What the fuck is happening in Russia? I thought they liked Stalker?! wtf

What the fuck is happening in Russia? I thought they liked Stalker?! wtf

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it's made by ukrainians

>Ukraine refuses to let Russia deal with their widespread Nazi issue
>Now my vidya is being affected
man, just fuck off

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What does that have to do with video games.

Stalker was always a proud product of Ukrainian game industry. Russkies were constantly mad that they couldn't hold any authorship over it and that their "lesser" brothers made the best Soviet-punk games out there.

Ukrainian made game about a fictionalized version of a place in Ukraine that the Ukrainian developers have delayed the release (or admittance that the whole thing has been a huge fucking scam) of until Russia's invasion is over.

It's counter-propaganda suppression as Russian gamers may disagree with their government if they want their STALKER 2.

You mean Russian Nazis are preventing you from playing some shitty game

pick one

The Putin-monke meme is now TRANNY-core. Please refrain from posting it.

why wont you let gravity solve your being alive problem?

They're fine.

oy vey it's always the jewish nazis isnt it

I don't care about some faggots on the other side of the world, faggot.

why do you want to play vidya from a county that has a "widespread Nazi issue"?

Fuck off, chud


>I thought they liked Stalker?
That is exactly why.
It creates a risk that people might question the invasion - either on the basis of being angry about potential delay or cancelation of their favorite vidya, or because they just generally might start feel some kind of sympathy to the developers and with that, to the country.
There is also a risk that someone from the studio may write their own view on the war on their website, that will most certainly contradict the regulated, allowed narrative the Russian regime maintains. You don't want people looking it up and seeing something the Roskompozor did not approve off.

What a load of crap. The majority of Russians support the invasion wholeheartedly, they are not being deceived or lied to. They sincerely love war, raping and pillaging - as long as they aren't the targets for it. They're objectively bad people who need to get the Japan treatment or stay contained for eternity.

We get arrested for anything blue and yellow now
Shit is retarded

What is a Roskompozor?

>The majority of Russians support the invasion wholeheartedly
Cant speak for everybody, but i don't know a single person who supports it
War is gay and retarded

source: your ass

i couldnt care less about them. the nfts were a clear sign of what is to come.

They're seething. They're even dismantling the seats of football stadiums in Yakutia (Siberia) because they're blue and yellow.

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Pocкoмнaдзop is basically the agency that is looking at media and says what you can publish or not
Roskompozor is just a wordplay with the word пoзop which means shame

Well the russians are the nazis, so it doesn't really make sense to let them deal with it.

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Just the cancel culture dialed up to 11. Russians are being banned from everything so they're just doing the same in response. While in the background, the puppet masters are rubbing their hands in joy.

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>The majority of Russians support the invasion wholeheartedly, they are not being deceived or lied to.
The first part is true, the other is not. They are being SYSTEMATICALLY lied to, they not only have no clue of what is going on, they don't even understand that such truth can be properly established.
There is a very specific method to Russian propaganda. This does not absolve the majority of Russians of their own share of guilt over the situation. But it is completely silly to imply Ruskies aren't being lied to. They are deliberately kept in an environment where lie is the only reality you can face in media.

>What is a Roskompozor?
Essentially Russian censorship office.

All the Ruskis I have talked to in WTLO have been vehemently against it, and either already were to begin with, or quickly felt that way when the sanctions made prices for everything shoot through the roof.

Good russians help their slavic brothers liberate cities from nazis.

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russian user here, this is what I know
"roskompozor" (actual name is roskomnadzor) is a russian censorship agency and they block every website that criticizes the war
after the war have started the Stalker devs blocked their game from being sold in russia and posted anti war message on their russian website
roskomnadzor decided to block them

Only boomers and shizos genuinely believe the news
Normal people ignore the news since 2014

come and try motherfucker, all you can do is crying across the ocean.
Also, i approve this war, Ukraine needs to fuck off from Crimea and Donbass. I am from Crimea, i dont need no ukrainian shit here

They are slowly cutting off their population from the outside world in order to control them better.
Basically China.

>Normal people ignore the news since 2014
Apparently not, given the approval ratings of the government.


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holy fuck anons will really bite bait this obvious

Alright, pick your setting then.
1) Russians are poor, envious people who like to wage war for basically lulz. Their government tries to sate its people needs the best it can.
2) Russians are a simple, dumb folk who are being deceived by their corrupt government's intricate propaganda.
3) Russians are enslaved and completely suppressed by their tyrannical government who shots all the brave ones daring to openly disobey its will.

You can do any sort of mental gymnastics, but the answer will be the same: they are unable to help themselves and have to be dealt with.

The most teenager post on this board
>lol the grocery stores and gas stations just magically fill themselves xD

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Hope you die from dehydration, turncoat.
Your "saviours" took control of the dam near Kherson 2 months ago and yet there is still no fresh water in Crimea. You realized you are just a pawn to an imperial regime that doesn't care about your life, right?

It had a link to donate to the Ukraine military and a warning for Russians not to donate to it. Putins just being a faggot, and frankly if slavs don't have STALKER then what do they have? Sunflower seeds and vodka?


why does the russian accent make men sound like they have 60 IQ, but russian accent on women makes my spring my dick into the stratosphere?

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The total election had 142% of population voting
I guess he has 42% of population staffed somewhere


It's because of this. Ukrainian language is genocidal anti-Russian extremism.

sounds like USA, except poor. But wait USA is full of poor niggers and white trash. So yeah, sounds like USA.
Wow, its almost like USA and Russia are the same, but at the opposite sides of this war, holy moly!

Thing is, China is not cut from the rest of the world, unlike Russia. Mostly because China is way too important for worldwide market and you can't really sanction it. I dunno what Russia is planning to do after their import was cut off - you can only do so much with raw materials and agriculture.

>PM is a jew
>It's the nazis!

If you search you can find russian soldiers hijacked phone calls, my favourite was soldier wife asking to rape ukrainian girls and soldier mother making long list what her son should steal from invaded city.

Because that's the natural thing. You think Napoleon and everyone else invaded Russia because they wanted to own a frigid wasteland? No, they wanted to dick their women.

because mentally weak women are easily approachable or at least they make themselves look so
so your primal instincts make you become attracted to a retarded female because it's the only chance for you get get laid and reproduce

>What the fuck is happening in Russia?
nothing. we just use vpn to access every blocked website anyway

video games?

I just want to be left alone and live my life
I don't care about Ukraine they did nothing to me except banter in the internet.
But im not an idiot enough to tgink that yelling on the street in my small town will solve anything except my place of occupation for the next 2 weeks /15 years
Im not a pol shizo, i have more close to me problems to care about

I am no pawn in this situation. Ukraine is. I speak my russian language, live close to my russian brothers. As i said crimea doesnt need your ukrainian europe shit. Keep your stupid language, and european gays and muslims to yourself. Nobody likes ukraine after 8 years of sanctions here. Just fuck off.

>just let another country decide how i handle my own country
>there is nothing jewish about this
fuck off

If you search you can also find plenty of examples of people from russia against the war such as athletes Rublev, Ovechkin and Zadorov. Or the videos of people getting pulled off the streets by police just for holding a blank piece of paper up on camera
A handful of anecdotes doesn't make a majority, one way or the other

I'm Russian though nevertheless

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I pick monke

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>stalker devs openly anti-russia
>game developers extensively using games as a way to sway gamers (lmao) in russia to do something about the government (LMAO)
>why did russia ban stalker website access????????????????

hiiii :o

> i have more close to me problems to care about
Well, now you have even more problems to care about. Nice going here.

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>3) Russians are enslaved and completely suppressed by their tyrannical government who shots all the brave ones daring to openly disobey its will.
>they are unable to help themselves
That's how it is, yes
The funny thing is, decent opposition in Russia existed for over 10 years and was constantly saying how bad shit in Russia is and how West need to sanction Putin and his friends to actually do shit, yet literally nobody in the world cared about it (no matter how many videos and how much proof was provided). And now opposition is banned, its leaders are in prison and its members are either pursued by gov or they had to leave Russia.
But suddenly Putin starts this retarded war, and NOW West cares and does shit. Too little too late.
I can find mentally ill people in any country. It's like saying that Germans didn't rape Russian women in 1941 or that Russians didn't rape German women in 1945.

military operation*

Well it is sure doesn't help me

>Nobody likes ukraine after 8 years of sanctions here.
lmao you ruskies are literal brainlets, aren't you?
>backstab your neighbor country during maidan shitshow
>steal land
>cry about muh sanctions
>noo it's ukraine who's wrong here!
i hate that NATO is so spineless, we need to bomb your ass like serb subhumans in 1990s.

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