Fire Emblem: Heroes!

>best girl in the series is some smelly blonde girl from a rando Gacha game

How did she do it, lads? Also play her game.

Attached: sharenaaa.png (292x283, 134.75K)

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>Current golden week exp and sp boost is only x2
Wtf why isn’t it x5? Wasn’t it that last time?

But she has blue hair, not blonde.

Attached: 1626639968656.jpg (1499x1550, 2.03M)

If sharena is so good, how come she only has one alt, and it's terrible? No, being Chadfonse's backpack doesn't count

People actually like nifl?

FEH OCs are cute for no reason, when is this cow getting her own game?

Attached: the cutest cow.webm (720x405, 1.61M)

How do you know she is smelly?

not him but i do
summer ash 2023

god i hope

Attached: cow.gif (359x489, 3.48M)

I do. She's my pink border unit.

Attached: 1626640051613.jpg (1350x1350, 1.13M)