Arknights fighting game incoming?
Arknights X Capcom
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While that would be cool it's probably just chun li in the gacha
There already is a gunlance operator so maybe a monhun crossover?
Probably more Street Fighter or Monster Hunter like every fucking Capcom crossover.
Resident Evil would be kino with Arknights.
This. They already did a crossover with R6 Siege and that was only a couple of R6 characters in Arknights itself. I'm not even sure what Ubisoft even got out of that deal or what their side of the work looked like.
Capcom will probably not do any real work here, just signing away rights to a couple of characters to be in another game.
I fucking hate collab, they always ruin the world design and immersion.
The only thing ubisoft did with the collab is sell some tshirts and hoodies
The R6 collab did neither of those. It asks you to buy the isekai aspect, but other than that it feels pretty much like every other AK event story (i.e. some guy with evil plans that Rhodes just stumbles upon by happenstance and also originium is involved somehow).
With designs that they didn't even come up with.
Makes sense why vidya companies allow this. It's free money in exchange for zero effort.
>gatcha collab
>amounting to anything but more .jpgs for the gatcha
lmao even
>Ubisoft wants to get chinese money without putting in any effort
>gets collab going with arknights and Girls Frontline, just lets them do whatever with R6S and The Division respectively
>Arknights for some reason goes full in high effort with their event for some reason (the devs actually play R6S)
>nothing happens afterwards cause Ubisoft didn't plan for anything
Yeah basically
god I hope we get chun's thighs in arknights
>brawler guard that attacks with kicks instead of punches
>starts firing energy blasts in her third skill
They'd probably do it with Ryu instead of Chunners if that was the case, but a man can dream.
Is this real?
Yea true probably some normalfag character in arknights. Small chance we get ada wong or lady from dmc5 but everything else will probably be trash.
Yes they showed it at the end of their 3rd anniversary stream
People still care about Chinese gacha shit outside of genshin?
I don't know, you tell me
it’ll probably be re or sf
Genshit is so boring. So is fgo but arknights is the only decent gacha.
I am supposed to be imprissed by a few hundred people reacting to a stream?
I wanted to like Genshin a lot but the only good part of it is exploring the world, after you done most of that it's just so boring. The combat isn't very interesting but all of the "endgame" is just combat arenas where the only challenge is a stat check.
Combine that with the events that don't add new areas being literal filler trash and the grind being awful and I just gave up on the game.
Blue Archive exists so no. It isn't the only one.
Censored Archive.
Genshin shits all over Arknots, and is the reason Hypergrift is making a genshin clone, Arkies, your game is on its wait out just stop coping and accept you will never be as good as genshin.
>got hyped for blue archive
>day 1
>IP blocked
>have to setup VPN just to try it
>finally after a few hours of garbage get it
>generic idle with abilities you spam off cooldown "gameplay"
>if you don't get any of the OP units you get cockblocked halfway through the campaign cause of time limit
>main source of gems is pvp shit
And that's all without even mentioning the censorship after they explicitly said they wouldn't censor it.
Sure blue archive has really nice designs and the models in game look fantastic, but that's really about it. It's the same shit as uma musume, a literal nothing "game" with no real value beyond the cute girls.
At least Genshin tries to have gameplay
I don't want to grind the same domain 200 times. If you want to that's on you. Minigame updates with spiral abyss as the only end game isn't what i'm looking for.
you should make a more believable bait
>Arknights fighting game incoming?
no of course not, just some capcom char in arkknights
It's the annoying that none of the domains are real dungeons.
That minigame alone is more fun than the entirety of arknights.
go play a real prop hunt game then
Go play a real tower defense game then lol
I am.
they have "Real dungeons" as events now
Oof you used the worst example for a snarky comment, that game is one if not the best minigame, really shot your foot there.
The genshin tower defense minigame also shits all over Arknights too.
>all of genshin its events and minigames are just it ripping off other games because they know their own game is too shit to do anything interesting with
Uhh is that why an arknights genshin clone is in the works? Hmm
You are a shit eater. The mario party event was the best. I came back for baal for a week and dropped the game again. Shit has no content.
Oh I didn't realize that Genshin is actually an original game and totally didn't rip off BOTW while removing all of the actually good parts from that game.
Calm down chinky
I'd prefer ArknightxGranblue Fantasy
have you not seen the vidya butts
I want arknights X girls frontline
No one cares granblue shill. Fuck off along with the genshill.
This. Crossovers are only good when its an established theming from the start(marvel vs capcom) instead of shit that just reeks of corporate shilling and dilutes the main games feel (random WB owned characters in mortal kombat, some walking dead fag in tekken)
Is that why genshin became even a more titanic success while arknights only exists to be the jealous cousing of genshin? Nice english dub by the way lol
Ah yes, because Uma Musume is the golden standard of video games because it makes a lot of money.
Also with how little effort they put in their events and with how garbage their anniversary rewards have been you really should be wondering where that money is even going lol.
Keep dreaming
It's for aesthetic reasons. Granblue is simply the most gorgeous game ever.
It literally is, otherwise it wouldn't have made that much money, you really wanted to make a comeback there but you're not smart as you think you are.
Dragalia Lost looks better than granblue but it still died...
The hell it does.
Why do Genshin retards have to post on every other gacha game? Can't they be content in their bubble without acting like insufferable cunts screeching elsewhere? Is there some innate jealousy or some sunk cost that drives to act the way they do?
The arkbro picked a fight with genshin in the first place, shouldn't have done that
Read the post its replying to retard
Based, Gensharts seething
I mean, you don't have to be a chinese gacha player to know that genshin is the only relevant chinese gacha nowadays, so you can't really call that a bluff from a "geshin player".
I mean when the other game made over 400 million last year I'm not really sure you can call that irrelevant.
'Member to buy this, yes they censored the rising sun in Honda's stage, changed some flags in SF2 so China won't bitch and removed the naked Morrigan & Lilith art from the credits of two games, but the Pac-Man collection of all things also got censored so that's just the world we live in now, still give it a try if only for Red Earth
I was doing a jab at chinese game in general, kill yourselves chink apologists
He says as he uses his chinese made computer or chinese made phone to post. He then goes to play on this chinese made console with his chinese made controller and types away on his chinese made keyboard. Very inspiring. You sure showed us.