Can we finally admit Gears of War is a compelling series with deep lore, creative world building and realistic...

Can we finally admit Gears of War is a compelling series with deep lore, creative world building and realistic, flawed characters and not some generic roid fueled dudebro shooter from the early 2000s?
I think we're ready to have this conversation

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Only the first 3 games.

No. Cliffy B stated that the story was just a vessel inspired by US attacking Afghanistan. If the people who wrote the game say there is no story, then I'm not going to pretend there is one.

The first three games and extended media like comics and books that were released around the time as the first three games.
The books and comics are unironically great.

But the US invasion of towelland was kino too.

The only good part about Gears 4 is the Aspho Fields flashback.
We really need more games set in the pendulum wars.

First 3 games are kino, 4 and 5 should never have existed.

Yes, the epic trilogy is the peak of the TPS genre, it had everything without compromising gameplay. Snoy movie games were a fucking mistake

>Literal state operated rape factories

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>Finally introduce a likable main character that isn't related to the OG cast
>Kill it at the end
It's fucking obvious Del canonically dies, they can't kill Marcus wifes son.
We'll be stuck with the fucking british guy, mary sue, fenix jr and whatever minority token character they come up with for the 4th squad member in Gears 6, and I fucking hate it.

The Hivebusters expansion was good. The chemistry Scorpion squad had felt a lot like the OG Delta banter, even if they only had like two hours to develop them as characters.
I have high hopes for a sequel or a spinoff involving Scorpion even if it takes place in the same dogshit creatively bankrupt universe as 4 and 5

It was fun to make fun of back then but we didn't know how good we had it with Gears.

Some of the best trailers


Why did bideo game graphics stop improving?

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It takes exponentially more effort to throw more polygons at grafics for minimal gains so the next big step is in lighting with RTX.
RTX is more than puddle reflections as the UE5 demo and Metro Last Light showed.

>Gears of War
More like TEARS of War.

It surely rained in my living room during that scene in Gears 3

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Gears 2 is still one of my favorite games.

I miss Dom...
This cutscene is still kino even after all these years.

What's so bad about 4 and 5? 4 is just slow and 5 isn't really that bad at all. I see a lot of people act like it's completely detached from everything gears before it but it isn;'t really far fetched as they make it out to be

Gears 2 on PC when? There are 3 xbox games I'll always beg for on PC. Halo Reach, which obviously did come out on PC but the nostalgia didn't last. Gears of war 2, which does have the slightest chance but I doubt it'll ever get on PC. Finally Condemned 2 which has a literal zero percent chance of ever being ported to PC.

Just as kino is the ending of that game.

4 is extremely forgettable and has a much less interesting plot due to the fact the locust died fucking ages ago, the robot enemies are not fun to fight and are far less interesting in design.

5 was better and i actually remember shit from that game but its story is just as shit and had a pointless choice at the end of the game that won't matter in the sequel.

Both of them fail to reach the quality and soul of the first 3 games, and the franchise would be better off if they didn't exist to fuck up the story.

I must be the only one who thought the dom death scene was stupid. Once mad world started playing I couldn't take that shit seriously anymore. 2 was way better in being serious.

>I've been here long enough to see Yea Forums opinion on gears of war shift from "the example of everything wrong with current gaming" to this thread

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>OG trilogy still not available on Steam.

Get it the fuck together. You already have a Gears 1 PC port, just add it.

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Don't forget Judgement.

Wait you mean theres more than 3?

>regenerating health
>2-3 weapon limit
>peak dudebro
>brown and piss
Gtfo zoomer

>i forgot judgement

Honestly didnt even remember that game was a thing

Dudebro culture is not a bad thing and is sorely missed in today's faggot planet.

Just as with Anno and the evangelion series, cliffy b going through horrible depression helped make the trilogy so good.
You can tell he was coming out of his depression by the time gears 3 came out due to the story becoming much tamer.
I miss old Epic Games

Trust the plan. We'll get a trilogy remaster. Thanks for beta testing, cucks.

>is not a bad thing
>brown and piss

>Brown and bloom... Le bad

Fucking this
There were unironic cowadooty jerk off threads


They were always fun games but I will always hate them for ruining other third person shooters for over a decade.

Yes it is bad, zoomie. Also
>23 fps
>sub 486p
>texturing poping

>Not replaying them in 60fps 4k on the most powerful console

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>Worse pc
Ah, a billiebot. Gtfo shitter

>Can play games that the PC can't

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>slow consolised trash
Top kek. Neck yourself billiebot
>dude wait 2 generation
>to finally play shitty 7th gen tps

all arounme are familiar faaceesss
still remember seeing this trailer in the theater

>fictional fantasy humans with their own history
>fuckhuge oversized weapon
>power source is glowing green stuff connected to nature somehow
>humanity is suffering from retribution from unknown forces beneath the planet
>brooding protagonist
>even a google head teammate

It's just 'Merica does Final Fantasy.

>He thinks Gears is the only series not playable on PC
Its ok, you can wait another 20 years for Xbox emulation to finally work.

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>dooode ninja gaiden 2
>dooode generic budget 7th gen crap

Gears two is unironically my favorite game. Fite me fags.

>tfw waiting on Marcus Fenix Collection

You sure like eating shit but that's expected from zoomie who grew up during ps360 era

I wouldn't go that far, but it's my favorite one in the franchise, gears 3 sucks in my opinion because lambent are boring and it embraces the "brown and piss" filter


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Don´t forget the new casts sucks, they are all charisma vacuums.

>plz buy an obsolete pc parody to replay 7th gen shit
Kekus maximus
>don't count

They didn´t, art direction is what got worse.

Gears sucks ass. The story is melodramatic as fuck. I don't give a fuck about dom or his wife, why won't he just shut the fuck up?

The only things I liked about gears was the chainsaw bayonet, and horde mode in 2.

>plz buy an overpriced meme PC that can't even play 6 and 7th gen xbox games just to play mobas and VN all days
Lol ok fag

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Gears 5 completely removing map hazards was one of the worst design choices.

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>7th gen

Can't wait for gears 6

It isn't a bad game if you excise all the other shit from 2008 that was trying to get it's big start in the thirdperson coverbased shooting. Must be a reason why it's still around unlike Army of Two or Killzone.

It was always good.
It peaked story/feel/vibe wise in 2, and the gameplay peaked in 3.