Okay, call me a faggot all you want, but I'm a playtester for sega and after testing cutscenes (yeah...

Okay, call me a faggot all you want, but I'm a playtester for sega and after testing cutscenes (yeah, they're pre-rendered. Cope) I need to get this out
>Eggman uses new tech that goes out of control with Le Meta name SAGE. Bravo Ian.
>Evil robots capture Amy and like the whole game is about getting her back by fighting against them
>Meets some other hedgehog, he's green and has apparently been alone this whole time, he's just as fast as sonic(this is important) and no it isn't scourge.
>Amy does literally nothing the whole game, just damsel in distress
>Green hedgehog pretty much only appears in cutscenes but there is a mini boss battle at the beginning since he sees sonic as a threat
>Game is open world, mostly fighting robots and freeing areas. Things to collect, places to free, map pieces to unlock, normal BoTW style open world stuff

Now it's time for the "big" twist ending bit that they put in for hopes of a series. Maybe has something to do with prime I don't know or give a shit.

>Turns out green hedgehog is actually sonic's brother, he's actually 1 of 3 siblings
>Discovered this after freeing the last area and saving Amy
>Never explained why brother is there but not third sibling, asked around and there's some talk about some unused concept from sonic 1 (see: Sega Sonic Bros)
>Third sibling is actually on another planet, never explains why sonic and brother are on the same planet
>Mom died soon after giving birth to them or something.
>Ending is hopeful with sonic, Amy, and brother looking up at the stars thinking about other sibling. It's honestly one of the most try hard endings I've ever encountered.

I voiced my complaints but they probably won't be changed by this point
Call me a faggot if you want this is the story, for better or for worse. Probably for worse.

Attached: unknown.png (1365x765, 1.46M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Okay, call me a faggot
That's exactly what I'm going to do faggot.

>Eggman uses new tech that goes out of control with Le Meta name SAGE. Bravo Ian.
God please be fake. References are fun but when Ian does them they feel shoehorned in 80% of the time.

>God please be fake
user, i--

>Turns out green hedgehog is actually sonic's brother, he's actually 1 of 3 siblings

Attached: sonicunderground.jpg (313x227, 23.16K)

Ok manic

>Okay call me a faggot
Don't tell me what to do faggot.



When does best buy come in bitch?

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son of fuking basterd bich

Whole story seems to lightly use story beats form underground

I wouldn't be surprised if we get to see sonic's mom in the next game, either dead or like or ghost or something

thread theme

>Turns out green hedgehog is actually sonic's brother, he's actually 1 of 3 siblings



>amy is a damsel in distress and doesn't do shit, just like bing bing wahoo princess
cringe, not buying

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>testing cutscenes
>talks about gameplay details
OP truly is the biggest fag

Alright, I understand you probably can't answer all these due to identity concerns, but just to humor it:

Who's the main dev?
What part of the game were you testing?
What's the worst bug you've run into?
What's the worst joke you heard?
When it comes to the open-world map, are there subquests? What kind of NPCs hand them out - human, anthro, other?
Are the Whisps involved, since the plot goes to space?
Are the boss battles mandatory?
Do the collectibles affect Sonic's abilities in any way?
Does Sonic's brother have skills to differentiate him from Sonic, like drumming abilities?

>Who's the main dev?
Sonic team. Dumbass.
>What's the worst joke you heard?
"Whoa. This guy is faster than sonic!" "Not again..."
>Are the boss battles mandatory?
>like drumming abilities?
Unsure. He doesn't have drums in the game

If I'm going to be totally honest I don't completely hate this. If you can give me the green hedgehogs name that will determine if I believe you or not.

>"Whoa. This guy is faster than sonic!" "Not again..."
If this is the worst joke you heard I'm slightly hopeful, this isn't that bad

>(see: Sega Sonic Bros)
debunked, seethe larpnigger

Attached: SegaSonicBros_SystemC_Title.png (320x224, 9.28K)

not me, but surprisingly not wrong answers. Then again he picked the ones that anybody could have guessed outside the joke one. That's one not really in the game but there's a small comment from tails about him being as fast as sonic and saying how it seems familiar.

>What part of the game were you testing?
Whatever was on my list, surprisingly we only have a few people testing so we bounce around. Last week I was looking for map holes.

>What's the worst bug you've run into?
A lot of the game has sections for speed where it locks you into a set speed and you run around a loop or a wall or something like that. Half the time they would forget to put a trigger in and sonic would just fall and die.

>When it comes to the open-world map, are there subquests? What kind of NPCs hand them out - human, anthro, other?
Knuckles and Tails are like mayors in a small camp, they give out fallout 4 style "another settlement needs out help" type of thing. I don't think they're radiant quests cause some of their dialogue is really specific but they feel like it.

>Are the Whisps involved, since the plot goes to space?

>Do the collectibles affect Sonic's abilities in any way?
Not really, you can upgrade the dash ability as time goes on though, you circle around enemies and kill them all. It can be upgraded to be faster and have a larger AOE through an upgrade tree but that's about it.

>Does Sonic's brother have skills to differentiate him from Sonic, like drumming abilities?
No, he's only in cutscenes so outside one where sonic comments about how fast he is he doesn't get much

fucking forgot the id, refer to

I was bouncing around a lot, once I got story I felt like sharing since no one would believe if I just gave gameplay.

Wouldn't mind that in terms of jokes
Thanks - makes me a bit puzzled to see Mach Speed sections making a pseudo-comeback after 06.

>Thanks - makes me a bit puzzled to see Mach Speed sections making a pseudo-comeback after 06.

It not really the mach speed sections, if you're not going the right speed then you won't trigger it. But if you are then you get locked into it and can't really control anything, it's more like a setpiece than anything.

How is that "debunked" you crackerjack faggot

>Ok, call me a faggot
If you insist... faggot [/faggot]

OP here I have no clue what the fuck this user is on about. This post is me

shut up faggot I know who's me and you're not me

>QA tester
>for a Sonic game

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I think you're the real faker around here. You're comparing yourself to me? HA! You're not even good enough to be my fake.

>green hedgehog is his brother

I'll make you eat those words!

Look OP, I know you're autistic from liking Sonic but there is no point in LARPing. It doesn't make you seem cool but rather even more pathetically autistic.
Thank you.

I hate how the more time passes, the more people, ironically or otherwise, like this this shit.

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>he doesn't know about the true Tamers kino


Fuck tamers and his round jutting asses, and fuck Underground

>t. Carlos384 aka the seething discord groomer larping as a teenage edgelord autist
Just KYS already Rubén

>>Meets some other hedgehog, he's green and has apparently been alone this whole time, he's just as fast as sonic(this is important) and no it isn't scourge.
Jeez man,you didn't even try

Attached: tamers himself.png (629x769, 434.8K)

God, there's even established scapegoats about hating his ironic garbage? Fuck you all.

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>42 posts
>22 posters
Yep, it's autism time.

Ok user. Say you're the real OP, where's your proof, because I can provide some that backs up my claims

hands off idabashi, asshole

Attached: sabaku3.png (763x522, 566.52K)

What kind of proof can you provide? A blue zavok? They don't let us take phones in anymore so it's not like I can take a picture

holy shit, that's like... almost 2 posts per person

Does he look exactly like Sonic but with a green paint job or does he have alternate eyes/spikes/hair/ etc?

Build is different, he's a little fatter and his spikes are smaller, but there's more of them

How is his personality different?
Is he brash like Knuckles? Timid like Tails?
Or completely bland with no personality?

Why are you asking him to elaborate his fanfiction? "Green sonic" is at the top of the list of things that cannot happen, because both Penders causing waves over Ian's modification of his clone character, and Sega never allowing Underground to be referenced again.

Should’ve used a trip retard.

Mostly bland but he acts all serious, not too dissimilar from knuckles in sonic 2 but not as stupid,

Is Infinite involved in any way in the plot? Do we get any other playable characters?

>Why are you asking him to elaborate his fanfiction?
Honestly cuz i'm bored.

There's only one, actually. It's Rubén aka Carlos384, he's a self-admitted incel and redditor who makes edgy Sonic animations with George Floyd, he hates Tamers12345 too. The other day on a SU thread on Yea Forums, he posted screenshots of himself losing an argument against some roastie libtard on reddit, it was honestly pathetic. He also larps as a 16 year old to sleep with children and has a pathetic Tails OC as his goanimate avatar or some shit. Seriously he's pathetic and so are you for hating on SU. You dont wanna be on the same level as a literal pedophile, don't you?

no and no

you right, don't care

>can’t even give the name of the new character
Time to pack it up, this fag is avoiding any type of concrete information

If I gave all the info out at once none of you fags would believe me. Rocko, yes I'm serious, fucking Rocko

Sorry user, I'm not controlled by one defective self-described "incel" retard being right. This is what we call a broken clock situation.