Who do you think should buy Ubisoft?

Who do you think should buy Ubisoft?

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I should.
I'd fire every single tranny, nigger, spic, jew and faggot, hire only asians and whites and shit on every other gamecompany in existance.

>big projects struggling
no one I hope, but I wish someone competent would buy the splinter cell rights

Israel, of course!

Whats Ubisoft worth?
Dev teams are trash and franchises dont have any pull.

AC Origins is coming to game pass next week

A recycling center

Vivendi. Should've taken it over in the first place.

Weren't NFT games supposed to save them?

See you in Rayman 4!

None of these companies are competent. Just accept Splinter Cell's dead before you get your hopes up and witness it turn into a multiplayer only battle royale game.

It will probably be Microsoft

Currently in the $4.7 Billion range but you add in a share premium and the value of their assets and it's $10 billion plus asking price. Then you got to take in the downstream assets like the fact it's the biggest employer in the industry so you will be paying more over time than a smaller company. It's in the range of EA and Take Two, realistically though outside the industry interest has been noted. Realistically I see EA taking it unless Tencent and Microsoft want to whip their dicks and unlimited checkbooks out.

Vivendi doesn't even do vidya stuff anymore.

Embracer Group, they're the perfect match, both are just shovelware pushers

AC and Rayman definitely have pull.

It won't be MS since they're already under the eyes of regulators with the Activision deal. I don't think Sony or Embracer has enough money. The only logical answer is Tencent

>None of these companies are competent
True, and it'll sadly never end in an indie company's hands. I've accepted SC is dead I cope by playing Intravenous since the 2nd one is in the making

who else could afford them?

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>buying ubitrash games

M$ is the only one with means, motive AND opportunity to buy them - but as another user pointed out, they're already being shat-upon by regulators for monopolizing so hard that even the corpo-shills in the US gubmint are raising their brows, so them buying Ubi could bring upon the dreaded banhammer and be a massive no-no.

The sordid truth is that no one will buy them soon. Ubi will just stew in its own shit until it devalues enough to be a reasonable buy for Snoy or EA or something.

It's a decent game to be desu

the fact that they have buyout firms lining up to buy is not a good sign
maybe the right question is who's gonna buy Ubisoft in 5 years

ubisoft is in the unenviable position where they are "worth money" but not really in reality

shit like ass creed, rainbow six just arent that important anymore, can get replaced by equivalent kor/chinese properties

All their IPs can die for all I care, except Rayman

Couldnt care less, they've run all their ips into the ground

i'm just sad for splinter cell and might & magic, but they would be dead anyway...

might and magic ip has been dead for like 25 years dude.


Amazon with the quickness

how about they turn all their games into free to plays

No one, break it up into smaller companies

I know people don't like the direction ubisoft is heading, but assassin creed and r6 are still incredibly successful. I'd even say they're in a way better position than bethesda and that was eagerly snatched up so I doubt ubisoft would have any real trouble if they wanted to be bought

sony so the fanboys can pretend assassins creed and farcry were always masterpieces.

That Saudi Prince should buy all of these companies so these retarded acquisition wars can stop.

I don't care. They haven't made anything worthwhile in years and being sold to a Corp will produce more shit I don't care about and not Rayman 4.

noone. let it die

SEGA will.

it doesn't matter who owns it - as long as the board of directors stays the same the company will stay shit

>If someone did want to buy Ubisoft, they would be potentially getting it at a huge discount. The stock was over $110 a share in July 2018. Now it’s at $41. But they would still need to go through the Guillemot family, which is currently estimated to own 15% of the just under $5 billion market cap business.

I think that Sony will buy em

>no leader, because the leader was an incompetent asshole who always blamed his customers
>scandal and disrepute because 1
>no talent because 1&2
>product decline because 3

the real question, besides their "valuable IP" what exactly is there that anyone would want to acquire?

20k devs
studios all over the world
if you consider that value

Better yet, he could order all the troons and jews to be hanged, thus increasing the quality of future Ubi games tenfold.

Why are they selling?
I thought the "Ubisoft Formula" is a success when they kept doing it for the past 15 years.

>20k devs
And what percent of those are actually competent instead of being diversity hires? I'm guessing it's not much.

a lot, they barely do outsourcing in contrast to all other publishers

Sony, just so Microsoft can't have them. But frankly, I don't think the company is actually worth a shit at all anymore. Nobody would do Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six any justice, ANNO would be completely abandoned, and Assassin's Creed and Far Cry would just continue being stale rehashes.

What do you mean by outsourcing? Publishing games made by a studio you don't own, or contracting an outside studio to do some portion of the work on a game you're making?

not that user, but outsourcing usually means the latter. The former is just a standard publishing deal with an independent studio.

I'm just glad it ended on a good note with Blacklist.
>Inb4 Blacklist sucks dick, Chaos theory was the last good game
I think Blacklist was the best of the modern games, yeah they fucked up Sam but the gameplay was fucking tight. I loved the game and I'm happy we got a good game before nu-ubisoft defiles the series with their bullshit. Same goes for Rayman with origins and legends. I'd rather the games stay dead than ubisoft touch them ever again.

Gearbox. Only way to guarantee you'll get the best those IPs can offer.


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second one
big games have at least double digit external studios working for the main one
motion capture, environmental assets, characters assets, all manner of sounds etc etc

You know what to do, Phil.

They need to kill Uplay, which is killing Ubisoft slowly. Release all Ubisoft games on Steam and GOG

>MS announces deal with Ubisoft, a lot more games will come to Gamepass
>Rumours of Ubisoft selling start to come out
>Both on the same week
MS has this on the bag.

Uplay is dead. It's Ubisoft Connect now.

>What do you mean by outsourcing?
It's when you hire a bunch of 3rd world pajeets to use google translate and mspaint to botch the everloving fuck out of the shit that you were supposed to do yourself.

>Ubisoft Connect
Well, it is same as Uplay, They need to kill it too. It is too expensive to maintain them.

Ubisoft has a lot of talent and technology, but they can't seem to get a project off the ground to save their lives. Their design is too cynical. I have no doubt Ubi could make Elden Ring twice in the amount of time From did, and it would probably run better too. But they insist on making their games bad for some reason. They need a shake up design wise.

I just hope Beyond Good and Evil 2 gets shitcanned. Everything I've seen on social media and played hint that it will be massive disaster if and when it releases. Thank fuck I wasn't a fan of the first game.

It would be a perfect fit then.

i don't give a fuck who buys ubisoft as long as they get ubisoft to make another rayman game

Please proceed.

I mean, Ancel quit Ubisoft and videogame industry in general, and look at WiLD - it was canned eventually. Either BG&E2 turns into shit without Ancel or it gets canned without Ancel.

i want to chip in user, link your wallet