somebody else makes a "your mom" joke
>Autist furry has a meltdown and tries to call an admin to get them banned
What the fuck happened to TF2.

>Mods say I'm racist because I'm on another server with shitposters
>Calls mods out on racist item they created in game
>Get banned

I fucking hate discord

>deltatroon pic
>massive retard
Every time

personally I think digitoxici draws the best porn

>What the fuck happened to TF2.
Unfortunately this is a lot bigger than TF2. Over the past decade all the dumb kids that got banned for being annoying and autistic grew up, the "old" people and veterans got even older and moved on, and now enough time has passed that the shift in demographics over time has become noticable, Even here on Yea Forums things are jarring to what they were five years ago, and things were already pretty shit then.

>Why do "those people" all started playing TF2 anyway?
OP never said it was TF2 that he got banned from, but that's besides the point. My guess is that TF2 is just easy and popular enough to attract retards of all types, including troons. That and all of the faggy cosmetics which let you express your inner faggot to everyone around.

Basically it's not TF2 or even chan exclusive problem, it's the internet as a whole showcasing the passage of time. I already went through the stages of grief so I don't care anymore, no point in fighting what everyone before me couldn't.

>t. literal scum that fears the basic human right

I'm not whatever boogeyman you're trying to paint me as. Last time I cared about anything political was the SOPA/PIPA bullshit ten years ago. I'm a hermit so I don't really care what happens outside of my house.

>no point in fighting what everyone before me couldn't
Shit like this makes me want to live just long enough to see the current zoomer fags reach that point as well. I can't even imagine what the next generational gap will be that would put current zoomies in our position.

That is fucking stupid. Private servers used to be the answer... however now that the majority if people online are faggots niggers and children, they cannot be used reliably

the ability to exclude yourself from basic discourse show that you have a lot of privilege

It'll happen to everyone, don't worry.

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I can guarantee you're living a better life than me, buddy. Can't get worse than a dropout wizard. Don't fall for the neet memes.

Kek, your ideal version of human rights is limiting what others are able to do based on feelings.

Dont fall for the memes saying it's too later, either.

I know that, I just can't even fathom how much worse things could get. That's why I want to see it myself before I kick the bucket.

wipe your pussy and cry about it nigger
you dont have to butt into everything and bring up politics, it just shows that your a dried up husk of a nigger faggot.

everyone deserves to have their opinion on things but you dont have to express it everywhere you go without expecting push back. It IS weird but how bad does it effect you?

Wouldn't him fighting for freedom of speech mean he is in favour of human rights? Or do you actually consider being called a faggot a violation of your "human rights"jy08g

if you need to oppress to feel free then you need to be shot

Not that user, but getting banned from a server for calling someone a faggot does not violate the principle of free speech in any way.

>"said the oppressor as the grip on his power loosened ever so slightly"

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calling someone a faggot is you manifesting privilege, it has nothing to do with rights

How do you know that poster is jewish?

damm right im an oppressor, what are you gonna do about it nigger? beat your chest and scream cuz nobody is gonna help you niggers out.

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>your ideal version of human rights is limiting what others are able to do based on feelings.
Someone exain this sentence to me

he's perpetuating the dominant culture, I never said anything about religion

Cool it with the anti-Semitism.

Write that on your facebook, your linkedin your twitter bio, I bet you don't dare, call your boss and tell him how much you hate niggers

I did all that and just got promoted, what now?

Until someone starts to censor what you say because it hurts their feelings. You two fine frail things have no foresight or foreskin

>dont have a facebook
>dont have a linkedin
>dont have a twitter
>dont have a job
yep, it feels good to not be shackled with bullshit, gonna cry nigger?

Fire him and take over.

sure you did, you're a coward that is too afraid to live as the piece of shit you are, society will make sure that scum like you stay demoralized

stop projecting you fucking loser

truly the master race

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You just told me that you do not know what censorship is, much less free speech. Nice way to out yourself, retard.

I mean it was the master race who invented all of that.

>africa in the 60s
mudhuts and cooking in the dirt
>America in the 50s
building rockets and sending people to the moon

Problem nigger?

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And you just told me you are a disabled tranny who is a burden on their family. You carry an arguement like an underage redditor

>muslims in the middle ages
>more advanced in science and arts than any white country
everyone has their time in the sun, and you're falling behind... fast

lmao sounds like one of the mods at Lazypurple's server. A Californian woman who got triggered by a fully clothed spray that only showed cleavage

And you can't carry an argument at all, since you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Can't exactly make an argument against someone's retarded understanding of things.

i recognize that gay blowjob

This man is based.

The islamic golden age came from translated greek and latin manuscripts try again nigger.
everything decent in the world was and is created by the white man.

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>Muslims in the middle ages
>All of the muslims who made scientific and mathematical discoveries were apostates who escaped to latin speaking lands